Access Stories and Articles
Searchable Year by Year Index of Stories and Articles
This is a periodically updated subject chronological listing from present back to 1970 that contains an extensive listing of titles of some of the investigative research of Ken Rubin as presented through print media stories and through his own writings and other materials about him.
Index by Year
- 2025
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1990s
- 1980s
- 1970s
“Not so fast with your fixations and power levers, buddy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 17/25 on- line, in print, Jan 20/25 p.13
“Almost three quarters of Canadian troops are overweight or obsess: documents”, David Pugliese, Citizen, on- line January 27/25; and “72 per cent of Canadian troops are overweight or obese, documents warn”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Jan 29/25, p A1, 2
“Internal documents from Canadian embassy in Myanmar offer new account of 2021 coup”, James Griffiths, Globe and Mail, Feb 1/25 on-line (with the access to information documents obtained by Ken Rubin); and in-print, James Griffiths, Globe and Mail, “Documents offer new account of coup in Myanmar”, Feb 1/25, A21
“Ugly efforts at cutting off access-to-information requests”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 4/25 on-line; in print Feb 5/25, p. 5, 13
“What 25 years of writing on Access to Information looks like”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 18 and 21/24 on-line
“80 billion warship project cost in shroud of secrecy”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Jan 24/24 A1,3 and on-line, “Unprecedented level of secrecy surrounds costs and work on $80B warship project.”
“Poilievre’s Transparency Promises Fall Short”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 19/24 on-line
“The IJF launches ‘open by default’, a new database of internal government documents never before made public”, Kate Schneider, the Investigative Journalist Foundation”, March 5/24 on-line
“Canada’s sordid approach to transparency needs to change”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 22/24 on-line; April 24/24 in-print, p. 1,10,14
“Grocery code: How Ottawa has tried to get Loblaws, Walmart on board”, Rosa Saba, Canadian Press, April 26/24 on-line
“Grocers’ code of conduct a flawed idea,” Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 30/24, A 1, 7; on-line
“June construction start set for Canadian warships”, David Pugliese, Citizen, May 2/24 A3
“Grocers’ code has broader benefits, Michael Graydon (CEO, Food, Health and Consumers Products of Canada), Letter to the Editor, Citizen, May 4/24 A17
“CBSA’s access-to-information woes continue with 12,000 requests inaccessible, requesters encouraged to resubmit”, Neil Moss, Hill Times, May 8/24 p. 1, 28
“National Defence wins award for its efforts to hide information from the public”, David Pugliese, Citizen, May 10/24 on-line;
“Journalists group gives award to Defence for shipbuilding secrecy”, David Pugliese, Citizen, May 15/24 A3
“CBSA: A Troubled Agency Under the Microscope”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times May 22/24 p. 1, 6
“Exposing lies and revealing how tax dollars are spent”, Tori Marlin, Investigative Journalism Foundation (IJF,) May 29, 2024
“Info watchdog, Defence Minister Blair keep clashing in court cases over access law compliance” Neil Moss, Hill Times, June 20/24 on-line and in print, June 24/24 p. 18
“MPs should be eyeing a bigger chopping block for interference issues”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 24-/25/24 on-line
“Eyre fights to keep openness speech secret”, David Pugliese, Citizen, June 28/24 A11
“Liberal government increases secrecy over multibillion-dollar defence purchases” David Pugliese, Citizen, July 5/24 on-line
“What’s inside Ottawa stays inside – and there is no confidence that will change”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept30/Oct 1/24 on-line; in print Oct 2/24 p.9
“Government, airlines must pay for consumer advocates in complaints process”, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, on-line Oct 4/24; in print, Oct 3/24 B4
“Point made, now get back to work”, Hill Times editorial, p.8
“Standoff over records won’t change widespread document delays, denials and discrepancies’, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, on-line Oct 20/24, in-print Oct 21/24 p. 35
“An election promise for a questionable consumer advocacy office is al but dead”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 30/24 p. 13
“Public Safety Canada’s dealing with natural and infrastructure disasters”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, on-line Nov 22 and 24/24
“DND worried media would learn about its plans to block veteran from requesting government records”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Nov 25/24 on-line; and “DND worried ex-soldier would talk to journalists”, Nov 30/24 in print p. A4
“Designating the National Capital Greenbelt a ‘national urban park’ would be great. So why don’t we know more about it?”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, on-line Dec 9/24, and in print “Is this our new ‘national urban park’?”, Dec 10/24 A7
“Confronting ‘culture of secrecy’ at forefront of access to information fix, say advocates as feds trumpet innovation remedies”, Neil Moss, Hill Times, Jan 3/23 on-line
“Canadians’ privacy could take a serious hit this coming legislative session”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, January 16, 2023 p. 12
“A complicit and dismissive federal government contributed to the convoy occupation in Centretown”, Ken Rubin, Centretown Buzz, Jan 20/23 p. 5 and on-line
“The yawning black hole that can be P.E.I.’s access to information system”. Kerry Campbell, CBC News Jan 31, 2023
“Secretive bureaucrats tight-lipped on two prime ministerial promises”, Ken Rubin, Feb 8/23 on-line and in print Feb 13/23 p. 22
“Rubin: Rouleau report on the convoy may prompt more secrecy around security“, on-line, Feb 16, 2023
“Trudeau, Huppé reinforce secrecy barriers”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 23, 26/23 on-line and in print March 27/23 p. 15
“Ottawa People’s Commission recommends change to rebuild trust after ‘Freedom Convoy”, Cindy Tran, Canadian Press, April 4/23
“Records detail consultants’ National Gallery influence”, Shannon Proudfoot, Globe and Mail, April 8/23 A4
“Province withholding records about proposed Fredericton jail from ombud”, Karissa Donkin, April 12/23; Province changes course and gives ombud records on new Fredericton jail, Karissa Donkin April 14/23
“NCC helped convoy dig in”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 14/23 A1, 7; and on-line “The NCC miscalculated disastrously about the convoy occupation”, April 13/23
“Liberal minister promises plan on Access to Information as MPs highlight woes”, Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press/CTV, April 18/23
“Watchmen”, letter to editor, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, May 1/23 A19
“Deceit, spin, politics and a costly plan replace calls for greater transparency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 1/23 on-line and in print May 8/23 p 45
“Parks Canada plans major rewrite of more than 200 historic site plaques”, Bob Weber, The Canadian Press, May 19/23; including Citizen, May 20/23 A13, on-line
“Signs of change: Parks Canada examines how we can address our past and future”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 22/23 p. 13
“It’s out of hand: A conversation with Ken Rubin, self-described information warrior”, Tom Cardozo, Globe and Mail, Secret, June 7/23
“Price keeps climbing for Ottawa’s still-unfinished communism memorial” Ken Rubin, Citizen, June 8/23 on-line; and in print, “Unfinished communism memorial tab at $7.5 M”, June 9/23 A1 and A7
“Three ways federal transparency is threatened”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 14/23 p. 11
“David Johnston, super vetting information consultant, bows out”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 19/23 p. 14 and on-line June 16/23
Excerpts , House of Commons Access to Information report “The state of Canada’s Access to Information System”, tabled June 20/23
“House committee report mixes politics and partial fixes to Canada’s out-of-touch Access to Information Act”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 29/23 on-line
“The government is scuttling your right to know”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times July 26 and 28/23 on-line
“Incomplete solutions won’t fix Ottawa’s LRT in the long run”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, July 28/23 on-line
“RCMP has no policy for policing the media”, Mike Hager, Globe and Mail, Aug 12/23 A8
“How Ken Rubin turns FOI requests into news stories”, special to Globe and Mail Secret Canada project, August 14/23 on-line
“Wild and wacky: An Unlikely NCC marketing plan”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Sept 7/23 A7 and on-line
“Would you give to the NCC Foundation?”, Ken Rubin, Citizen Sept 20/23 A7
“The public pays for self-serving and promotional government activity behind closed doors”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 20.23 p. 17
“Privacy commissioner calls on Alberta to improve its access to information rules”, Matthew Black, Post Media, Edmonton Journal, Oct 6/23
“Interview on Access to Information by Shaye Graham”, Alberta Ched and QR Radio, Oct 10/23
“Lansdowne Plan Includes Inverted Bathtub”, Ken Rubin, Bulldog on-line (, Oct 25/23
“Barrier to overhauling Ottawa’s service delivery and secrecy culture”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 26/23 on-line and in print, Oct 30/23 p. 18
“Murky access-to-information responses aren’t fit for a king”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 10,12/23 on-line, in print Nov 13/23, p. 14
“Bill-27 lacking transparency for private-sector, AI privacy intrusions”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, on-line Nov 28/23 and in print, Nov 29, p.13
“2022: The Year of Information Deals and Vulnerabilities”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 10/22 p. 7
“Why we chose to protect our ecologically sensitive land by donating it to a land trust”, Ken Rubin, Ottawa Citizen, Jan 13/21 on-line; print: “Preserve Eco-Sensitive Areas with Land Trusts”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Jan 14/21, A9
“Plenty of options for land donations”, Peter Hannah, Rideau Waterway Land Trust, Citizen, Jan 17/22 A5
“Spinning access to information in an age of misinformation”, Ken Rubin, J-Source, Jan 28/22 on-line
“Treasury Board should get out of the business of faking disclosures”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 14/22 p. 12
“Get the truckers out, then offer Ottawans a community healing plan”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Feb 16/22 on-line :
“Watson’s actions during siege crisis in Ottawa raises questions”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, February 17/22 on-line
“Judicial inquiry needed into Ottawa siege and countrywide blockades”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times Feb 24/22 on-line, Feb 28/22 p. 30
“Federal, city inquiries into occupations and blockades too limited”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 2, 2022 on-line
“A leader with baggage steps back into the spotlight”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 10, 2022 on-line
“Federal IT contract cost rises 70 per cent to $55 million, released documents show”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, March 14/22 A3
“Why is Patrick Brown running for the PC leadership and how does he fit with Jean Charest?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 28/22 p.15
“LRT probe must be transparent and tough”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, March 28/22 A1, 7
“Deeply disturbing report raises questions about federal interventions supporting Canadian mining companies overseas despite human rights concerns”, Kevin Philipupillam, Hill Times April 4, 2022 p. 25
“Liberals still stalling on transparency in government”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 18, 2022 p. 16
“Ford’s expansionist plans must be checked”, Ken Rubin, Hamilton Spectator, May 1, 2022 on-line
“Public and private developers’ role in bad planning”, Ken Rubin, Glebe Report, May 13/22 p. 30
“Doug Ford and Jim Watson have no records of man who held secret negotiations with Ottawa convoy leader”, Luke LeBrun, Editor, Press Progress, May 13, 2022 online
“Barrick sought emergency help from Ottawa to resolve Tanzanian export ban and tax claim, e-mails show”, Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, May 24/22 B1,6 online
“Why Ottawa Council should say no to Lansdowne 2.0”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, May 16/22 on-line, and “Why we should reject plan for Lansdowne 2.0”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, May 17/22 A7
“Industry lobbying under guise of pandemic stimuli pressing own interests behind closed doors”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times May 18/22 p. 15, online;
“Ottawa residents give LRT commission long list of complaints”, Bruce Deachman, Citizen, May 26/22 A3
“Head of Public Inquiry into Ottawa’s LRT promises answers”, Kate Porter, CBC News, May 26, 2022
“Shelve Lansdowne until the fall”, Pat Smart, Citizen, May 28/22 A17
“Access to Information System in Distress”, Ken Rubin, Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ) conference panel on on Forty Years of False Starts, May 28, 2022, Montreal
“City mishandled Lansdowne’s future”, Brian Tansey, Citizen, June 8/22 A9
“While the Charter lets us dream, the Access Act is a nightmare”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, on line and in print, June 13/22 p.12
“Why ‘Access to Information’ is failing us all”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, June 21/22 A7
“Liberals ‘foot dragging’ on access to information fix with mandatory parliamentary review two years late say Conservatives, Neil Moss, Hill Times, June 22/2 p. 14
“People’s commission on ‘freedom convoy’ will hear community’s stories”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, June 24/22 on-line and in print June 28/22 A7
“Citizen commission into Freedom Convoy launching Monday”, David Fraser, CBC News, June 27/22
“Ottawa group launches commission into convoy occupation’s effects on residents”, Ted Raymond, CTV, June 27/22
“People’s Commission Launched”, CBC All in a Day, June 27/22
“Ottawa residents, police brace for protests on Canada Day”, Canadian Press posted by Global News, June 27/22
“People’s Commission to investigate convoy”, Joanne Laucius, Citizen, June 28/22 A5′
“ ‘This can never happen again’: downtown residents launch Ottawa People’s Commission to address failures to keep community safe during convoy protests”, Stuart Benson, Hill Times, June 28, 2022 on-line
“Convoy audit sees ‘good turnout’ in input”, Blair Crawford, Citizen, July 12/22 A1-3
“Feds held back LRT Stage 2 money for months because of concerns with system; The city is still waiting on $120M from upper levels of governments for Confederation Line Stage 1”, Joanne Chianello, CBC News, July 14/22
“Consumer Interest is being overlooked and manipulated”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, July 25/22, p.14
“Ottawa could have had first-class LRT”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Aug 20/22 A10; on-line:
“Does the federal government fund and support racially discriminating groups and individuals?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 8, 2022 on-line and in print Sept 12/22 p.11
“Is belated federal intervention helpful to resolving the capital community’s traumatization by Freedom Trucker Convoy protesters?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, September 14, 2022 on-line and in print, Sept 19/22 p.22
“Finger-pointing Poilievre is still with us”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, September 22, 2022 on-line; and in print, September 26/22 p. 13
“Living in the ‘red zone’: Ottawa residents recount trucker convoy in people’s commission debut” Kaitlyn Smith, New Canadian Media, Set 27/22 on-line
“Second time round: notes on Ottawa’s National Day of Reconciliation”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, October 5, 2022 on-line and in print Oct 10/22 p.5
“10,000 trees to be planted by land trust on former farm beside Gatineau Park”, Andrew Duffy, Citizen, Oct 10/2 on-line
“Researcher’s legacy marks limitations of FOI system”, Tom Cardoso, Globe and Mail, Oct 22/22 A4
“Overhaul transparency law by adopting long-standing calls for change, group tells Mps”, Jim Bronskill, The Canadian Press Oct 26/22
“Advocates call for major reforms to FOI access”, Tom Cordoso and Robyn Doolittle, Globe and Mail, Oct 27/22 A3; on-line
“Trees, trees and lots of Trees: 10,000 planted”, Brett Thorns, The Equity, Oct 29/22 p.1,2
“Exposing Library and Archives Canada’s dismal transparency record”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 31/22 p, 20
“Place Eco Rubin: Protect land from housing”, Katharine Fletcher, Pontiac Journal, Nov 2/22, p.23
“Volunteer Tree-Planting at Place Eco Rubin”, Deborah Powell, Pontiac Journal, Nov 2/22
“Access to information in Canada broken beyond repair”, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, Nov 5/22 O9, on-line
“Hey, government – start planting all the tress you promised”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov 7/22 on-line
“Radio interview on FOI with Ken Rubin, Shaye Ganam on 630 CHED & 770 CHQR, Nov 7/22, on-line
“Ottawa’s transit woes take a licking in LRT inquiry report”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 7/22 p. 28
“A community action plan for ‘next time’”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Dec 9/22 A7
“Personal choices and international COP15 aspirations:, Katherine Fletcher, Pontiac Journal, Dec/22
“2 schools lose fight to keep names secret following censored tours at Canadian Museum for Human Rights;Global (schools) says it regrets decision, argued focus was on protecting the privacy of children”, Austin Grabish, CBC News, Dec 19/22
“Canadian officials ignored their obligation to support activist detained in 2017 over mining dispute in Peru: report” Kevin Philipupillaii, December 27, 2022 on-line
“Treasury Board’s overdue review of Access Act is big on propaganda and light on recommendations”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 27/22 on-line
“H2 Ouch! NCC forks over $205K to replace three water foundations at Dow’s Lake”, Kelly Egan, on-line
“Federal review of Access to Information law to likely take another year “, Jim Bronskill, on-line
“Payette goes, but secrecy remains”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb1/21 p.7
“Artificial intelligence another avenue for government to thwart transparency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 17/21 p. 6
“Go elsewhere for Canadian information“, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 17/21 p. 21
“Suspending freedom of information cannot be made permanent”, Ken Rubin, J-Source on-line, March 19/21
“Controversial neck hold still being used by Mounties as RCMP reviews its safety”, Catharine Tunney, CBC News, March 21/21>news>politics>carotid-hold-restraint-rc
“Officially designed hoarding boards take centre stage while splitting Parliament’s great front lawn into two”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times March 22, 2021 p. 20
“Nuclear regulator overlooked puzzling inspection data when renewing licence for Pickering plant, documents show”, Matthew McClearn, Globe and Mail, March 23, 2021 A1, 8,9; on-line
Follow up “Letter to Editor”, Mark Winfield, Globe and Mail, March 26/21 A 11
“Ontario mulled vaccine passport plan”, Jeff Gray and Laura Stone, Globe and Mail, April 6/21 A5
“Regulator struggles to enact anti-money laundering rules”, Vanmala Subramaniam, Globe and Mail, April 15/21 B1,6
“Secrecy surrounds fees paid to Irving for Canada’s 15 multi-billion-dollar warships”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times p. 1, 6
“Broken Trudeau promise of less government secrecy meant nothing much anyway”, Ken Rubin, Special to National Post, April 22, 2021 on-line; “Officials opposed promise of transparency”, Ken Rubin, National Post, April 23/21 A9
“A Little-Known Trans-Canada Digital Identity Regime in the Works; In Whose Interest?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times April 30, 2021 on-line, May 3, 2021 in print, p.15
“Documented: 215 reasons we need full disclosure”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, on-line June 3 and 4/21 and in print, June 7/21 p.16
“President of N.S. Art school battled with board before she was fired”, Greg Mercer, Globe and Mail, June 7/21 A 1, 8,9, online
“NSCAD stonewalling exposes toothless freedom-of-information laws in Nova Scotia”, Ken Rubin, Chronicle Herald, June 17/21, A6, and online,
“RCMP and Global Affairs haven’t released previously completed ATIP requests since 2020”, Neil Moss, Hill Times, July 7/21, p.1,5
“CBC Launched a Whistleblower Hotline to Report Racist Workplace Incidents; Most Calls Are About CBC Management”, Luc Lebrun, Press Progress, July 9, 2021
“Couple Gives Green; Donation of Farmland Beside Gatineau Park ‘a great legacy’”, Andrew Duffy, Ottawa Citizen, July 13, 2021, A1,3 ; and on-line “Organic farmers in Gatineau donate property to eco land trust”, online
“E-mails shed new light on college development battle”, Greg Mercer, Globe and Mail, July 23, 2021 A4
“Environmental activist, access guru donates organic farm to an eco-land trust”, Hill Times, July 26/21 p. 2 and correction, Hill Times, July 28/21, p.2
“PM’s defiance of parliament likely won’t be an election issue”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, July 29/21, A7; and on-line › opinion › rubin-trudeaus-de…
“Treasury Board’s pretend review of Canada’s Access to Information Act is also a waste of money”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, July 30, 2021 on-line and in print August 2/2021 p. 12
“Incomplete NSCAD records show fired president was blindsided”, Ken Rubin, Chronicle Herald, Opinion, August 6, 2021 A 6; on-line
“Funding various causes for social change”, Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, Aug 7/21 B2; on-line “Committing to community activism, civil rights”
“Wellington Street Ottawa-Gatineau LRT crossings ‘not feasible without mitigation measures’, says PSPC”, Matt Horwood, Hill Times, August 12, 2021
“Fired NSCAD president went rogue”, Ross Cantwell, Chronicle Herald, Aug 17, 21 A6
“Government contempt for transparency undermines reconciliation”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, August 23, 2021 p. 16
“Evidence, Science, Experience to Date, and Analysis Supporting Project List Entries and Thresholds”, Section 22 environmental petition to the Auditor General of Canada,, Nature Canada, Mining Watch Canada, West Coast Environmental Law, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, Environment Defence, Aug 25/21
“NDP dental plan fills ‘significant’ gap in health system, internal Health Canada report says”, Press Progress, Sept 13/21
“Opposition to combating centralized secretive prime ministerial decision-making is weak”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 8 and 10/21 on-line and in print Sept 13/21 p. 1, 5
“Why the bumpy, two-year ride of Ottawa’s multibillion-dollar LRT system is sparking calls for a public inquiry”, Tom Spears, Toronto Star Sept 26/21 on line htps://
“Freedom of info ranks low for feds”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Oct 22/21 A1,2
“Families left in limbo. National security decisions left unmade. Is this Canadian system ‘designed not to work”?, Nicholas Keung, Toronto Star, Nov 1, 2021 A8
“Transparency Remains Low on Trudeau and Other Governments’ Priorities”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 8, 2021, p. 7
“Behind Closed Doors: The Law and Politics of Cabinet Secrecy”, Yan Campagnolo, UBC Press, 2021, p.149-150
“Organized crime ‘knowingly and actively’ exploited federal pandemic benefits: intelligence reports” Catharine Tunney CBC News, Nov 12 on-line, on-air; also Global News radio interviews on the CBC story, Toronto and Edmonton
“Light-Rail Politics”, Citizen editorial Nov 20/21 A12
“Indigenous opposition grows over new plan for Ring of Fire”, Niall McGee and Jeff Gray, Globe and Mail, Dec 8/21 B1,7
“2022: The Year of Information Deals and Vulnerabilities”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 21/21 on-line
“Key accountability mechanism in Brampton City Hall failing over Mayor and CAO”, Issac Callan, The Pointer, Dec 21/21
“Ring of Fire nickel mine, access road to be built by 2026: Wyloo”, Niall McGee, Globe and Mail, Dec 23/21 B1,6
What’s happening at Tunney’s Pasture behind closed doors?”, Citizen, Jan 13/20; “Many Questions, Few Answers: Public largely shut out of federal plans for Tunney’s Pasture”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Jan 13/20 A7
“The Fight for Never Being Prevented From Filing FOI Requests Goes On”, Ken Rubin, guest blog, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, January 15/20
“Canada: unprepared for natural disasters”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times Jan 20/20 p. 7
“Rooting out how the government will plant two billion trees in 10 years”, Ken Rubin, Ottawa Citizen, Feb 10/20 A7 and on-line
“Upcoming access to information changes? It’s a secret” and “Another CORVID-19 causality: access to information”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 23, 2020, p 13
“The Hill Times is here to cover the biggest story in the world”, editorial, April 6/20 p. 8
“COVID-19 invades and compromises our privacy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 20/20 p. 14, and on-line,
“During COVID-19, Accountability is taking a beating”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 25/20, p. 12, and on-line,
“Openness, Please”, Editorial, Citizen, April 25/20, p. 12, and on-line, “COVID-19 – Emergencies are not a good time to put accountability on the back burner”
“Access Delayed: Pandemic being employed as pretext in access to information responses”, Tom Spears, Citizen, on-line, April 28/20
“Questions remain for federal employees as governments relax physical distancing”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 1/20 on-line
“Transparency needed on working conditions for federal employees amid pandemic”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 12, 2020 on-line
“NRC denies access to cold- weather data”, Tom Spears, Citizen, May 16/20, A14
“Elections Canada faces tough choices as it braces for possible election amid pandemic”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 29/20, on-line
“Troubled times for Transparency Call for Change”, Hill Times, June 22/20 p. 10
“We fit?”, letter to editor, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, Jan 17/20 p. 10
“Review won’t fix Canada’s Access to Information law significantly”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Aug 20/20 A9;
“We May never get the full story on WE”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times Sept 14/20, p.26
“Health Canada knew about contaminated water”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Nov 7/20 A6
“Honey, the pandemic shrunk transparency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 9/20 p. 7
“More transparency needed on Landsdowne”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov 12/20 A16
“A long history of collaboration”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov 28/20 B6
“Federal government purging access-to-information index”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Dec 8/20 A2;
“$70B warship promises to create jobs, but how many?”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Dec 16/20
“COVID-19 document disclosure promise not kept”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 16/20 p. 4
“Released records to Commons Health Committee are duds”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 21/20 p. 9
“No excuse for stifling information” Ken Rubin, Citizen, Dec 21/20 A5; and on-line “There’s no excuse for suppressing spending data during the pandemic”
“Elections Canada considered briefing the Governor General on pandemic election rules”, David Akin, Global News, Dec 20/20
“Pandemic election integrity at stake with millions of mail-in ballots expected: Elections Canada docs”, David Akin, Dec 21/20
“LRT secrecy demands review”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Jan 5/19 A11
“It’ll be tough getting answers from Canada’s new security and intelligence committee”, Ken Rubin, Citizen on-line Jan 14/19; and in print “Good luck getting information from this committee; PM-controlled body shrouded in secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Jan 21/19 A7
“The people WE Lost”, Blair Crawford, Andrew Duffy and Joanne Lacius, Citizen, Jan 15/19, A3
“Public service in mourning in wake of deadly bus crash”, Emily Haws, Hill Times, Jan 16/19 p. 1, 27
“Reports lay bare LRT gaffes, flaws”, Jon Willing, Citizen, Jan 21/19 A1,4; and 1310 News interview on LRT reports
“Ending madcap planning in Ottawa”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 21/19, p.13
“Ottawa sought insider industry analysis for Trans-Mountain deal, documents reveal”, Shawn McCarthy and Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Jan 21/19, B1,7
“Another year, more government secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 28/19 p. 25
“Digital danger lurks inside Treasury Board: There’s conflict in agency’s dual role”, Ken Rubin Citizen, Jan 31/19 A11 and on-line
“Secret deals preventing access to prime ministerial papers”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 11/19 p.14
“LRT inspections reveal ‘recurring deficiencies’, Jon Willing, Citizen, Feb 12/19 A1,3
“Wilson-Raybould and Lametti: Two Canadian justice ministers with two different takes on transparency”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, March 2, 2019;
“Two Canadian justice ministers, two takes on transparency”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, March 2, 2019 A8;
“B.C. Attorney-General David Eby expresses frustration over unreleased report on money laundering”, Mike Hager, Globe and Mail, March 6/19 on-line
“Rediscovering the rent-free house next door to 24 Sussex Drive”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 11/19 p.34
“LeBreton Plan Is Uninspiring; Hasty relaunch leaves vision for Flats at mercy of developers”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, March 12/19 A9; and on-line “NCC’s new plan for LeBreton Flats is both piecemeal and uninspiring”,
“Canada unable to reliably estimate scope of money laundering: report”, Mike Hager, Globe and Mail, March 13/19 A7
“Access-to-information expert says B.C. Supreme Court decision undermines provincial laws”, Maryse Zeidler, CBC News, Mar 23, 2019 on-line,
“Ottawa anticipated fallout from Gupta loan”, Geoffrey York and Matthew McClearn, Globe and Mail, March 26/19 A3
“Put the brakes on runaway LRT money train”, Ken Rubin, Ottawa Citizen, March 28, 2019 , A7; and on-line
“Ottawa pledges to crack down on B.C. money laundering”, Mike Hager, Globe and Mail, March 28/19 A7
“Don’t sign the contract until we have answers”, Ken Rubin, Letter to Editor on-line, Citizen, March 28/19,
“Massive Secrecy Inroads and Barriers to Access Near Approval in the Senate “, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 1/19, p.13
“LRT tunnel inspections reveal leaks”, Jon Willing, Citizen, April 2/19A1,8
“City stands by quality of LRT construction”, Jon Willing, Citizen, April 3/19 A1,6
“Canada needs to do more to investigate, prosecute money laundering: U.S. State Department report”, Mike Hager, Globe and Mail, April 3/19 A21
“Bank regulator’s report on aggressive sales tactics weakened after government and banks reviewed drafts”, Erica Johnson, Enza Uda, CBC Go Public, April 10, 2019 on -line, CBC News, CBC Radio; and House of Commons Question Period, April 11, 2019
“Firms wanting to bid on warship program the largest contract in Canadian history banned from talking to reporters”, David Pugliese, National Post, April 26/19 on-line at; in print “Feds issue another media gag order”, David Pugliese, Citizen, April 26/19 NP4
“Senators to send access-to-information bill back to Commons with major changes”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, April 29/19 A2
“Judges win, Bill C-58 gets to top of Senate list for quick passage; entering the secrecy club, judges, the PM and the PMO head the list in Bill C-58”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 29/19 p. 16
“Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom honouree Ken Rubin highlights his top investigation probes”, Ken Rubin, J-Source May 2/19 online;
“World Press Freedom winners say Canada access system broken”, Neil Moss and Samatha Wright Allen, Hill Times, May 6/19 p.2, 42
“Cracks in Canada’s Media Freedom”, Susan Kurah, Convivium, May 6/19
“A long, redacted road to answers; $2.1B LRT Stage One still cloaked in secrecy”, Jon Willing, Citizen, May 8/19 A1,4
“FCAC report on banking high-pressure sales practices fails smell test; Bill C-58 can only help facilitate more such sanitized government reports”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 20/19 p.18
“Public health department won’t release measles outbreak response plan”, Fallon Hewitt, St John Telegraph Journal, May 30/19
“Culture of Secrecy”, Tom Spears, Citizen, June 8/19, A1, D1-3
“Ottawa man waging battle with city for access to LRT information”, Tom Spears, Citizen, June 8/19, D2-3
“How Export Development Canada overlooked red flags about the Gutpa family”, Geoffrey York, Matthew McClearn, Globe and Mail, June 11/19 A10-11
“Why the secrecy on this ‘expert’ centre”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, June 14/19, A9; and on-line https://ottawacitizencom/opinion/columnists/rubin-why-was-new-centre-for-intelligence-expertise-kept-so-secret
“Our Views:Information Vacuum”, Ottawa Citizen editorial, June 15/19 A10
“Three Trudeau ministers among those stalling access to information requests”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times p.1 and 5
“Contract coroner system a privacy risk, security”, Michael Robertson, Telegraph Journal, June 24/19 A1, 7
“NCC has quietly fussed over Chateau for years”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, July 4/19 A 1, 5
“Outdated privacy legislation goes to bureaucrats for review”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, July 8/19 on-line
“Canada brushed off abuse abuse complaints against Barrick-linked gold miner in Tanzania, emails show”, Alastair Sharp, National Observer, July 10/19 on-line
“Fintechs face higher risk of money laundering, watchdog warns”, Alexandra Posadzki, Globe and Mail, July 22/19 B1, 2
“Making use of my training in history: a career as an investigative researcher”, Ken Rubin, Off The Record, vol 35.3 summer, 2019, p. 23-26
“LRT reports reveal heated track switches a concern”, Jon Willing, Citizen, Aug 16/19 A1,4
“LRT builders miss fourth deadline for handover”, Jon Willing, Citizen, Aug 17/19 A3
“How one Ontario ministry works: It’s secret”, Citizen, Sept 3/19 A1,2
“LRT: Tell Us Much More”. Citizen editorial, Sept 7/19 A9
“Shining a light on projects affecting the environment: do we get a choice?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 16/19 p. 18
“Citizens cannot be sued for information requests, court rules”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Sept 24/19, A2
“A win for government accountability: defamation case against Rubin dismissed”, Neil Moss, Hill Times, Sept 25/19 p.2
“CSIS ‘role models’ for transparency remain a secret”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Oct 3/19 A1,4; on-line Oct 2/19
“Researcher threatened over access to information wins full costs”, Tom Spears, Ottawa Citizen, Nov 1/19 on-line, and in print, Ottawa Sun
“Broken LRT rail weld may require more repairs”, Jon Willing, Citizen, Nov 15/19 A3
“Light Rail, Unglued”, Citizen Editorial, Nov 16/19 A10
“Too many LRT problems, too much secrecy “, Ken Rubin, Citizen, November 19/19
“SHA disputes NDP claim of muzzling doctors, but may review policies”, Zak Vescera, Star Phoenix, Nov 22/19
“Vancouver’s food and water supply vulnerable to massive earthquake, internal reports warn”, Mike Hager, Globe and Mail, Nov 22/19
“RCMP investigated the death of Michel Vienneau, who was shot by a Bathurst police force member in 2015”, Karissa Donkin, CBC News, on-line Dec 8/19
“Reports linking sex trafficking to cryptocurrency on the rise,watchdog says”, Alexandra Posadzki, Globe and Mail, Dec 15/19 B3
Yan Campagnolo, “The History, Law and Practice of Cabinet Immunity in Canada”, Revue générale de droit, Volume 47, numéro 2, 2017, pp. 239-307
“The Senate’s Turn to Fix Bill C-58’s Regressive Nature”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, January 10, 2018 p.7; and in ICLMG News Digest, January 19/18
“Emails reveal how university dismissed Diab”, Citizen, Jan 22/18 A3
“Q-and-A on FOI requests with freedom of information expert Ken Rubin”, Amanda Pope, Ryerson School of Journalism, J-Source, Jan 16/18
“Using FOI to assist whistle blowers and those under duress”, Ken Rubin, J-Source, Feb 12/18;
“Favourable ambulance data raises transparency concerns”, Michael Robinson, Telegraph Journal, Feb 26/18 A1,2
“Resisting influence from agri-food industries on Canada’s Food Guide”, John Grant, Canadian Medical Association Journal, April 16/18
“Design changes, work claims among road bumps experienced on path to moving out of Centre Block: documents, Laura Ryckewaert, Hill Times, April 9/18 p. 4“Canada braces for risks of electronic voter registration”, Bill Curry, Globe, April 30/18 A13
“Trudeau family getting its meals delivered from 24 Sussex to Rideau Cottage”, Catharine Tunney, CBC News, May 3/18
“A transparency failure conference, Facebook hijinks and dished-out government info”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 21/18 p. 16
“The continuing costs of 24 Sussex”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, May 22/18 A9
“Hall maintains key documents to case withheld”, Nick Kuhl, Lethbridge Herald, June 7/18
“Information watchdog cites public interest in ruling to release LRT inspection reports”, Jon Willing, Citizen, July 6, 2018 A6
“The ups and downs of maintenance costs and stalled elevators at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights”, Vera-Lynn Kubinec, CBC News, Jul 16/18
“Canada encouraged defence of human rights in Venezuela, report says”, Michelle Zilio, Globe and Mail, July 17/18 A4
“The godfather of Canadian access to information, Ken Rubin, weighs in on the current state of the federal AIA regime”, Dean Beeby, Twitter, July 23 /18
“Transparency rot runs deep”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, July 23/18 p. 23
“West Block will be House Chamber for at least 10 years, but new glass roof only warrantied for five years”, Laura Ryckewaert, Hill Times, August 6/18 p. 1, 7
“Government stonewalling on Hassan Diab shows why we need a full inquiry”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, on-line, August 7, 2018; and “Secrecy on Diab case shows need for proper inquiry”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Aug 16/18 A8
“At Harrington Lake residence, $158 to remove wasp nest: Old House a longtime ‘money pit’
researcher says”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Aug 10/18 A1, 2
“Max Bernier Calculating Political Party”, Ken Rubin, Letter to Editor, Globe and Mail, Aug 18/18 Section O, p. 10
“Inspection reports revealed faulty LRT concrete”, Jon Willing, Citizen, Aug 21/18 A 1, 4; on-line “Inspection found problems with concrete work at LRT sites, new reports show”
accompanied by Aug 21/18 you tube two minute video of Ken Rubin talking about accessing LRT reports produced by Ottawa Citizen’s Tony Caldwell
“High-quality concrete work saves money in the long run”, Jon Willing, Citizen, Aug 21/18 A4
CFRA morning show interview of Ken Rubin on obtained LRT records, Aug 21/18
“City denies release of performance records on Valley Line LRT construction”, Elise Stolte, Edmonton Journal, Aug 21/18
“Public money means public scrutiny”, Edmonton Journal Editorial Board, Aug 23/18
“We need transparency around construction”, Keith Taylor, letter to editor, Citizen, Aug 25/18 A11
“Ontario government refuses Doug Ford’s mandate letters to cabinet ministers”, Nicole Brockbank, Aug 29/18, CBC radio and on-line
“All-star ATIP renegade uncovers a corker at office of Info Commissioner”, David Akin, Twitter, Sept 4/18
“FOI gadfly asks ethics czar to investigate new info commish award”, Dean Beeby, Twitter, Sept 4/18
“Looking back at University College; A failed and brief throw at being Oxford an the Prairies”, Ken Rubin, University of Manitoba today (Alumni News), Sept 5/18 on-line
“If Payette quits, she’s set for life”, John Ivison, National Post/Citizen, Sept 27/18 NP 1, 3
“Ottawa orders EDC to examine lending practices”, Matthew McClearn, Globe and Mail, Sept 27/18 B 1, 8
“Mulroney felt snubbed by Library and Archives deal with Paul Martin:documents”, Catharine Tunney, CBC National News, Oct 14/18;
“Brison’s ingenious selling of Bill C-58 to the Senate”, Hill Times, Ken Rubin, Oct 15/18, p.14
“Ottawa’s LRT – the secrecy continues”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Oct 25/18 on line ; and in print “LRT secrecy is a real train wreck”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Oct 26/18 A9 (with page A1 reference)
“Councillor wants city to release more information on LRT”, Jon Willing, Citizen, Oct 26/18, A3
“MacKay okayed Diab extradition with no certainty case would be monitored” Michelle Zilio, Globe and Mail, Oct 26/18 A9
“French court delays appeal decision in Hassan Diab case”, Michelle Zilio, Globe and Mail, Oct 26/18 A9
“Judges to testify in Senate committee study of access to information bill”, Samantha Wright Allen, Hill Times, Nov 7/18 p. 1, 10
“Judge backs out of testifying in secret on access to information bill”, Samantha Wright Allen, Hill Times, Nov 8/18
“How a federal agency, created to fight poverty, spent $500,000 on a name, logo and branding”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Nov 24/18 A8;
“Ottawa needs a public vision for the Flats, Ken Rubin, Ottawa Citizen, Nov 27/18, A9; and on-line
“Letters to Editor, including “Make main library centerpiece of Flats”, “Stop relying on private developers”, Citizen, Dec 1/18 A11
“Ken Rubin, still on a mission”, Randal Marlin, Glebe Report, Dec 7/18 p. 1, 13;
“Conflict findings show National Capital Commission needs to do more on accountability”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Dec 14/18 on-line;;
“Conflict-of-Interest findings show the imbalances inside the NCC”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Dec 15/18 A12
“CFIA fast-tracked tests on genetically modified salmon eggs for exports, documents suggest”, Margo McDiarmid, CBC News , Jan 11, 2017
“Federal security officials approved Winnipeg police efforts to purchase spying devices“, Jacques Marcoux, Katie Nicholson, CBC News on-line Jan 17, 2017
“New committee likely to cost more than any other House or Senate security committees”, Abbas Rana, Hill Times, Jan 23/17 p. 1, 6
“Hidden pressures in the case of bringing genetically modified salmon closer to markets”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 30/17, p. 23
“Environment Canada claws back docs released through access to information Riley Sparks”, National Observer, Feb 13/17 on-line
“Delays,delays, delays: a constant for government information seekers”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 13/17 p.18
“National security secrecy increases: sabotaging public access promises Ken Rubin”, ICMLG on-line News Digest March 16/17
“Increasing Secrecy Users Face”, Ken Rubin, panel presentation at the Transparency in the 21st Century Conference, Information Commissioner of Canada website, Ottawa, March 23/17
“Thx Ken Rubin for ATIA request on cost of ., (Transparency Conference)”, Dean Beeby on Twitter, March 23/17
“Unhappy Trail? Proposed Icefields Parkway bike path raises host of concerns, Park documents show”, Bob Weber, Canadian Press, March 29/17 on-line CBC Calgary Radio Interview March 30/17 on Icefield Parkway with Allison Woodley, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
“Parks documents reveal aggressive timeline to build paved bike trail”, Paul Clarke, Fitzhugh, April 5/17
“Two-year tab to host VIPs hit $2.8 M;”, David Akin, Citizen/National Post, April 6/17 NP4
“Will the new central library be an open book or a closed one?“, Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 8/17, D 6 and on-line at
“Parks Canada documents suggest tight timelines for Icefields Parkway bike path”, Laura Kane, Canadian Press on-line April 9/17 andPlan for scenic bike path hits bumps, Laura Kane, Citizen, April 10/17 National Post p. 5
“Trudeau government undercuts transparency, while reinforcing secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 10/17, p.12 (on-line April 20/17 in News Digest, ICMLG
“Proposed Icefields trail needs public scrutiny”, Ken Rubin, Edmonton Journal, April 11/17 A6
“Ottawa’s secret deal with Manulife has consequences”, Carl Meyers, National Observer, April 18/17
“Pool at 24 Sussex cost more than $27,000 so far over last two years”, Laura Ryckewaert ,Hill Times, May 1/17 p. 1, 27
“Ministry asks $30 per minute for data despite Brison’s order to drop ATIP fees”, Peter Mazereeuw, Hill Times, May 3/17 p. 1, 7
“Private-sector role in Canada Infrastructure Bank raises conflict issues”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, May 5/17 p. 1, 13 Infrastructure Oral Questions, Hansard, Parliament of Canada May 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 2017
“Liberals too cozy with investors, opposition says”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, May 6/17 p. 4
“Secret meeting, secret opportunities: the high stakes private sector funding of Canada’s infrastructure”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 8/17, p. 7
“Maintenance bills add up for PM’s country retreat”, Jon Willing, Citizen, May 8/17 A2
“Infrastructure bank finds home in Toronto”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, May 9/17 A4
“Infrastructure Bank risks slowing down projects, report warns”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, May 11/17 A1,13
“Opposition NDP Motion Debate on the Canada Infrastructure Bank”, Hansard, Parliament of Canada, May 11, 2017
“High-speed rail projects touted for infrastructure bank”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, May 12/17 A4
“Cabinet to have final word on infrastructure bank projects, Morneau says”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, May 16/17 A1, 7
“Canada’s embassies house hundreds of non-foreign ministry staff from other government departments”, Chelsea Nash, Hill Times, May 18/17 p.7
“It’s hardly a truly open Commons Board of Internal Economy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 29/17 p. 41
“Quebec calls for changes to infrastructure-bank bill”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, June 2/17 A4
“PM pushes mayors to embrace infrastructure bank”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, June 3/17 A16
“Ontario needs transparency on auto insurance.“, Ken Rubin, Windsor Star, June 9/17 A8 and on-line
“Ideas to improve Ottawa’s downtown“, Ken Rubin, Citizen, June 12/17 A8 ; on-line
“Ontario captive to industry demands on insurance rates“, Ken Rubin, Hamilton Spectator, June 13/17; on-line:
“High FOI Fees”, CBC Windsor morning radio show, June 14/17
“Montreal project raises infrastructure bank doubts”, Brian Platt, National Post in Citizen, June 16/17 NP4; on-line: Montreal transit project highlights doubts about independence of .
“Broken auto insurance system can be fixed”, Claire Wilkinson, President of Ontario Trial Lawyers Association, Hamilton Spectator, June 23/17 A12
“Prince Charles and Camilla’s 3-day tour of Canada to cost almost $1M”, Amy Minsky, Global News on-line and broadcast June 23/17
“Info reforms put Canada 46th among countries, just behind Peru:centre”, Jim Bronskill, June 23/17; “Access to info reforms “fall far short”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, June 24/17 NP3
“Ooops! Parks Canada, Nunavut reveal secret map of Franklin wrecks”, Tom Spears, Citizen, June 24/17 A3
“Postponed Transparency Bill Does Little to Promote Access While Government Increases Secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 26/17 p. 15
“Health Canada delayed cosmetics ban following industry request”, Carl Meyers, National Observer, June 30/17
On-line: EXCLUSIVE: Health Canada delayed cosmetics ban following industry request
“New home of Senate will be literally buzzing”, Laura Ryckewaert, Hill Times, July 24/17 p. 1, 4
“The Soldier, His Acorns & A Tree Plan Uprooted”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Aug 2/17 A 1, 8
“CFIA files tell tales of flying chihuahuas, quarantined cats and top-secret goats”, Tom Spears, citizen, Aug 4/17 A4
“”Information crusader digs for LRT paperwork”, Jon Willing, Citizen, Aug 29/17 A1, 4
“Inspection reports reveal efforts to catch mistakes in LRT construction”, Jon Willing, Citizen, Aug 29/17 A4 ;
“Reflections on Consumer Advocacy: Past, Present and Future”, speech by Ken Rubin at the Consumers 150 Conference on The State of Canadian Consumers and Advocacy, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Ottawa, Sept 19/17
“House of Commons Debates on Bill C-58, references Sept 22/17
“The Rubin Triplets”, Bruce Deachman, Citizen, Sept 25/17 A4
“Feds want a more restrictive transparency regime”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 9/17 p. 16
“Submissions on Bill C-58 posted to the House of Commons Access, Privacy and Ethics Committee Website,,
“The Consumers’ Side: Food Guide”, Ken Rubin, Letter to the Editor, Globe and Mail, Oct 30/17 A10
“Battling Secrecy”, speech by Ken Rubin at the Center for Free Expression, Ryerson University, Toronto, November 27/17; Battling Secrecy”
“Battling Secrecy”, speech by Ken Rubin at the Center for Free Expression, Ryerson University, Toronto, November 27/17;
“Reflections on 40 years of organic farming”, Ken Rubin, The Canadian Organic Grower, fall/ winter 2017, volume 14, number 3, p. 13-16;
Yan Campagnolo, “Cabinet Immunity in Canada: The Legal Black Hole”, McGill Law Journal, Vol. 63, No. 2, 2017, pp. 315-374
“Canadian Journalists for Freedom of Expression 2015 Gala Video, Jan 15/16
“Trudeau’s off to slow, weak start on transparency record”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 17/16 p. 14
““Rail safety documents heavily redacted or kept secret by Transport Canada”, Dave Seglins, CBC News, Jan 19/16,
““Winners of the 2015 Grace-Pépin Access to Information Award”, Information Commissioner of Canada, news release, Jan 19/16,
“Ken Rubin and Truth and Reconciliation Commission win Grace-Pepin Award”, Kate Malloy, Hill Times, Jan 25/16 p.31
“Battle for release of subsidy figures shows information laws need reform: expert”, Michael Tutton, Canadian Press, Jan 27/16
“No-fly List: What is the Government Trying to Hide?”, Monia Mazigh, ICLMG News Digest on-line, March 2/16
“Carleton University eyed land at Farm”, Elizabeth Payne, Citizen, March 4/16 A1, 5
“Secrecy happenings and transparency hopes, Ottawa needs to open up’, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 7/16 p.45
“The Bombardier Files”, Kristine Owram, Financial Post, March 12/16 FP 1, 6; “Bombardier Fights Financial Disclosure”, Kristine Owram, Citizen, March 12/16 N 6,7
“Peak recognition: NCC eyes naming Gatineau Park hill after 17th-Century Algonquin chief”, Don Butler, Citizen, March 21/16
“Ottawa’s human rights report on Saudi Arabia to be ‘sanitized’ for public”, Steve Chase, April 1/16 A5
“Open government promise rings hollow” Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 1/16 on-line; and “Promise to alter open government law rings hollow”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, print, April 2/16 B7
“House Privacy Committee needs to make Canada’s weak privacy protection legislation relevant”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 18/16 p. 22
“Remaking and Replacing the Antiquated Limited Broken Access to Information Act”, Ken Rubin, Submission to the House of Commons Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Committee, April 21, 2016
“Remaking and Replacing the Antiquated Limited Broken Access to Information Act”, Ken Rubin, Submission to the House of Commons Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Committee, April 21, 2016 (french version, “Restructurer et remplacer la Loi sur l’acces a l”information”)
“Federal government slashes fees for access-to-information requests to strengthen accountability”, Marie-Danielle Smith, National Post, on-line, May 5/16
“Liberals issue openness directive, scrap most access to information fees”, Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press, on-line, May 5/16
“National Security Oversight Committee to require top-secret facilities to ‘meet, transmit and store information’: Public Security docs”, Abbas Rana, Hill Times, May 16/16 p. 1, 24
“Smoke and mirrors: phase one of the feds’ glib transparency moves”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 18/16 p. 12
“Senator worried about destruction of residential school abuse evidence”, Mike De Souza, National Observer, May 25/16 on-line
“Records of Harper’s India trip were ‘purged’ “, Tom Spears, Citizen, July 14/16 A1, 4
“RCMP didn’t ‘purge’ documents, they didn’t know where they were”, Tom Spears, Citizen, July 16/16 A3
“Bank of Canada bonuses skyrocket, senior officers awarded for work on new three-year plan”, Abbas Rana, Hill Times, Aug 8/16 p. 1, 17
“Missing and murdered women inquiry to test government secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Aug 22/16 p. 11
“Needed: a Strong Data Protection Act”, presentation to the House of Commons Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Committee, September 20, 2016 (is a French translation on-line)
“Shady, secretive system: Public Safety green-lit RCMP, CSIS, spying devices, documents reveal”, Laura Wright, CBC on-line, Sept 22/16
““Liberals spend $200,000 for advice on delivering campaign pledges. Globe and Mail, Oct 2/16
“Secret perks are a disservice to the public”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times Oct 3/16 p. 13
“Not much transparency despite the talk”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, A9, Oct 17/16 and on-line “Liberals after Year One: Not Much Transparency…”
“The Mandate Letters:One year Later: Transparency, CPAC Prime Time Politics, produced by Holly Doan, Oct 19/16
“Heritage Canada’s budget for William and Kate’s fall royal visit included $116 K for “dry run”, Douglas Quan, National Post Nov 7/16 on-line; “$885,000 Budgeted for Royal Visit”, Douglas Quan, Citizen, Nov 8/16 NP3
“Cheers! Canada schools our diplomats in fine wines”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Nov 16/16 on line
“Canada’s aging space robots will need fixes for sore joints”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Nov 25/16 A9
“Government transparency is still an elusive commodity”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 28/16 p. 10
“Vacant, partially vacant federal buildings cost government more than $40 million since spring”, Laura Ryckewaert, Hill Times, Dec 19/16 p. 1, 4, 5
“Transportation ministry has special rules for FOI requests:Documents”, Shawn Jeffors, Toronto Sun, Jan 10/14
“Canadian interests threatened by Polar Code: Transport Canada”, Laura BeaulneStuebing, Embassy News, Jan 21/15, p. 1,5
“”The Unknowable Country: The flaws in Trudeau’s Transparency Act”, Sean Holman”, JSource, Jan 26/15
“Tales from the front line: Canada’s FOI Warrior”, Ken Rubin in FOI at 10: Freedom fighting or lazy journalism?, Felle, Tom and Mair, John (2015) (eds), Bury St Edmunds: Abramis, England, pp. 205 to 213; ISBN: 978 1 84549 6463
“Feds told monitoring Arctic oil spills a challenge”, Laura BeaulneStuebing, Embassy News, Feb 18/15, p. 1,5
“The perils and paradoxes of FOI in Canada”, Ken Rubin, JSource, March 3/15, and Freedom of Information online newsletter ( March 5/15
“Hushhush about LeBreton Flats anchor project plans; NCC’s secretive, arrogant style”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times March 9/15 p.14
“Wake up: Bill C51 erodes our rights, transparency, privacy protection”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 16/15 p. 13
“NCC still too secretive on LeBreton Flats Anchor project”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 23/15 p. 9
“O’Connor cycling lane project ‘quite significant’, Don Butler, Citizen, March 24/15 A2
“Legault’s access reforms aren’t going to move Harper government”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 6/15 p. 17
“Hill media selfcensor ATIPs, creating ‘double whammy’ to get access records: Legault”, Hill Times, April 6/15 p. 1, 16
“Confederation Square in NCC makeover plan”, Don Butler, Citizen, April 6/15 A2
“Nepean Point focus on design competition”, Don Butler, Citizen, April 6/15 A2
“Fee ruling small step in right direction”, Jesse Winter, Citizen, April 17/15 A12
“Ottawa takes heat over arms deal” Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, May 20/15 A1, 4
“ An interview on CBC Radio As It Happens May 20/15 on Saudi arms sale and lack of human rights data
“Human Rights advocates blast arms deal”, Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, May 21/15 A5
“Ottawa aims to keep lid on details of Saudi arms deal”, Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, May 27/15 A1, 5
“Foreign military personnel get steep discount at LCBO”, Richard Brennan, Toronto Star, May 28/15 A1,2
“Vendre des armes, les yeux fermes”, Agnes Gruda, La Presse, May 29/15
“NCC push for memorial site part of drive for politically planned Ottawa”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, July 6/15 p. 12
“Wanted: a transformative election, a new Canada” Ken Rubin,Hill Times, Aug 10/15 p. 6
“Statute set to honour pulp tycoon Weston” Don Butler, Citizen, Aug 12 /15 A3.
“Ottawa studies power shift in Saudi Arabia with eye to arms deal”, Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, Aug 17/15 A1,9
“Porter’s past secret problems spark concerns over airline safety, Allison Martell, Reuters Aug 20/15
“Wrestling with the NCC’s culture of secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Aug 26/15, C 7 ; and on-line, “the NCC’s culture of secrecy”, Aug 25/15, Citizen
“Multi-million- dollar conduct codes of silence affect federal public service and transparency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 21/15 p. 12
“Access & Activism: An Investigator’s Journey”, Ken Rubin, Ottawa Magazine, Volume 18, number 4, October 2015, p. 7, 22-25
“The Most Unwanted Right in Alberta?”, Sean Holman’s Unknowable Country, September 28, 2015
“How a ‘Pain in the Neck’ Access Guy Got to Sit in the Powerful and Influential Speaker Chair”, Ken Rubin, Power & Influence, Fall 2015, Vol. 4 No. 4, p. 66
“CJFE honorees will watch how Trudeau government does”, Elianna Lev, Yahoo News Canada, Nov/15
“Mexico wants prime new embassy digs across from Parliament”, Kirsten Shane, Embassy News, Oct 28/15, p 1-3
“Justin Trudeau: A sunny positive tone but is it a transparent one?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 2/15 p. 16
“Ken Rubin wins inaugural investigative award”, Mark Burgess, Heard on the Hill, Nov 9/15 p. 52
“Public Works considering big plans for Sparks Street north, Parliamentary Precinct”, Laura Ryckewaert, Hill Times, Nov 9/15 p. 1, 41
“A Lifetime Battling Secrecy: Some Significant Struggles”, Ken Rubin, self-published on-line, November, 2015, ISBN 978-0-98654-3-3
“NCC not showing increase in openness”, Don Butler, Citizen, Nov 18/15 A3; and “NCC defends record, vows more transparency after Citizen story”, Don Butler, Citizen, Nov 19/15 A3
“He digs for information in the public interest”, Kathy English, Public Editor, Toronto Star, Nov 27/15, on-line; Nov 28/15, print, IN6
“2015 Investigative Award Winner: Ken Rubin”, by Alexandra Theodorakidis, CJFE on-line, Dec 01/15
“Interview, with Jameel Jaffer, Ken Rubin”, The Current, CBC, Dec 2/15
“The Leased of its Worries: National Capital Commission reaps big bucks (and small) from rental properties”, Don Butler, Citizen, Dec 14/15 A5
“Both Lebreton Flats bids propose NHL rink”, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, Dec 15/15 on-line, in print Dec 16/15, “And Then There were 2″, Jon Willing, p. 5
“McKenna says canal crossing proposal ‘a priority of mine'”, Matthew Pearson, Citizen, Dec 17/15 A4
“Researcher files complaint over LeBreton plans”, Don Butler, Citizen, Dec 21/15 A3
“Competition Bureau asked to look at Lebreton process”, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, Dec 21/15
“What’s in a name? Big money, great PR”, Vito Pilieci, Citizen, Jan 8/14 C2; “Lansdowne Park to become TD
“What’s in a name? Big money, great PR”, Vito Pilieci, Citizen, Jan 8/14 C2; “Lansdowne Park to become TD Place”, Citizen, Jan 7/14 A12; “we can bank on debt”, Ken Rubin, letter to the editor, Citizen, Jan 8/14 A10
“Importers circumvent tariff rules” , Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Jan 16/14
“PCO’s new gig, as central social media agency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan20/14, p. 16
“Defence department fears public wrath over spending on war commemorations”, Steve Chase, Globe and Mail, Feb 19/14 A4
“Government considers selling ads on Job Bank site”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Feb 25/14 A3
“Taxpayers pick up tab for $7,000 Tory pizza lunch”, David Akin, Sun Media, Feb 25/14; “Look who’s buying dinner”, David Akin, Ottawa Sun, Feb 26/14 A3
“Harper’s ExChief of Staff Tries to Deflect Heat Over Questionable Expenses”, Althia Raj, Hoffington Post, Feb 26/14
“Public Works contract for financial audit provides for 15 other reports, audits, documents reveal”, Laura Ryckewaert, Hill Times, March 3/14
“Harper’s Cabinet need not have any background facts, reinforces greater Cabinet secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 14/14 p. 15
“PMO paid $4.1M in seven years to departing employees”, Jason Fekette, Citizen, April 22/14 A12; PMO has paid $4.1M in severance:documents”, Jason Fekette, National Post, April 22/14 A6
“Access to Information is becoming harder for Canadians and here is why”, Wendy Gilles, Toronto Star, April 27, 28/14 A12
“Cost of Prince Charles and Camilla’s royal visit pegged at $721,000″, Guiseppe Valiannte, Sun Media, May 5/14;
“A Royal Pain in the Tax: Royal Price Tag”, Guiseppe Valiannte, Ottawa Sun, May 5/14 p. 1,8
“New book on publicity and politics critical of political marketing”, Mark Burgess, Hill Times, May 12/14, p. 2
“Managing Information: Too Much Publicity, Not Enough Public Disclosure”, Ken Rubin and Kirsten Kozolanka, Publicity and the Canadian State: Critical Communications Perspectives, University of Toronto Press, 2014, p. 195 to 214, ISBN 978 1 4426 1590 8
“David Cameron’s ‘topsecret’ visit to Canada revealed”, James FitzMorris, CBC News, May 14/14
“Upholding secrecy while proclaiming ‘transparency’ in resource development field”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 26/14 p.14
“Tories defend choice of government insider for federal privacy czar”, Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press, May 29/14
“Another questionable PM appointee”, Ken Rubin, Ottawa Citizen, May 30 online and May 31/14, D11
“Privacy critics decry commissioner’s appointment”, Josh Wingrove, June 2/14 A3
“$83 million set to honour military history”, Steve Chase, Globe and Mail, June 17/14 A1,4
“The Unknowable Country: Shine a light on government secrecy with “cdnfoi”, Sean Holman, J Source Sept 26/14
“Public records @ $38 a page”, Tom Korski, Blacklock’s Reporter online, Sept 29/14
“Want to know the real status of Pan Am Games construction?”, Jennifer Pagliaro, Toronto Star, Nov 13/14
“RCMP spent $1.2 million investigating SNCLavalin in one year”, Aaron Derfel, Montreal Gazette Nov 14/14
“Shining Light On Justin Trudeau’s stand on transparency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 8/14 p. 14
“RCMP worried about possible terrorism threat from drones, documents show”, Douglas Quan, Post Media, Dec 29/14; and “Mounties Fear Terror Drones”, Douglas Quan, National Post, Dec 30/14 p.1 to 2
“RCMP drone expansion comes with hefty price tag”, Douglas Quan, Citizen, Dec 30/14 A7; and Post Media online
“Idle No More takes on Harper’s Dismantling of First Nations’ home base”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 14/13 p1, 11
“Privacy breaches underline weak, secretive federal data protection laws”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 23/13 p.21
“Freedom of information activists ask: Why are Toronto councillors allowed to work in secret?”, Robyn Doolittle, Toronto Star Feb 21/13
“Border policy unfair, businesses say”, Tobi Cohen, Citizen, March 5/13 A4
“Six Tory Cabinet ministers take to road to showcase Harper government’s communications style”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 18/13 p. 17
“NCC spends $420G on fake snow to keep Winterlude snowy”, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, March 20/13
“Government cuts eroding tax evasion fight: critics”, Jason Fekette, Citizen, March 26/13 A2
“Tab for residential school abuses likely to top $4 billion”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, April 22/13
“Bureaucrat’s private Spanish lessons under fire”, David Akin, Sun Media, May 6/13
“StatsCan staff face strict rules on what to say, wear”, Jason Fekette, Citizen, May 7/13 A1,2
“NDP to feds: Say adios to Spanish lessons”, David Akin, Sun Media, May 7/13
“Review brings out the entrepreneurial spirit”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, June 3/13 A8
“It’s open season on transparency in Ottawa”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 17/13 p. 10
“Library and Archives Canada warned about digitizing archives”, Tom Spears, Citizen, June 17/13 A6
“Secrecy lives behind access to information law; Three Decades of Secrecy under the Access to Information Act”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, June 19/13
“Royal rebranding cost taxpayers more than $1M”, Jessica Hume, Sun Media, June 30/13
“Top brass gain amid layoffs”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, July 4/13 A4
“Ottawa LRT big dig up for debate”, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, July 9/13
“CFIA action slow on pathogen imports”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, July 11/13
“Treasury Board’s role ‘perfunctory’ “, Michael Woods, Citizen, Aug 1/13 A3
“Documents show extent of illegal campaign gifts”, Lee Berthiaume, Citizen, Aug 3/13 A3; “Elections Canada finds 40 misdeeds”, Lee Berthiaume, National Post, Aug 3/13 A4
“Abuse related to inmates’ $80 drug tab not tracked”, Daniel Proussalidis”, Sun Media Aug 7/13
“Canada pours on charm for oil sands”, Lee Berthiaume, Citizen, Aug 9/13 A3
“Group seeks election voluntary disclosure”, Lee Berthiaume, Citizen, Aug 13/13 A3
“Cattle drive: Kazakhstan turns to Canada to build livestock trade’, Josh Wingrove, Globe and Mail, Sept 10/13 A1,14
“Ag Canada planned pitch to sell cuts”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Sept 26/13 p. 3
“Museum paid $2.7 million for antique furniture collection”, Don Butler, Citizen, Oct 8/13
“Inuit art shows life on cusp of upheaval”, Don Butler, Citizen, Oct 9/13 A3.
“PM prerogative, public knowledge of his office and fleeting glimpses”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 2/13 p. 13
“Border agency flags aid outflow to Hezbollah”, Lee Berthiaume, Citizen, Dec 4/13 A10, and “Cash destined for Lebanon cited in secret report”, National Post, Dec 4/13 A6
“Long-gun battle cost RCMP $1.1M”, Tobi Cohen, Citizen, Dec 5 /13 A6 and “Court battle over gun registry costs RCMP $1 million and counting”, Tobi Cohen, Montreal Gazette, Dec 5 /13
“Ottawa’s gold rush: Cashing in a stash of coins from 1914”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Dec 31/13 p. A1, 12
“Feds enter Twitter/YouTube era:one more Harper government messaging tool”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 9/12 p. 12
“All’s ‘Fair” in Centre Contract”, John Wiling, Ottawa Sun, Jan 27/12 A4-5
“The parallel worlds of what’s public and private”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 13/12 p. 15
“Odd occurrences observed at Occupy Ottawa”, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, Feb 14/12 , and “Managing Media At Occupy Ottawa, Feb 15/12
“PBO Page challenges Finance Department to deliver promise to release long-term fiscal report”, Chris Plecash, Hill Times, Feb 20/12 p 1, 6
“Oilsands ‘significant’ risk to Alberta, memo says”, Mike de Souza, Citizen, Feb 21/12 A4 and CBC National, Feb 21/12
“ ‘Segregation lite’ invites prison suits, documents say”, Jordan Press, Citizen, Feb 23/12 A3
“Royal tour to cost more than $500,000, documents suggest”, Jordan Press, Citizen, Mar 16/12 A3
“Supreme Court ruling more often in favour of greater secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 19/12 p. 11
“Critical federal IT systems near failure, study says”, Jordan Press, Citizen, Mar 23/12 A3
“Treasury Board data centres carried risk of failure, documents suggest”, Jordan Press, Post Media,, Mar 26/12
“Memos warned of NATO soldiers being ‘exploited’ “, Colin Freeze Globe and Mail , Mar 31/12 A4
“Don’t ‘cheerlead’ oilsands, officials warned governments”, Mike de Souza, Citizen, April 15/12 A3
“Building Bridges; Developing Plot”, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, April 20/12 p.1,4,5; and Sun TV April 19/12
“Tories mull sale of VIA routes”, Bill Curry Globe and Mail , April 23/12 A4
“Canada’s Health Infoway is too secretive”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 23/12 p.23
“Quirky math adds to Pontiac cellphone tower debate,” Tom Spears, Citizen, May 4/12 A1,2
“Feds half-empty buildings cost $11.5 million”, Michael Aubry, Sun Media, May 17/12; and “Feds pay $7M to maintain buildings due for destruction” , Michael Aubry, Sun Media, May 18/12
“Is a massive destruction of records on on the way?” , Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 21/12 p.17; and
“Feds rush to downgrade information”, Hill Times letter to editor, p.8
“Tories ignored expert advice to choose cultural capitals”, Mike de Souza, Citizen, May 25/12 A3
“Agency has little to show for millions in funding “, Gloria Galloway Globe and Mail, June 1/12 A4
“Canada’s Access to Information Act turns 30, but who’s looking or caring”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, July 2/12 p. 1 and 13
“Feds won’t build new Science and Technology Museum, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, July 18/12 and Sun TV July 18/12
“A province of tax snitches”, Davis Akin, Sun Media, Aug 10/12, blog and story
“Shipments to Iran slipping sanctions”, Lee Berthiaume, Citizen, Aug 23/12 A3
assistance to Jim Garwood in his quest to tell his story and FOI fight on CBC National, “The Undetermined Death of Jessie Garwood” Sept 25/12; and Winnipeg Free Press, “Son should pursue case of mom’s death: lawyer” Sept 25/12; “Man fights to prove mother’s 2004 death a homicide” Sept 25/12; “mother’s death no accident” Sept 26/12
“Stark contrast found in Canada’s two-tier access to information system: on average 120 days late with blackouts and fewer public records”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 22/12 p. 16; and on-line Oct 24/12 at, “Emphasis on Open Data Overshadows Access Problems in Canada”.
“Tobacco finding way to black market: RCMP”, Tom Blackwell, National Post, Nov 5/12 A1,6
“Syria ignored Canadian sanctions”, Lee Bethiaume, Citizen, Nov 15/12 A1,2
“Canadian efforts to resettle Iraqi refugees hampered by Syrian violence”, Tobi Cohen, Post Media, Nov 16/12
“Tories targeting first nations and unions for fuller public disclosure”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 19/12 p. 1 and 10
“No Plans for posh LCBO setting up at Lansdowne Park”, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, Nov23/12 p.1,4, and “”other Central neighbourhoods left out of LCBO plans” , Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, Nov23/12 p.1,4 and Sun TV /12
“Supreme Court posed to hear access-to-information legal challenge”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 26/12 p. 19
“Feds won’t help Truth and Reconciliation Commission gather millions of government records for Research Centre, so it’s going to court”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 3/12 p.
“Ottawa taken to court over residential-schools documents”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Dec 3/12 A4
“Bureaucrats told Peter Kent reforms could undermine environmental protection”, Mike de Souza, Post Media, Dec 3/12
“Face time on the Hill:The energy lobby pipeline to Ottawa”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Dec 4/12 B1,4
“Spending questions remain on eve of naming LRT builder and pricetag”, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, Dec 3/12
“Docs detail extra cash for diplomats in danger”, Kirsten Shane, Embassy, Dec 12/12 p 1,5
“Bill to decontaminate soil at Le Breton Flats up to $71 M” and “Park price tag hit $6M”, Jon Willing, Ottawa Sun, Dec 23/12 p. 1, 6,7
“Rent cost DND $30M”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Jan 4/11 A1,2; and “$30M spent on office space for DND”, Mohammed Adam, National Post, Jan 4/11 A 4
“It’s time for a more open government and an ‘’”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 10/11 p.13
“The Myth of access to information”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 31/11 p.30
“Canada Ranks Dead Last in Transparency”, Caut/Acppu Bulletin Online, vol. 58, no.2 Feb/11
“Public Works say Hill media welcome to stay in National Press Building for now”, Jessica Bruno,
Hill Times, Feb 7/11 p.41
“CFIA changes management structure”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Feb 10/11
“Time to review ‘cabinet confidence’ say Mps, critics, Kristen Shane, Hill Times, March 7/11 p. 1, 25
“Feds may consider upping fee for accessing information”, Dean Beeby, Canadian Press, march 13/11
“The Murky world of Canada-US “perimeter security”, Andrew Mayeda, PostMedia on-line, March 14/11
“Ottawa keeps tight lid on even most basic us border deal files”, Gloria Galloway Globe and Mail on-line, March 15/11
“Stockwell Day boasts project aimed at government transparency”, Robert Hiltz, Postmedia News, March 25/11
“Temporary secrecy outrage hits Ottawa”, Ken Rubin Hill Times, March 21/ii on-line; update in print, March 28/11 p. 13
“Red tunic may be a liability for Mounties,says report”, Ian Bailey, Globe and Mail, April 1/11
“Shining a light on PM Aides: before and after Bruce Carson” Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April18/11 p. 14; April 11 (on-line)
“Aboriginal health concerns obstacle to oilsands growth, gov’t says”, Mike De Souza, Postmedia News, April27/11
“Death of a distinctive village and an irreplaceable public space”, Ken Rubin, Glebe Report, May 13/11 p. 6
“Expect ‘even greater secrecy’ in wake of court ruling on PM’s agenda”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail on-line May 13/11
“Court ruling could increase government secrecy: information watchdog”, Julian Beltrame, Canadian Press, May 13/11
“Research data on asbestos exposure hidden”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star on-line May 18/11 note at A19
“Down and Out in Quebec”, Laurie Kazan-Allen, International Ban Asbestos Secretariat, May, 2011
“Taxpayers burned”, Hank Daniszewski, London Free Press, May 25/11
“Transparency suffers supremely, Supreme Court labelling OMO/Minister offices’ records ‘political’ a secrecy bonanza”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 30/11 p. 20
“Federal PR plan pushes oilsands” and Government mulled hiring PR firm to promote oilsands”, Mike De Souza, Postmedia, Montreal Gazette, May 31/11
“Booth Street site ‘in critical condition’ ”, Tom Spears, Citizen, June 2/11 A1, 5
“Pipelines ordered to cut gas flow near cities”, Mike De Souza, Citizen, June 3/11 A4
“Project seen hiking Us oil ‘dependence’ Mike De Souza, Citizen, June 4/11 A3
“Feds spending millions deporting illegal immigrants’, David Akin, June 13/11, Sun Media
“Health Canada’s asbestos advice rejected by government” Gil scochat, CBC National June 13/11
“Ideas abound for Canada’s 150th birthday”, Jeff Davis, Citizen, June 28/11 A3: and “ Marking Canada’s 150th may be both fun, serious: documents”, Jeff Davis, National Post, June 28/11 A5
“Feds nixed Edmonton Expo for fear of regional envy: documents” Jeff Davis, Post Media, June 29/11; “Ottawa killed Expo bid over eastern jealousy: report”, CBC News June 29/11; “A nugget of evidence that Quebec City’s arena bid helped kill Edmonton’s Expo bid” , David Staples, Edmonton Journal, June 29/11; “Feds liked Edmonton’s Expo bid, but still pulled support: documents”, CTV Edmonton June 29/11; Fear of Eastern Canada jealousy may have hurt Edmonton bid, documents show, Postmedia News, National Post, June 30/11 A5; and “Expo nixed due to eastern envy: report”, Jeff Davis, Citizen, June 30/11 A3
“NHL arenas among 150th anniversary ‘legacy’ projects in federal documents”, Jeff Davis, Postmedia News, June 29/11; and “NHL rinks among ‘legacy’ projects”, Jeff Davis, Citizen, June 30/11 A3
“Files shed light on Wikileaks ‘war room’, Jordan Press, Citizen, June 30:/11 A3
“PCO delivers ‘bad service’ on access to information, ‘antithesis of duty-to-assist requirements, says access czar”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, July 5/11
“High price tag for Will and Kate’s Canadian tour”, Daniel Proussalidis, Sunmedia, July 5/11; and “Tab fit for a king”, Ottawa Sun, Daniel Proussalidis, July 6/11 p.5
“Internal hurdles challenge HRSDC:, Robert Hiltz, Citizen, July 6/11 A5
“Failed Expo bid shines light on Ottawa’s energy struggles” Josh Wingrove, Globe and Mail, July 15/11 A5
“Canada’s Asbestos Industry- The Final Countdown”, Laurie Kazan-Allen, International Ban Secretariat, July 22/11
“Concerns raised over use of toxic pesticides to fight sea lice”, Mark Hume, Globe and Mail Sept 15/11
“City’s Lansdowne consulting firm earned $2.8M on sole-sourced contract”, David Reevely, Citizen, Sept 17/11 A1, D1, 6
“Harper legacy? It ain’t transparency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times Oct 10/11 p. 1, 12
“Opponents call political push to thwart ban in the US morally wrong”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Oct 19/11 A5 (Laurie Kazan Allen, October 18, 2011: a Bloody Anniversary”, International Ban Asbestos Secretariat, website
“Information commish likely to review legislation proposing the destruction of long gun records” Mike de Souza, Postmedia Oct 26/11
“Quebec will fight destruction of gun registry data”, Andrew Chung, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, Oct 26/11
“Quebec says it will fight the Harper government on gun registry”, Jennifer Ditchburn, Canadian Press, Oct 26/11 and and CBC Newsworld October 27/11
“Two companies with NDP ties coordinated Layton funeral:Reports”, Robert Hiltz, Postmedia News, Oct 28/11
“Bureaucrats to muscle public out of Library and Archives”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, Oct 31/11 A1-2
“Archives ouster baffles Ottawa Ottawa groups”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, “It’s our history”
Citizen editorial, and letter,”Auditorium loss profound”, Nov 1/11 C1-2
“ Canada’s access system slow, ineffective”, CBC News, Nov 1/11; and “Access to Information” interview, CBC Radio National Capital, Nov 1/11
“Officials knew bridge might collapse”, Andy Raga, Montreal Gazette, Nov 2/11 A1 and 6; and “bridge report had officials scrambling”, Citizen/Post Media, Nov 3/11 A6; “Transport Canada officials kept fears of Champlain Bridge Collapse a Secret”, National Post, Nov 3/11 A8
“Occupy Ottawa: against record destruction”“, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 7/11 p. 11
“Cellphone tower Oked in Pontiac scenic spot”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Nov 9/11 C5
“Ottawa’s love of envelopes: from Brian Mulroney to CBC”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 5/11 p. 17
“Air India case still active 26 years later”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Dec 5/11
“Push on for private financing for public water systems”, Jordan Press, Post Media, Dec 15/11; and ”Myths about public-private partnerships persist: study”, Jordan Press, National Post, Dec 16/11 p. 6
“College board chair defends huge payout”, Matthew Pearson, Citizen, Dec 21/11 C1, 4
“Ottawa cautiously dipping its toe in social-media pool”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Dec 29/11 A4
“Torch security tab soars”, Peter Zimonjic, Sun Media, Jan 11/10
“Security Blanket”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Jan 16/10
“Different ways of gaining access to Parliament Hill”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 18/10 p. 33
“Canada not in hurry to follow U.S. lead in cloned meat and milk”, Christina Spencer, Sun Media, Jan 18/10
“Fate of French translation unclear at Paralympics”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Feb 17/10 A10
“Ottawa’s cash helped bolster French services, VANOC says”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Feb 18/10 A9
“PM a frugal traveller, Harper looks for hotel deals, documents show”, Peter Zimonjic, Sun Media, Feb 19/10
“Ontario’s sweet drug deals threatened by disclosure of rebate terms”, Adam Radwanski, Globe and Mail, March 12/10 A7
“Ontario seeks Ottawa’s help as welfare cases spike”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, March 15/10 A6
“When federal information management practices interfere with public access: need an effective watchdog”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 15/10 p. 39
“Nickle dispute boiling after EU labels metal compounds carcinogenic”, Anca Gurzu, Embassy March 31/10 p. 1, 14
“Access Act big loser in fight over Afghan documents”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times April 5/10 p.2
“Quebec pursues drug firms over prices”, Rheal Seguin, Globe and Mail, April 9/10 A8
“Fuss raised over York’s handling of Mideast Conference”, Elizabeth Church, Globe and Mail, April 12/10 A6
“Rubin launches website to promote access to information”, Hill Times, April 12/10 p. 18; and Access Advocate Rubin publishes 3,000 pages of data via DVD”, Hill Times, March 11/10 p.2
“National Gallery to bar -18s from exhibit”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, April 15/10 A8
“Off the Hook?, Letters to Editor re National Gallery, Globe and Mail, April 16/10 A14; and “Artistic licence”, Citizen editorial, April 16/10 A14; “A crucible of moment”, Marc Mayer, Director, National
Gallery, Globe and Mail, April 17/10 A16
“National security cited in one-fifth of government’s ATIP rejections”, Carl Meyer, Embassy, April 21/10 p. 1, 10
“CFIA receives D grade for access to information”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, April 22/10 p. 17
CBC National Radio “Current” Interview April 30, 2010 with Dr. Ian Jones on oil spills, item 1482043151
“Public Works slow to release lead reports”, David Pugliese, Citizen, May 8/10 A 1, 2
“Access to Information”, David Pugliese, Citizen, May 8/10 B 1, 2
“For the records: A landmark fight over the right to information”, David Pugliese, Citizen, May 9/10 A 1, 12
“NCC planners fretted over placement of 100-foot metal tree, papers reveal”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, May 10/10 A1, 8
“Taming Douglas, Great Canadians and enemies of state”, John Bagelow, National Post, May 10/10
“500 ways to say no”, Jonathan Gatehouse, MacLeans, May 12/10
“Pharmacy-feud mandarin leaving post-Bureaucrat was given unusual leeway”, Adam Radwanski, Globe and Mail, May 26/10 A12
“G8 and G20 preparations costly”, Peter Zimonjic, Sun Media, June 2/10
“Gallery suffers ‘storage crisis’ ”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, June 3/10 A1, 2
“Bank of Canada payouts “offensive”, Bryn Weese, Sun Media, June 3/10
“Problems lurk in Canada’s public health agency”, David Akin, Sun Media, July 24/10
“New breed of spies more Q than Bond”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, August 3/10 A2
“Parliament inherits leaky building”, Althia Raj, Sun Media, August 14/10
“Terror threat not hyped:ex-spy master”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, Aug 30/10 A1-2
“Cycling in Ottawa: Five tough problems, five other easy fixes”, Kate Jaimet, Citizen, Sept 7/10 C1,3
“Centre for Pluralism finally ready to launch“, Althia Raj, Sun Media Sept 25 10
“Long and Short End: Restoring Faith, and Ending Interference and Documentation Letdowns”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 27/10 p.35
“Executive ranks swell in federal government”, Brian Tilley, Sun Media, Sept 29/10; and “Liberals question growth of fed fat cats”, Brian Tilley, Sun Media, Sept 30/10
“Human-rights data delayed nearly 3 years”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Oct 9/10 A4
“Brain lesions linked to sharp drop in sockeye salmon”, Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, Nov 3/10 A16
“NCC took in $19 M in rent, listings show”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Nov 15/10 C1, 6
“In Defence of the Oilsands”, Mike De Souza, Citizen, Nov 22/10 A4, and “Ottawa targets ‘dirty oil’ tactics”, Mike De Souza, Financial Post, Nov 22/10 FP1, 2
“Government accused of lobbying for weaker emission rules”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Nov 23/10 A18
“Retreat behind the wire: only insiders need to know”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 6/10 p.45
“Journalists invoke public’s ‘right to know’ it should extend to CBC salaries”, Tom Korski, Hill Times, Dec 13/10 p. 11
“Study finds flaws in gov’t handling of nematode case”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Dec 16/10
“PM Harper shouldn’t have appointed Ouimet in the first place”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 20/10 p. 11
“Battle over Chinese-made rifle pits gun enthusiasts against RCMP”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Dec 21/10 A12
“Backup command site sought for PMO”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Dec 31/10 A4
“Harperland: The Politics of Control” Lawrence Martin, Penguin, 2010, p.255
“Proper management key to insurance” Barry Wilson, Western Producer Jan 8/09 p.15
“Livestock insurance system in works” Barry Wilson, Western Producer Jan 8/09 p.17
“Privacy commissioner to decide on Conservative taping of NDP conference call”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, Jan 09 p. 12
“Government considers fingerprinting entire PS”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, A1, 6
“Transparency bar in troubled times wants to open up, Canada wants delays, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 2/09 p. 12
“Costs high behind bars”, Peter Zimonjic, Toronto Sun, Feb 8/09
“House to post MP’s voting records”, Cynthia Munster, Hill Times Feb 23/09 p. 1, 19
“No paid time off for federal Games volunteers”, Rod Mickleburgh, Globe and Mail, March 2/09 A 3
“Health Canada wants access requests vetted by minister; researchers vexed”, Glen McGregor, Citizen, March 6/09 A5
“Anti-terrorist security urged for PM’s residences, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, March 9/09 A4; “RCMP want to boost security at 24 Sussex, says report”, CTV March 9/09
“Don’t expect real changes in Ottawa’s secretive ways”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 16/09 p. 1,7
House of Commons Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Committee, Ken Rubin and Vincent Gogolek (FIPA) Witnesses on Access to Information Act Reform, No. 13, 2nd session,40 th Parliament April 1/09
“More airports get more free customs service: Seattle-Vancouver train must pay”, Transport 2000 newsletter, April 3/09
“Feds seize $281.4 M in assets from crooks”, Elizabeth Thompson, Ottawa Sun, April 6/09 p 1, 6
“New NCC Ombudsman Set to Solve Problems”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, April 9/09 C3
“EDC execs at the trough”, Peter Zimonjic, Toronto Sun, April 13/09 p. 8
“Trust probe tab $445Gs: Investigation sparked charges of political interference”, Kathleen Harris, Sun Media, April 18/09
“Bonuses break the bank”, Peter Zimonjic, Ottawa Sun, May 4/09 and Question Period May 4/09 Hansard p. 3002
“Top dog bonuses under review”, Peter Zimonjic, Ottawa Sun, May 5/09 p. 7
“CFIA: food safety or marketing?”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, May 14/09 p. 1 and 2
“ The two hats of the CFIA”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, May 14/09 p. 72 and 73
“Docs in annual $1M club”, Cristina Spencer, Ottawa Sun, May 19/09 p. 5
“A new way to see food: FDA to approve modified fish”, Oliver Moore, Globe and Mail, May 20/09 A1, 8
“Police confiscate firearms: 92 handguns collected in city since fall”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, May 29/09 A1, 2
“Raitt’s forgotten ‘secret’ Cabinet binder could force government to over zealously classify documents “, Harris Macleod, Hill Times, June 15/09 p. 4
“How Government Plays Secrecy Game in Ottawa, “, W.T. Stanbury Hill Times, June 15/09 p. 24, 25
“House Access to Information Committee opts to play it safe”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 22/09, p. 13
“Federal access to information watchdog retiring”, Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press, June 22/09
“$1.6M later, still no tenant for mill”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, June 25/09 A3
“Eco-certification deadline looming for seafood”, Oliver Moore, Globe and Mail, June 26/09
“Marleau criticized for leaving early”, Cynthia Munster, Hill Times, June 29/09 p. 1, 5
“$58M for Shanghai pavilion”, Christina Spencer, Ottawa Sun, July 6/09 p. 3
“Access to information ‘a human right’ says Liberal MP Simson, Hill Times, July 6/09 p. 8
“Cloned animals spark trade concerns”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Aug 2/09 A1,9
“Transport Canada ‘fictitiously’ expensing millions”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail,Sept 14/09 A1,4
“Air safety probe sought”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Sept 15/09 A4
“Two tax-agency workers diverted refunds to their own accounts”, Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, Sept 17/09 A4
“Ottawa makes room for Gadhafi, shunned Mugabe”, John Ibittson, Globe and Mail, Sept 26/09 A4
“Getting at Ottawa’s expenses in Transport Canada”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, September 28/09 p. 16
“Government threatened grant agency over Mideast conference”, Anne McIlroy, Globe and Mail, Sept 29/09 A6
“Program to fast-track complaints did the opposite”, Dean Beeby, Globe and Mail, Oct 1/09
“Munchies in space? Snack on a CANookie”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Oct 7/09 A1, 10
“Make mine localious”, Ron Eade, Citizen, Oct 8/09 F1,2
“Canadian space food has come along way since Tang”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Oct 11/09 A1, 12
“Security vs. privacy”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, Oct 11/09 A4
“The struggle to bend an ear in Washington”, Campbell Clark, Globe and Mail, Oct 23/09 A4
“Our Right to Know hits rock bottom”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 16/09 p.9
“Field officers given wide powers over spending”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Nov 17/09 A4
“$8-million, no oversight: Forces given rein to hire private guards in Kandahar”Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Nov 18/09 A1,9
“Alleged misconduct dogs Revenue staff”, Peter Zimonjic, Ottawa Sun, Nov 18/09 p. 22
“MP chastises hog leaders for weak aid fight”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Nov 19/09 p.33
“Report: 2007 flu plan explored grim scenario”, Christina Spencer, Sun, Nov 20/09
“Harper’s communications strategy and some principles of propaganda”, W.T. Stanbury, Hill Times, Nov 23/09 p.31
“Ottawa Unplugged”, Matthew Stein, Ryerson Review of Journalism, Nov 24/09
“Account of war’s actual cost still lacking”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Nov 25/09 A4
“Royal visit cost Canadians $2.57 M”, Peter Zimonjic, Nov 25/09 and CBC National News Nov 26/09
“Strange acts by Congress Centre”, Susan Sherring, Ottawa Sun, Dec 1/09
“Feds open to computer reboot”, Christina Spencer, Toronto Sun, Dec 7/09
“One in five Mounties tormented in the last year”, Kathleen Harris, Sun Dec 17/09
“Flu Inc. How vaccines became big business”, Paul Waldie and Grant Robertson, Globe and Mail, Dec 30/09 B1, 6,7
“Proper management key to insurance” Barry Wilson, Western Producer Jan 8/09 p.15
“Livestock insurance system in works” Barry Wilson, Western Producer Jan 8/09 p.17
“Privacy commissioner to decide on Conservative taping of NDP conference call”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, Jan 09 p. 12
“Government considers fingerprinting entire PS”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, A1, 6
“Transparency bar in troubled times wants to open up, Canada wants delays, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 2/09 p. 12
“Costs high behind bars”, Peter Zimonjic, Toronto Sun, Feb 8/09
“House to post MP’s voting records”, Cynthia Munster, Hill Times Feb 23/09 p. 1, 19
“No paid time off for federal Games volunteers”, Rod Mickleburgh, Globe and Mail, March 2/09 A 3
“Health Canada wants access requests vetted by minister; researchers vexed”, Glen McGregor, Citizen, March 6/09 A5
“Anti-terrorist security urged for PM’s residences, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, March 9/09 A4; “RCMP want to boost security at 24 Sussex, says report”, CTV March 9/09
“Don’t expect real changes in Ottawa’s secretive ways”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 16/09 p. 1,7
House of Commons Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Committee, Ken Rubin and Vincent Gogolek (FIPA) Witnesses on Access to Information Act Reform, No. 13, 2nd session,40 th Parliament April 1/09
“More airports get more free customs service: Seattle-Vancouver train must pay”, Transport 2000 newsletter, April 3/09
“Feds seize $281.4 M in assets from crooks”, Elizabeth Thompson, Ottawa Sun, April 6/09 p 1, 6
“New NCC Ombudsman Set to Solve Problems”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, April 9/09 C3
“EDC execs at the trough”, Peter Zimonjic, Toronto Sun, April 13/09 p. 8
“Trust probe tab $445Gs: Investigation sparked charges of political interference”, Kathleen Harris, Sun Media, April 18/09
“Bonuses break the bank”, Peter Zimonjic, Ottawa Sun, May 4/09 and Question Period May 4/09 Hansard p. 3002
“Top dog bonuses under review”, Peter Zimonjic, Ottawa Sun, May 5/09 p. 7
“CFIA: food safety or marketing?”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, May 14/09 p. 1 and 2
“ The two hats of the CFIA”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, May 14/09 p. 72 and 73
“Docs in annual $1M club”, Cristina Spencer, Ottawa Sun, May 19/09 p. 5
“A new way to see food: FDA to approve modified fish”, Oliver Moore, Globe and Mail, May 20/09 A1, 8
“Police confiscate firearms: 92 handguns collected in city since fall”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, May 29/09 A1, 2
“Raitt’s forgotten ‘secret’ Cabinet binder could force government to over zealously classify documents “, Harris Macleod, Hill Times, June 15/09 p. 4
“How Government Plays Secrecy Game in Ottawa, “, W.T. Stanbury Hill Times, June 15/09 p. 24, 25
“House Access to Information Committee opts to play it safe”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 22/09, p. 13
“Federal access to information watchdog retiring”, Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press, June 22/09
“$1.6M later, still no tenant for mill”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, June 25/09 A3
“Eco-certification deadline looming for seafood”, Oliver Moore, Globe and Mail, June 26/09
“Marleau criticized for leaving early”, Cynthia Munster, Hill Times, June 29/09 p. 1, 5
“$58M for Shanghai pavilion”, Christina Spencer, Ottawa Sun, July 6/09 p. 3
“Access to information ‘a human right’ says Liberal MP Simson, Hill Times, July 6/09 p. 8
“Cloned animals spark trade concerns”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Aug 2/09 A1,9
“Transport Canada ‘fictitiously’ expensing millions”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail,Sept 14/09 A1,4
“Air safety probe sought”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Sept 15/09 A4
“Two tax-agency workers diverted refunds to their own accounts”, Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, Sept 17/09 A4
“Ottawa makes room for Gadhafi, shunned Mugabe”, John Ibittson, Globe and Mail, Sept 26/09 A4
“Getting at Ottawa’s expenses in Transport Canada”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, September 28/09 p. 16
“Government threatened grant agency over Mideast conference”, Anne McIlroy, Globe and Mail, Sept 29/09 A6
“Program to fast-track complaints did the opposite”, Dean Beeby, Globe and Mail, Oct 1/09
“Munchies in space? Snack on a CANookie”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Oct 7/09 A1, 10
“Make mine localious”, Ron Eade, Citizen, Oct 8/09 F1,2
“Canadian space food has come along way since Tang”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Oct 11/09 A1, 12
“Security vs. privacy”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, Oct 11/09 A4
“The struggle to bend an ear in Washington”, Campbell Clark, Globe and Mail, Oct 23/09 A4
“Our Right to Know hits rock bottom”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 16/09 p.9
“Field officers given wide powers over spending”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Nov 17/09 A4
“$8-million, no oversight: Forces given rein to hire private guards in Kandahar”Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Nov 18/09 A1,9
“Alleged misconduct dogs Revenue staff”, Peter Zimonjic, Ottawa Sun, Nov 18/09 p. 22
“MP chastises hog leaders for weak aid fight”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Nov 19/09 p.33
“Report: 2007 flu plan explored grim scenario”, Christina Spencer, Sun, Nov 20/09
“Harper’s communications strategy and some principles of propaganda”, W.T. Stanbury, Hill Times, Nov 23/09 p.31
“Ottawa Unplugged”, Matthew Stein, Ryerson Review of Journalism, Nov 24/09
“Account of war’s actual cost still lacking”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Nov 25/09 A4
“Royal visit cost Canadians $2.57 M”, Peter Zimonjic, Nov 25/09 and CBC National News Nov 26/09
“Strange acts by Congress Centre”, Susan Sherring, Ottawa Sun, Dec 1/09
“Feds open to computer reboot”, Christina Spencer, Toronto Sun, Dec 7/09
“One in five Mounties tormented in the last year”, Kathleen Harris, Sun Dec 17/09
“Flu Inc. How vaccines became big business”, Paul Waldie and Grant Robertson, Globe and Mail, Dec 30/09 B1, 6,7
“Oh, what to make of military’s codenamed ‘Tiger Team’?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times January 7/08, p.9
“Afghanistan and secrecy” Steve Reiss, Canadian Press, January 28/08
“Harper aide intervened for Montreal developer”, Daniel LeBlanc, Globe and Mail, Jan 30/08 A1,4
“It’s a bumpy back road of Access to Information in Ottawa”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 4/08, p.13
“Two Types of Access: the influential lobbyist and the public’s”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 11/08 p. 11
“Prime Minister Harper’s Tories are prying eyes under Canada’s Privacy Act, circa 1983-2008”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 3/08 P. 12
“Mounties were set to charge official in income trust leak”, Daniel LeBlanc and Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, March 10/08, A1,4
“Loophole in secrecy laws angers NDP”, Daniel LeBlanc and Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, March 11/08, A4
“College says pilot training is unassailable”, Nathan White, Telegraph Journal, March 15/08 A2
“Bell reacted quickly to customer data theft says Bell Canada”, Hill Times March 17/08 p.8
“Canada blasts France over missile tests”, Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, March 28/08 A6
“Access program overwhelmed”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, March 28/08 A3
“RCMP kept tabs on public pulse as Arar affair picked up steam”, and “Embracing Change”, Omar El Akkad, Globe and Mail, March 31/08 A4
“Consumer-protection law defective, study finds”, Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail, April 2/08 A7
“Make ethics code less rigorous, firm urged Finance”, Kevin Charmichael, Globe and Mail, April 5/08 a4
“ Deep-seated secrecy rules Ottawa, pitiful choices to zap,leak, and control” Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April l7/08 p. 11
“NAV Canada fined $95,000 for pilot misinformation”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, April 14/08 A4
“Chef Derek Benitz branches out– next door”, Ron Eade, Citizen, April 22/08
“Canada’s Privacy Act suddenly comes up for review: a shallow exercise, or not?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 5, 2008 p.11
“Tax Agency Flushes away $40K on new washroom for official”, Les Whittington, Toronto Star, May 5/08 A1, 11
“CAIRS System ends: Interview with Ken Rubin on Drive by Duff 940 Montreal radio show
“Domestic disputes, conspiracy theories and ‘black magic’ clog border snitch line”, Omar El Akkad, Globe and Mail, May 20/08 a1,4
“Ottawa warns on gold-backed Web trades”, Kevin Charmichael, Globe and Mail, May 26/08 B1
“Access to information meeting should be public, experts urge”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, May 27/08 A5
“Stalling delays access to data, in spite of act”, Les Whittington, Toronto Star, May 28/08 A19
“Air France sues over crash”, Bruce Campion Smith, Toronto Star, June 4/08 A3
“Researcher slams ‘facile’ access law proposal”, Andrew Thompson, Citizen, June 10/08 A3
“Afghan-Based Civil Servants Ordered to take Vacations After Few Able to get away”, Jeff Davis, Embassy, June 11/08 p. 1, 12, 13
“How come Canada’s Information Commissioner Marleau operates mostly behind closed doors?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 16/08 p. 12
“Peter Mansbridge’s value”, Frank, June 18/08 vol. 2 #63, p.19
“Axworthy wants Ottawa’s help on campus security”, Mia Rabson, Winnipeg Free Press, June 29/08 A3
“Canada considered charging overseas child abuser”, Omar El Akkad, Globe and Mail, July 7/08 A7
“A monumental decision”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, July 16/08 A1, 8
‘Report recommends widening scope of access law”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, July 26/08 A4
“Ottawa rejects call to guide uranium drilling”, Andy Hoffman, Globe and Mail, July 29/08 B3
“NCC, Claridge wrangled over LeBreton”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Aug 4/08 A1, 6
“Tentacles of secrecy grip tightly” Toronto Star, Kelly Toughill, Aug 9/08 AA6
“Mounties on disability to keep overpayments”, Jessica Ledger, Globe and Mail, Aug 13/08 A4
“NCC discussed whether Claridge ‘had abandoned the site at Le Breton Flats, as no work is evident”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Aug 18/08 P. 11
“Ottawa aims to put its stamp on 2010 Games”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Aug 22/08A1-3
“Ottawa won’t run show at Games, officials say”, Stephanie Levitz, Globe and Mail, Aug 23/08A4
“Ottawa wants Vancouver organizers to include Afghan veterans in torch relay”, Patrick Brethour, Globe and Mail, Aug 26/08 A1 4
“Ottawa wanted U.S. to accept more lenient meat inspection regime”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Aug 29/08 A1, 9
“On Olympic branding, it’s much better to stick to the image of Canada in winter, and hockey players”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 1/08 p. 16
“Poor training raises outbreak risk, agency says”, Carly Weeks, Globe and Mail, Sept 1/08 A6
“Minister advised to put spin on river project”, Rob Linke, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, Sept 11/08 A1
“Unlike Vancouver, Ottawa let Cirque have its way in Expo bid, memo shows”, Fiona Morrow, Globe and Mail, Sept 18/08 A1, 4
“Canada’s food regulatory system gets more secretive”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 29/08 p. 14
“Tories quietly oppose drilling in Alaska”, Mike Blanchfield, National Post, Oct 1/08 A4
“Dawning of the age of more secrecy in government”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 27/08 p. 15
“Access to Information Act needs overhaul, say experts”, Cynthia Munster, Hill Times, Oct 27/08 p.21
“NCC cites security as it keeps 24 Sussex renos secret”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Oct 31/08 a1, 10; “Spending on 24 Sussex to be kept secret”, Mohammed Adam, National Post, ct 31/08 A9
“Flaherty driving up limo tab”, Peter Zimonzic, Ottawa Sun, Nov 5/08 p.8
“Biz bemoans accessibility issues”, Peter Kovessy, Ottawa Business Journal, Nov 19/08
“Say, whatever happened to Harper’s promise to help public access government records?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 24/08 p. 15
“CBC executive privilege”, Christina Spencer, Ottawa Sun, Nov 26/08 p.7
“Documents reveal state of disrepair at 24 Sussex”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Dec 1/08 A1-2
“A crisis in information: there is still-secret hidden agendas and limited public access”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 8/08 p. 17
Baird’s rail ruling was political ruling, documents show”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Jan 6/07 A1,6
“Enhancing the Nation’s Capital as a company town and putting the NCC squarely in charge”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 8/07
“Federal government needs certified accountant auditors, says machinery of government expert”, Simon Doyle, Hill Times, Jan 8/07 p. 1, 20
“All that red serge comes at a price”, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, Jan 17/07 A7
“Secret memos showed initial concerns over museum”, Paul Samyn, Jan 18/07 A4
“Killing light rail costs billions”, Clive Doucet, Glebe Report Jan 19/07 p. 13
“Canada’s secrecy prevails in Department of Foreign Affairs’ human rights reporting and accounting”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 22/07 p.10
“Meager Savings from Reuniting Foreign Affairs and Trade”, Lee Berthiaume, Embassy, Jan 24/07 p. 1, 10
“Canada’s New Government not so new on transparency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 29/07 p. 10
“More Transparency, PM Harper”, editorial, Hill Times, Jan 29/07 p. 8
“Zero tolerance trade policies cause worry”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Feb 1/07 p. 11
“Behind Canada’s new food guide”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 12/07 p.15
“PM Ignores Advisers in Apology for Head Tax”, Peter O’Neil, Citizen, Feb 12/07 A3; and “Tories Knew of ‘Hugh’ Head Tax Problems”, Peter O’Neil, National Post, Feb 12/07 A4;
“Tories double wait time for public release of reports”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Feb 15/07 A6
“Accused bureaucrat was asked to evaluate Ottawa’s two options”, Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, Feb 19/07 A1, 9
“Price deflates NCC plan for sensational balloon art display”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Feb 20/07 C1,2
“Fertilizer approved but debate persists”, Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail, Feb 24/07 A12
“The more conflict of interest rules in Ottawa, the less is known”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 26/07 p.14
“Military housing putting health of families at increased risk”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, March 5/06 A3
“Report challenges perceptions of natives”, Paul Samyn, Citizen, March 10/07 A3:“Myth-busting native report may change Tory policies”, Paul Samyn, National Post, March 10/07 A4
“Ottawa hides its review of public service employee compensation, says it’s now a cabinet confidence”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 12/07 A9
“PCO holds $24,000 pep rally with Pm, Clerk Lynch, staffers”, Simon Doyle, Hill Times, March 19/07 p 1, 62
“Government, industry plan for food shortage during flu pandemic, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, March 27/07 A7
“Open NCC meetings to be costly, agency says”, Pat Dare, Citizen, March 30/07 F1, 2
“Tobacco farmers look for exit”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, March 22/07, p.108
“Canada ready for national or regional food shortage emergency, epidemic: no”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 6/07 p. 14
Ottawa Citizen editorial, “The NCC’s tired old song”, April 6/07 F4
“Native plan inefficient:study”, Paul Samyn, Wpg Free Press, April 16/07 A 1, 3
“Bill C-6 Aeronautics Act puts air safety off limits to public scrutiny”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 7/07 p. 12
“Aeronautics Act will make air travel safer: Canadian Airports Council”, Jim Facette, Hill Times, May 14/07 p. 8
“Pet food okayed despite misgivings”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, May 12/07 A1, 10
“ We don’t know how long water supply will last, government report warns”, Mike De Souza, Citizen, May 14/07 A1,2; and “Plentiful Water not assured, report warns’, Mike De Souza, Nat Post May 14/07 A7
“Canadian spies’ latest mission: Try to polish their public image”, Andrew Mayeda, Citizen, May 15/07 A1, 4; and “CSIS looking to ‘build trust’ with Canadians”, Andrew Mayeda, Nat Post, May 15/07 A5
Ottawa Citizen editorials, ”Liquid measurement” and “Open skies agreement”, May 16/07 A14
“PWGSC spent $35-million on interim Hill space last year”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, May 20/07 p. 1, 17
“Harper government lacks transparency, information czar charges”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 30/07
“A fortress mentality in Harper’s Ottawa: F grades and unnecessary censorship”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 4/07 p. 21
“Bikes Are Simple, Parking them isn’t”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, June 13/07 C1,2
“Tories were warned of possible lawsuits if energy retrofits cancelled”, Mike De Souza, Citizen, June 25/07 A3; and
“Tories were warned against killing energy program”, Mike De Souza, National Post, June 25/07 A5
“Government deliberately withheld flight logs, adjudicator rules”, D’Arcy Hinton, Edmonton Journal, June 27/07 A2
“$60 million proposal adds building on Sussex”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, June 29/07 A1,2
“Tories were warned of possible lawsuits if energy retrofits cancelled”, Mike De Souza, Citizen, June 25/07 A3
“Supplements to ex-deputy ministers on the rise”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, July 2/07 A4
“Bankers welcome proposed ag plan”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Sept 6/07
“NCC sets date to hold first open meeting”, Pat Dare, Citizen, Sept 13/07 C3
“There’s a good reason why David fights Goliath”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Sept 22/07 A9; and “Searching for stories behind the veil of secrecy”, Bill Curry, Citizen, Sept 24/07 A
“PM has designs on former embassy”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Sept 27/07 A1-2; and “Welcome centre may trump gallery”, Mohammed Adam, National Post, Sept 27/07 A3 with “Portrait of frustration”, by Julie Smyth
“S66M restoration would remake landmark bank building into grand hall”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Sept 28/07
“PMO plans new use for site once intended to house portrait gallery”, Val Ross, Globe and Mail, Sept 28/07 A6
“Mills swaps critic’s eye for NCC chair”, Ben Costen, Algonquin Times, Oct 11/07 A1, 5
“ ‘Them’ and ‘Us’ split spreading nationwide, federal officials warn”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Oct 19/07 A1, 4”
“First public NCC meeting sheds veil of secrecy”, Pat Dare, Citizen, Nov 8/07 C7; and Nov 7,8/07 CBC radio ,TV, Ontario TV
“RCMP knew of alleged payment”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Nov 16/07 A1,4; and “Mounties Heard of Payments”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Nov 16/07 A4
“PM Harper delivering ‘fatal blows’ to access act, say some critics”, Robert Smol, Hill Times, Dec 10/07 p1, 25
“Candidates should push for less secrecy over safety in the skies”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 9/06 p. 1, 23
“Ottawa not happy with its Olympic profile”, Jeff Lee, Vancouver Sun, Jan 12/06 B1, 4
“Governments to get Olympic profile”, Jeff Lee, Vancouver Sun, Jan 13/06 A1, 15
“The 2010 Olympics are for all Canadians, not just B. C.’s proud hosts”, Vancouver Sun editorial, Jan 13/06 A12
“Government, history gurus set sights on $50M education fund”, Randy Boswell, Citizen, Jan 14/06 A8; and
Groups discuss $50M fund to promote history”, Randy Boswell, National Post, Jan 14/06 A12
“Politicians side-stepping growth of organized crime in Canada”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 16/06 p. 7
“Alewives don’t get respect in Canada-Maine mini fish war”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Jan 19/06 A1, 8
“Liberals signed $160M in deals on eve of ‘04 election”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Jan 20/06 A6
“Behind the hidden bureaucratic solutions to increasing student summer jobs in MPs’ridings across the country”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 30/06 p. 7
“Jean’s tab for two-day hotel stay hit $7,750″, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Jan 31/06 A4
“Federal Accountability Act to face its own road test in Commons”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 6/06 p. 8
“Do John Gomery’s access reforms shift information power in Ottawa or not? , Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 13/06 p.13
“Harper still keeps his transparency’s intentions under wraps”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 27/06 p. 7
“Next Information Commissioner could play a vital role in Harper’s new Accountability Act”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 20/06 p.9
“NCC plan aims to improve public image”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, March 22/06 B1, 9
“A new and improved NCC”. Citizen editorial, March 23/06, B 4
“How’s this for federal accountability? Open Cabinet Up”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 3/06 p. 32-33
“Interview Reality Check. Access to Information”, CBC National, April 11/06
“PM Harper has another top priority: National ID cards”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 10/06 p.9
“Alberta civil servant could face charges over doctored evidence”, Charles Rusnell and Karen Kleiss, Edmonton Journal, April 12/06
“Tories strong allies in NCC’s waterfront park dream”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, April 15/06 E4
“Harper’s Accountability Act Darkens Any Movement forward on access to information, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 17/06 p. 1, 13
“The Tories Don’t Really Want A Reformed NCC”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 20/06, A17
“Hands off our emblem, Canada tells illicit users”, Tom Spears, Citizen, April 26/06 P. 1-2
“Splitting, Renaming Departments Costs Millions”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, April 28/06, A4; and
“Splitting up in Ottawa Can Cost Millions”, Jack Aubry, National Post, April 28/06, A4
“Access reforms ‘dangerous’ info czar says in scathing report” James Gordon, Citizen, April 29/06 A1-8
“It’s funny how Harper says one thing and does the other”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 1/06 p. 1-15.
“Despite criticism, Federal Government Hands China Development Money”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, May 1/06 A4
“Biometrics screening program planned”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, May 6/06 A5
“Tories to quietly test biometrics at border”, Peter O’Neil, National Post, May 6/06 A5
“Interview, Access to Information Setback”, CBC National Radio, The House, May 6/06
“Ottawa secrecy just got a whole lot tighter under PM Harper” Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 8/06 p. 6
“Wreck Filled With Oil and Bombs, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, May 11/06 A1-2
“Food supply a terrorism risk: report”, James Gordon, Citizen, May 15/06 A3; and “Canada’s Food Supply chain Vulnerable To Attack: Report”, James Gordon, National Post, May 15/06 A4
“PSAC to skip accountability hearings”, Kathyrn May, Citizen, May 15/06 A4
“Prime Harper’s highly-touted Federal Accountability Act is cracking up along the speed track”, Ken Rubin,
Hill Times, May 22/06 P.12
“Les anti-OGM dans la mire du federal” Fabien Deglise, Le Devoir, May 25/06 A1,4
“Martin aides tallied $484,085 in severance, separation payouts”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, May 29/06 p. A6
Testimony at Bill C-2 House of Commons Legislative Committee, Proceedings, number 14, May 30/06
“A User’s Guide To Freedom of Information Legislation”, Ken Rubin, in Elizabeth May, How To Save The World In Your Spare Time, Key Porter books, May/06, p. 173-176
“Alzheimer’s ‘ looming threat’ to Canada”, Norma Greenaway, Citizen, June 5/06 A1, 10; and “Activists Urge Federal Action on ‘Looming’ Alzheimer’s Threat”, June 5/06 A10
“Testifying to what’s wrong with the Accountability Act”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 6/06, p 1, 9
“Toxins foul potential science museum site”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, June 9/06 F1, 10
“A bankrupt NCC”, Citizen editorial, June 12/06 B4
“Alzheimer’s generation”, Citizen editorial, June 14/06 A16
“Seeing through Bill C-2: Accountability Act amendments don’t significantly alter its pro-secrecy slant”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 19/06, p. 1 and 10
“Merging security forces on Parliament Hill should get ‘vigorous debate’:Redman”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, June 19/06, p. 1 and 10
“Tab for Ethnic Compensation doubles to $66M”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, June 20/06 A3; and “More Ethnic Groups Seek Redress”, Paul Samyn, National Post, June 20/06 A4
“Province charged with destroying Seine habitat”, Paul Samyn , Winnipeg Free Press, June 23/06 A6
“Conservatives urged to tackle climate change”, Mike De Souza, Citizen, June 29/06 A4
“X-ray treatments linked to cancers”, Sharon Kirkey, Citizen, July 5/06 A3; and “Risk of cancer from X-rays ‘not negligible’ report”, Sharon Kirkey, National Post, July 5/06 A5
“Government warned about risk of mining accidents overseas”. Simon Tuck, Globe and Mail, July 10/06 B3
“Calls to release lepreau contract increase”, Carl Davies, Telegraph Journal, July 18/06 A1
“Accountability Act spin stretched TB’s communications”, Simon Doyle, Hill Times, July 24/06 p. 1, 15
“Taxman takes over as debt collector”, Eric Beauchesne, July 31/06 A8
“Information ban on Gull Harbour”, Steve Lambert, Winnipeg Sun, (Canadian Press story), July 31/06
“Pity there’s not more humour in all government records, eh?, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, July 31/06 p. 17
“We are not abolishing the NCC: Minister”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Aug 3/06 D 1, 14; and CBC TV Aug 2/06
“Ottawa turned off funding tap to Pratt & Whitney”, Simon Tuck, Globe and Mail, Aug 14/06 B1, 3
“NCC Backs Face lift of Parliamentary Precinct”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, Aug 14/06 p. 1, 6
“Bunker-like welcome centre pitched for Parliament”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, Aug 16/06 A1, 2
“Quebec engages in game-play on world stage”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Aug 17/06 A6; and
“Ottawa wise to Quebec games: memo”, Jack Aubry, Nat Post, Aug 17/06 A4
“Underground Tunnel Would Up Security, Says Proulx”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, Aug 21/06 p. 1, 14
“Tories play politics with science”, Pauline Tam, Citizen, Aug 23/06 A12
“Ottawa weighs renovation of Third World asbestos policy”, Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail, Aug 25/06 A5
“Ottawa urged to push foreign takeovers”, Simon Tuck, Globe and Mail, Aug 25/06 A1, 7
“Who’s afraid of foreign investment?”, Globe and Mail editorial, Aug 26/06 A14
“Bernier backs bureaucrats on foreign investment”, Simon Tuck, Globe and Mail, Aug 28/06 B1, 3
“Churchill holds key to Kyoto pledge”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Sept 3/06, A 1,3; and “Manitoba airport touted as key to Kyoto goals”, Paul Samyn, Citizen, Sept 5/06, A16
“One week to apply: a public appointment of Canada’s Information Commissioner off to a bad start”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 11/06 p. 1,9
Testifying at Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on Bill C-2 Sept 21/06 Issue no. 8 p. 161-196
“Document shows TPC would survive for decades”, Simon Tuck, Globe and Mail, Sept 21/06 B11
“Players seek ways to protect secrecy in post-federal Accountability act world”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 25/06 p. 18
“RCMP chief free to testify, Ottawa says”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Sept 26/06 A4
“Amber alert: access to information users targeted as the bad kids on the block”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 2/06 p. 7
“Government flags requests seen as politically sensitive”, Elizabeth Thompson, Montreal Gazette, Oct 2/06 A1, 7;
“PS brass get ‘hands up’ over access releases”, Elizabeth Thompson, Ottawa Citizen, Oct 2/06 A3; “Government to scrutinize access to information requests”, Can West News Service, National Post, Oct 2/06 A6
“Province keen on Royal Visits”, Paul Samyn Winnipeg Free Press, Oct 2/06 A6
“Hiding under amber light”, Ottawa Citizen Editorial, Oct 3/06 A14
“Memos reveal CAIS unease”, and “Warnings on CAIS Ignored”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Oct 5/06
“Access Denied: Confidential computer dodges info laws”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, Oct 14/06 A1; and
“ Ministerial documents being kept from public”, Tim Naumetz, National Post, Oct 14/06 A8
“What will Chuck do? Bureaucrats aim to comply”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Oct 12/06
“Correctional service to test use of electronic bracelets”, Andrew Mayeda, National Post, Oct 14/06 A14; and “\
“Electronic monitoring device project to track high-risk offenders”, Andrew Mayeda, Citizen, Oct 14/06 A4
“Media discriminated against on ATI requests, says CNA”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, Oct 16/06 p. 30, 31
Testifying at the House of Commons Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee on identifying, tracking and profiling access users, Oct 16/06
“User profiles violate privacy laws”, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, Oct 17/06, A8
“Officials accused of privacy violations”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Oct 17/06 A5
“Access requesters profiled: researcher”, Elizabeth Thompson, Montreal Gazette, Oct 17/06 A9; and “ Researcher angered to hear he was profiled because of access request”, Elizabeth Thompson, Citizen, Oct 17/06 A4
“Let the sun-shine in”, Toronto Star editorial, Oct 18/06 A28
“Conservatives Striking out on crucial access to information reform, but they don’t care about transparency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 23/06 p.15
“Ottawa, CRTC help urged for phone, Internet users”, Simon Tuck, Globe and Mail, Oct 23/06 B3
“Mounties, CSIS Rethink Relations”, Andrew Mayeda, National Post, Oct 27/06 A4; and “After years of turf wars, RCMP, CSIS agree on truce”, Oct 27/06 A1,2
“Light-rail papers to stay secret till after vote”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Oct 28/06, E1, 6
“Beware: Ottawa doesn’t need an Information War Measures Act commando mentality or another O’Neill-type raid”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times. Oct 30/06 p.13
“Grit Senators boost party’s prospects, and improve government accountability in C-2 amendments, says Democracy Watch”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, Oct 30/06 4, 5
“Countering and presenting images: inside PCO’s and Fisheries’ attempts to deal with Sir Paul McCartney”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 6/06 p. 11
“Light-rail documents omit details of how bid was won”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Nov 8/06 C5
“Seal Hunt: McCartney”, CBC Radio Newfoundland, Fisheries Report, Nov 8/06
“The tie that binds: a Canada tartan for our toques?”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Nov 17/06 A3
“Bloom is off Accountability Act”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 20/06 p. 16
“Ruling threatens law that lets CSIS probe terrorism”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, Nov 27/06 A1 4
“Documents contradicts Ottawa on asbestos”, Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail, Nov 28/06 A7
“NCC gives itself top marks for job well done”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Dec 6/06 C1,20
“The NCC dream world”, Citizen editorial, Dec 7/06 C4
“Focus on oversight agencies doesn’t always help small guy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 11/06 p.11
“Non-Diplomats Aboard ‘Not Just a Sideshow Anymore’‘, Lee Berthiaume, Embassy, Dec 13/06 p.4
“Access Commissioner No. 4: Marleau; Harper’s ‘Safe” Choice for Access to Information Commissioner”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 18/06 p. 10
“Mining gets foothold in park plan”, Mark Hume, Globe and Mail, Dec 19/06 A9
“Help older workers keep working”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Dec 22/06 A10
“Less secrecy, more money needed at Crown agency, mandate review suggests”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, Dec 22/06 D 1,2
“Incredible opportunity to improve capital: Baird”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Dec 22/06 D 1,2
“Dispute with federal landlord spins 5 lawsuits”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Dec 23/06 E1,2
“Disability Gap, No Support for those with moderate aliments: Ottawa eyes expanded benefits”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Dec 29/06 A1, 7
“Rights museum faces cash crunch”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Jan 3/05 A1, 2
“NCC’s Scott Paper site oozes chemicals”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Jan 14/05 E1, 11
“NCC purchase of toxic land ‘irresponsible’, critics say”, Juliet O’Neill Citizen Jan 15/05 E1, 10
“Finance minister advised to zip lips on dollar: documents”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Jan 15/04 D3; and “Dollar policy: Do nothing, say nothing”, Eric Beauchesne, Financial Post, Jan 15/04 FP1
“NCC has no intention of cleaning up toxic soil on Scott Paper lands”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Jan 26/05 A1, 7
“How Ottawa decided who got a piece of Petrocan share sale”, Andrew Willis, Globe and Mail, Jan 26/05 B6
“Sponsorship Roadmap: Follow the money”, Toronto Star, Jan 29/05 F4,5
“Federal fund recoups only 20 percent of $2 billion”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Jan 31/05 A6: and “Only 5% of federal business loans repaid ”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Jan 31/05 A7
“Public on Hook For Scott Site Cleanup:, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Feb 3/05 B4
“It lost bid, but firm tied to Martin got work anyway”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Feb 10/05 A1-2
“Cost of mine makeover put as high as $100m”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, Feb 12/05 B1, 6
“Terror threats against us are worse than before 9/11, minister says”, James Gordon, Citizen, Feb 15/05 A1-2; and “Terrorism threats worse than ever: McClellan”, James Gordon, National Post, Feb 15/05 A6
“We have watched our family die” , Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Feb 15/05 A1, 4
“Government to sell five building at Booth Street complex”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Feb 16/05 F1-2
“Bureaucracy was set to downplay Kyoto”, Paul Vierra, Financial Post Feb 17/05 FP1
“Aerospace giant received $1.5 B in federal handouts since 1982″, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Feb 19/04 A1, 9
“Food Inspection Agency seeks long-term shelf life”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 21/04 p. 18
“Crown firms fight to keep their secrets”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Feb 21/05 A3
“U.S. won’t use missile shield to protect us, Liberals told”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Feb 26/05 A1, 4; and “Martin accused of missile delusion”, Mike Blanchfield, National Post, Feb 26/05 A1, 4
“Government warned in 2002 to give up trying to recoup lost sponsorship funds”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Feb 28/05 A 1,2; and “Ottawa told to drop ad-scandal repayment plans”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Feb 28/05 A6
“Alcock’s report continues Crown corporate secrecy ”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 28/05 p 15.
“National Post story prompts damage control”, Paco Francoli, Hill Times, Mar 7/05 p. 51
“Exactly what Canada is doing or not doing on ballistic defence is still not completely transparent”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Mar 7/05 p. 33
“Feeding Frenzy, Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, March 12/05 F1, 4
“Background screenings back up on RCMP”, James Gordon, Citizen, March 13/05 A1-2
“No cash for review of Devils Lake plan”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, March 13 /05 A1-2
“Why Canada’s No. 12 on Transparency International Report”, Ken Rubin, March 21/05 p. 10
“Program needs compassion, caregivers say”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, March 22/05 A3
“Third of federal agencies fail security test”, James Gordon, Citizen, March 28/05 A1-2; and “Federal departments slow to implement antiterrorism measures”, James Gordon, National Post, March 28/05, A5
“Ottawa shielding asbestos industry on Zonolite”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, March 28 /05 A5
“US meat system report irks CFIA”., Barry Wilson, Western Producer, March 31/05 p.1
“All Canadians could face Arar’s plight: report”, James Gordon, Citizen, April 3/04 D1-2
“Government’s not so Compassionate Care program”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 4/05 p. 14
“Justice minister delivers disappointing access paper”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 18/05 p.10
“Museum backers tried to bill feds for perks”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, April 27/05 B2
“Most nutrition products break federal regulations”, Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, May 2/05 A1, 5
CTV May 2/05 re sports nutrition products
“Jamieson ‘outraged’ by testing methods”, Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, May 3/05 A8
“Expert warns ‘culture of secrecy’ may block truth about Arar case”, Michael Den Tandt, May 4/05 A15
“No one in charge of water crisis looms: report”, Tom Spears, Citizen, May 10/05 A5
“First Nations to get 465M in federal gas-tax funds”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, May 10/05 A3
“Funding For New Jets: $275 M of $1B repaid since 1972, documents show”, Nicholas Van Praet, Financial Post,May 13/05 FP1,4
“Taxpayers foot $1M bill for Liberals’ sponsorship ‘war room’”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 24/05 A1; and
“Taxpayers paying $1M bill for Liberals’ Gomery War Room”, Jack Aubry, National Post, May 24/05 A4
“Culture of Secrecy”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, May 28/05 B1; and “Bureaucrats cling to culture of secrecy”, Ian MacLeod, Globe and Mail, May 28/05 A8
“Our story will be told, Mounties reassured”, James Gordon, Citizen, May 28/05, A5; and “RCMP Commissioner Gives His Demoralized People a Pep Talk”, James Gordon, National Post, May 28/05 A6
“Want to know what makes Prince Charles ‘tick’ for his future visits? Read On”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 30/05 p. 8
CTV NewsNet re I million dollar war room Opposition Leader Question Period, Hansard, May 30/05 p. 6330-31; and “Sponsorship inquiry team costs taxpayers $1 million”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, June 8/05 A3
“Taxpayers Foot Bill For City, NCC Spat”, Randall Denley, Citizen, May 31/05 C1-2
“Curtail NCC land sales”, Citizen editorial, June 1/05 C3
“Sponsorship inquiry team costs taxpayers $1 million”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, June 8/05 A3
“Post-Arar deal on deportations useless: expert”, James Gordon, Citizen, June 8/05 A4
“PS executives cash in as bond sales fall”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, June 13/05 A3; and “A $600,000 question about savings bonds”, Citizen Editorial, June 14/05 A14
“Hot Topics in the Glebe Report”, Ian McKercher, Glebe Report, June 17/05 p. 15; and “Thirty Years Ago in the Glebe Report”, Ian McKercher, Glebe Report, August 12/05 p. 11
Re Closing Canada and World Pavillon, CBC Radio and Global TV interviews July/05
“Finance DMs give generous bonuses over the years”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 20/05 p. 1, 7
“Who will be next access ‘guru’ , Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, June 20/05 p. 1, 17
“Foreign Affairs Gets An “F”, Sarah McGregor Embassy, June 22/05 p. 1, 8
“Next Access Commissioner’s mandate hijacked by government”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, July 11/05 p. 1, 7
“Nerve gas tests revealed”, Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star, July 18/05 A 1,16
“Government faces costs of racial wrongs”, Paul Samyn, Citizen, July 19/05 A1, 2; and “90,000 seek redress from Ottawa for past wrongs”, Paul Samyn, National Post, July 19/05 A1, 2
“PM oversteps authority in naming La Forest: Tory MP Chatters”, Bea Vongdouangchanh, Hill Times, Aug 1/05
p. 17
“Federal shakeup targets 41,000 jobs”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Aug 10/05 A1 4
“Civil Servants Up in Arms over proposal to cut jobs”, Bill Curry and Daniel Le Blanc, Globe and Mail, Aug 11/05 A 4
“Martin’s PS reforms need better communication plan”, Paco Francoli, Hill Times, Aug 15/05 p.17
“Signs still point to major federal shakeup”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Aug 17/05 A4
“Beef group rejects study it commissioned”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Aug 19/05 p.3
“Claridge won LeBreton prize by default: report”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Aug 23/05 C1-2
“Get to the real NCC problems”, Citizen editorial, Aug 24/05 C4; and “ Let’s have another go at LeBreton”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Aug 24/05 C 1, 7
“$417,979 : Cost of PM’s 2-day trip to Washington”, Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star, August 29/05 A2
“For the love of journalism”, F. Abbas Rana, Hill Times Aug 29/05 p. 16
“Ottawa confirms civil-service overhaul”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Sept 7/05 A4
“Feast of Fields lets you sample foods and recipes”, Gay Cook, Citizen, Sept 14/05 E4
“ ‘Overhaul’ for Technology Partnerships”, Mark Evans, Financial Post, Sept 16/05 FP4
“Working on Arar Inquiry and probing into serious government secrecy still raises unanswered questions”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 19/05 p. 7
“Ontario to build new reactors, documents hint”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Sept 20/05 A3; and “Ontario eyes more nuclear power plants”, Tom Spears, National Post, Sept 20/05 A5
“Much-touted ‘new’ Service Canada department not even being brought into existence through federal legislation”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 26/05 p.42
“Video script dramatizes importance of secrecy”, James Gordon, Citizen, Oct 3/05 A1,2; and “Training video used to reinforce culture of secrecy”, James Gordon, National Post, Oct 3/05 A6
“NCC solicits ideas for a grand monument at Le Breton Flats”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Oct 7/05 F1, 11
“Access Commissioner John Reid produces his own access bill”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 10/05 p. 1,10
“Big statue, little thought”, Citizen editorial, Oct 11/05 C4
“Ottawa concerned by China’s quest for Noranda, documents show”, Simon Tuck, Globe and Mail, Oct 13/05 B5
“Industry Canada corporate funding branch to attract branch to attract lobbyists has not been fixed, despite the spin cycle”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 17, p.5
“Good riddance to White Elephant”, Randall Denley, Citizen, Oct 18/05 D1,2
“House Access, Privacy and Ethics Committee soldiers on with or without Justice Minister’s help”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 31/05 p. 13
“Restrict public access to Hill, report urges”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Nov 11/05 A1-2; and “Screen visitors to Hill, study recommends”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Nov 11/05 A8
“A Parliament Hill Not For The People”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov 1705 B4, A13
“Privacy czar blasts police for secrecy”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Nov 18/05 F1,6
“What’s needed to change Ottawa’s culture of secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 21/05 p. 7
“Indian Affairs spending cuts creating turmoil, files show”, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail, Nov 24/05 A4
“Police caught ‘crazies’ with bombs at G8 protest, papers show”, Citizen, Nov 29/05 A1,9
“Parliamentary Precinct’s long-term vision and plan includes new security measures”, Bea Vongdouangchanh,
Hill Times, Nov 28/05 p. 17; and “Making a list”, Mike de Souza, Hill Times, Nov 28/05 p. 2
“The Right to Know”, Ottawa Citizen editorial, Dec 2/05 F4
“Documents reveal diplomacy during Ukraine uprising”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Dec 24/05 A6
“City ‘exaggerated’ need to keep records secret”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Dec 29/05 A1-2; and “Don’t Gag Government”, Citizen editorial Dec 30/05 F4
“Federal hiring rules widely ignored”, Bill Curry, Citizen, Jan 2/04 A1,2; and “bureaucrats scoff at job rules: study”, Bill Curry, National Post, Jan 2/04, a1, 4; and National Post editorial “The Merit Principle”, Jan 3/04, A11
“Officials plan foot and mouth defence”, Joe Paraskevas, Citizen, Jan 4/04 A6
“ 750 didn’t get to dine with Bush”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Jan 5/04 A3; and “PM, Bush were to discuss Iraq, marijuana at cancelled summit”, Mike Blanchfield, National Post, Jan 5/04 A1, 5
“Saskatchewan a haven for spacecraft in distress”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Jan 7/04 A1-2
“Chretein was kept in the dark about Arar”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Jan 9/04 A1, 6
“Rideau Hall rug woven by hand”, Jane Taber, Globe and Mail, Jan 9/04 A3
“Martin decries leaks that tied Arar to terrorism”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Jan 10/04 A5
“Arar conducting own investigation”, Joe Paraskevas, Citizen, Jan 10/04 A3
“NCC reveals figures post office tried to hide”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Jan 16/04 A1,2
“Air travellers face screening”, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, Jan 17/04 A1,8
“NCC spends $500,000 to trim stems from logo”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Jan 20/04 A1-2; and “Ottawa to pay $515,000 for logo upgrade”, Mohammed Adam, National Post, Jan 20/04 A4
“”NCC needs to find a more human face”, Randall Denley, Citizen, Jan 22/04 C1-2; and Citizen Editorial, “Don’t fuss about image” Jan 22/04 C4; National Post editorial, “Rein in the NCC” Jan 22/04 A15
“What is Technology Partnership Canada hiding?”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Jan 22/04 F1
“Natives set to loose medical benefits”, Bill Curry, Citizen, Jan 26/04 A3; and “Thousands could lose medical benefits”, Bill Curry, Leader Post, Jan 26/04, A1
“Is risk scoring in Ottawa fine with new PM Paul Martin”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 26/04 p.5
“Arar denied full access to own file”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Jan 27/04 A1-2
“Ottawa accused of censoring Arar file”, Graham Fraser, Toronto Star, Jan 27/04 A6
“NCC pulls Winterlude ads from Citizen”, Greg MacArthur, Citizen, Jan 27/04 B1-2; and Citizen editorial, “A new leader for the NCC”, Jan 27/04 B4
“Talks under way to fill RCMP oversight gaps”, Jeff Sallot Globe and Mail, Jan 28/04 A4
Frank Magazine Drivel Section re “Rideau Hall rug”, Feb 3/04 p. 23, Issue 421; and “Just How Much Time DO You Have On Your Hands?”, Ken Rubin, Frank Magazine, Feb 17, Issue 422, p. 30
“Chief-to-be AFN spent $182,000 on federal trips”, Bill Curry, Citizen, Feb 4/04 A1-2; and “First Nations chief ran up travel bill of $182, 143 in federally appointed post”, Bill Curry, National Post, Feb 4/04 A1, 4
“Health Canada abandons plan for native database”, Bill Curry, Citizen, Feb 5/04 A4
“More than 200 would-be immigrants denied entry after spy agency says they threaten security: CSIS report”, Sean Gordon, Citizen, Feb 9/04 A1-2; and “Ottawa rejects immigrants with alleged terror links”, Sean Gordon, National Post, Feb 9/04 A4
“South American group linked to al-Qaeda hoped hits on Jewish sites would derail Mideast peace: US report”, Bill Curry and Sean Gordon, Citizen, Feb 9/04 A1-2
“For taxman, diamonds arn’t forever”, Paul Waldie and Wendy Stueck, Globe and Mail, Feb 14/04
“Government to overhaul ad program”, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, Feb 16/04 A7
“Conditions for future sponsorship, advertising scandals still exist”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 16/04 p.13
“Cost of ‘catastrophic’ drug aid nears $1 billion”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, Feb 24/04 A1, 9
“Audit sounded early warning”, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, Feb 26/04 A1,A6
“Ad agencies hit Indy jackpot”, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, Feb 27/04 A 6
“Fatal crashes reported late”, Paul Samyn and Leah Janzen, Winnipeg Free Press, Feb 29/04 A1, 4
“Gagliano voulait faire de VIA RAIL un symbole d’unite nationale”, Nathaelle Morisette, La Presse, March 1/04 A7
“Scandal goes back a decade, ex-public works official says”, Les Whittington, Toronto Star, March 10/04 A6
“Government spent $25,000, got 2 pages on accountability”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, March 13/04 A1,6
“Architect proposes $85M native centre on Victoria Island”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, March 15/04 A1-2; and “Cardinal pitches $85M native centre”,Jack Aubry, National Post, March 15/04 A4
“PM Martin on access”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 15/04 p.6
“LeBreton residents face bylaw-shattering noise”, Maria Cook, Citizen, March 18/04 C1,9
“CRTC Ends Private Dinners”, Ian Jack, Financial Post, March 20/04 FP1
“A national branding program for dummies and our national collective memory loss on the ads scandal”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 22/04 p.5
“Auditor probes firms granted federal loans”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, April 5/04 A6
“Mint subs Manitoba: $3.5 M in sponsorships flow to Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, never here”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, April 5/04
“Mint snub riles Alcock: Minister wants to know why city doesn’t get share of $3.5 million”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, April 6/04
“Bureaucrats still fearful of exposing wrongdoing, survey finds”, Simon Tuck, Globe and Mail, April 10/04 A7
“Unveiled: How Ottawa scripts the words and actions of politicians”, Peter O”Neil, Vancouver Sun, April 10/04 A1-2
“Mint pledges to share wealth”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press April 10/04 A1
“PMO plans massive $69M downtown office complex”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, April 11/04 A1-2
“Philanthropy Day rejected as too ‘rich’ for Canadians”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, April 11/04 A1, 5
“PM denies role in plan for $69M mega-office”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, April 13/04 A6
“Ottawa puts firms’ funding on hold”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, April 15/04 A6
“RCMP stymies researcher’s quest for documentation on Arar case”, Kate Jaimet, Citizen, April 15/04 A6
“Whistleblowing bill contributes to Ottawa’s secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 26/04 p. 8; and House of Commons Hansard, April 27/04 p. 2467-68
“NCC study recommends Gatineau Park entrance fee”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, May 6/04 A1, 4
“Strings on fed’s museum funding”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, May 9/04 A1,2
“Tax agency admits it’s not stopping intentional bankruptcies”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, May 10/04 A1-2
“Nutritional snacks fail Ottawa’s food tests”, Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, May 15/04 A1, 13
“Mergers left Jazz in turmoil: Audit”, Bruce Campion Smith, Toronto Star, May 18/04 A11
“Five firms share bulk of Flats contracts”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, May 23/04 A8
“NCC used sponsorship money for tours”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, May 31/04 D1-2
“Raccoon Rabies Research Program Questioned:, Debbie Lawes, Globe and Mail commentary email, May 28/04 A13 to; and “Reality check on rabies”, Debbie Lawes, Citizen, June 15/04 A15
“Newspapers want easier access to federal information”, Peter Kennedy, Globe and Mail, June 7/04 B3
“Scandal report in federal hands on Oct. 7, 2003″, Tim Naumetz, June 9/04 A3
“Harper didn’t vow to kill TPC”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Maul, June 15/04 A8
“RCMP was in turf war over air marshals”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, June 17/04 A3; and “Turf war Exposed Over Air Marshals”, Mike Blanchfield, National Post, June 17/04 A4
“RCMP clears itself in Arar case”, Colin Freeze, Globe and Mail, June 23/04 A9
“Canada met with Syrian spies over Arar”, Kate Jaimet, Citizen, June 30/04 A1, 14; and Canadian officials met with Syrian on Arar”, Kate Jaimet, National Post, June 30/04 A8
“Canada open to polio terror: military”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, July 11/04 A1-2
“Federal Plan to Slash Capital Spending Won’t Work : report”, Citizen, July 13/04 A1-2
“RCMP can keep sources secret, court rules”, Kate Jaimet, Citizen, July 14/04 A4
“Gold going up in smoke in Ottawa”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, July 26/04 A 1-2; CBC News and “At the Royal Canadian Mint, gold, silver are going up in smoke”, Paul Samyn, Citizen, July 27/04 D3
“Chretein aides enjoy $2 million in severance pay”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, Aug 2/04; and “Golden handshakes for aides attacked”, Gloria Galloway, Globe and Mail, Aug 4/04 A4
“Struggle to get at the facts in Maher Arar case”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Aug 8/04 p.8
“Fighting bird flu in B.C. cost about $10.7 million”. Peter O’Neill, Vancouver Sun, Aug 11/04 A3
“What’s Health Canada afraid of?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Aug /16 p.7
“Made-in-Canada label not recognized”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Aug 18/04
“Firm with ties to Martin won $5M contracts”, Citizen, Aug 30/04, A5; and “Earnscliffe shared in $5M in federal contracts”, Aug 30/04, A4
“Beaudry’s job threatened by review: documents”, Citizen, Aug 30/04 B1, 8
“Scrap Canada Savings Bonds, PM told”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Sept 3/04 A1, 8; and “CSBs should be scrapped, report says”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Sept 3/04. A5
“Spam costs Industry Canada $5.5M a year”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Sept 7/04 C3
“Another major setback for transparency”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 12/04 p.11
“Quebec still being awarded 70% of Canada Day funding”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Sept 13/04 A1-2; and “Quebec Gets Most of Canada Funding”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Sept 13/04 A4
“Is there another government spending scandal?”, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, Sept 13/04 A15
“Report queries value of Canada Savings Bonds”, Ellen Roseman, Toronto Star, Sept 15/04 E3
“Deal on Adscam won’t be so easy”, Doug Fisher, Ottawa Sun, p. 23
“Foreign Affairs offered to grill Arar for CSIS”, James Gordon and Steven Edwards, Citizen, Sept 28/04 A1, 2
“RCMP resists calls for more oversight”, Sean Gordon, Citizen, Sept 29/04 A3; and “RCMP resists oversight”, Sean Gordon, National Post Sept 30/04 A5
“Feds snub Vancouver Police and Fire Games”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, Sept 30/04 A 3, 4; and “Siren song of police and fire games fails to excite Canadian Heritage officials”, Peter O’Neil, National Post, Sept 30/04 A10
“Maher’s suitcase: it came back, but he didn’t”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times Oct 4/04 p. 1, 6
“Information please”, Stanley Tromp, Vancouver Sun, October 4/04 A11
“Ministry loses track of $587 M due to errors in EI payouts”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Oct 12/04, A1-2; “Government loses $25 M of EI overpayments: Volpe”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Oct 13/04 A3
“Arar recalls turmoil of his arrival in Jordan”, Michelle Shephard, Toronto Star, Oct 15/04 A16
“Cities need new funds to go green, Ottawa told”, Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star, Oct 25/04 A16
“New access age is not upon us, yet”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 25/04 p. 7
“Washington urged Ottawa to buy subs, records suggest”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Oct 28/04 A7
“Program to sell surplus federal buildings ‘stalled’ “, Bill Curry, Citizen, Oct 29/04 C3; and “Sell-off of surplus ‘paralysis’ “, Bill Curry, National Post, A6
“Washington urged Ottawa to buy subs, records suggest”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Oct 28/04 A7; and “MPs to weigh whether Pentagon pressure helped swing sub purchase”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Oct 29/04 A4
“Beaudry, NCC Top MPS’Hit List”, Randall Denley, Citizen, Nov 4/04 B1, 6
“$12 M a year for museum? Feds say no way” Paul Samyn , Winnipeg Free Press, Nov 6/04, A1-2
“The hidden federal urban challenge”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 8/04 p. 6
“Arar freed after appeal from Chretein”, Globe and Mail, Nov 10/04 A4
“Iran preyed on nuclear fears in dealing with est, files show”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Nov 14/04 A1-2
“Risky federal fund lost billions: report”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Nov 15/04 A1, 6
“Arar inquiry costs will soar far beyond $11M estimate, documents show”, James Gordon, Citizen, Nov 18/04 A3
“Aspers got grant for lobbyist”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Nov 22/04 B1,2
“The top 10 threats to Ottawa”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Nov 28/04 A1, 10-11
“Alberta drove new US policy, documents show”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Dec 13/04 A5
“Mounties let CSIS use planes, labs, memo shows”, Sean Gordon, Citizen, Dec 28/04 A8
“Mounties stand on guard with frozen feet”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Jan 2/03 A1,2
“Regulators worry about volunteer GM crops”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Jan 2/03 p. 4
“Obsolete radar units cost DND $23 million”, Daniel LeBlanc, Globe and Mail, Jan 3/03 A1, 4
“Forces’ wastefulness hurts funding case: MP”, Daniel Leblanc, Globe and Mail, Jan 4/03 A7
“Cost soars for gun registry computer system”, Kim Lunman, Globe and Mail, Jan 4/03 A1, 4
“Goodbye Ray” Hill Times editorial, Jan 6/03 p. 4
“Meet Mike Dagg: access to information defender”, Paco Francolli, Hill Times, January 11, 2003
“Higher gas prices seen for gas if war erupts”, James Baxter, Montreal Gazette, Jan 12/03 A7
“Ottawa ‘over-signed’ with federal logo: report”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Jan 13/03 A1, 4; and “Ottawa has enough signs, report says”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Jan 13/03 A6
“No rubberstamp for GM wheat: CFIA”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Jan 16/03 p. 5
“Memo shows Senators with an $83-million loss”, Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, Jan 22/03 S1,2
“Federal campus’ plan but Milliken’s push for downtown federal building was rejected”, Arthur Milnes, Kingston Whig Standard, Jan 25/03 A1, 10
“Bill C-17 is a case of built-in unaccountability”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 27/03 p. 16
“Ad firms failed to specify how money spent”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Jan 31/03 A4
“Groupaction affair continues to fester”, Montreal Gazette editorial, Feb 3/03 A 20
“Parliament puts privacy in peril”, Ken Rubin, Montreal Gazette, Feb 3/03 A 21
“Terroist link suspected in scam”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Feb 5/03 A1-2
“Ottawa Failing Urban Natives, Report Says”, Bill Curry, National Post, Feb 10/03 A4
“Canada waves 2nd rate flags”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, Feb 12/03 A1-2
“Appetite for regulatory reforms lacking, former OSC boss says”, Karen Howlett, Globe and Mail, Feb 17/03 B1, 11
“Federal aid helps tobacco industry”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Feb 20/03 A1-2
“Tobacco firms seek federal seed research”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Feb 21/03 A3
“Canada’s secret crops”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Feb 22/03 B3
“Big Brother is definitely watching you”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 24/03 p. 13
“Rights museum gets aid”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Feb 25/03 B1
“New war museum’s cost is millions over budget”, Randy Boswell, Citizen, Feb 26/03 A1-2
“Asper-led museum sets off alarm bells, view of genocide said too exclusive”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Feb 27/03
“Military plans $1B HQ building”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, March 10/03 A1-2
“CFIA walks tightrope on GM crop trials”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, March 13, 2003, p. 26
“Lack of leadership defines government’s online strategy”, Paco Francoli, Hill Times, March 17/03 p. 44
“CanWest Global Communications Corp, Museum of Human Rights secrecy”, Frank, March 19/04 p. 19
“Vers la fin des services bilingues dans trois provinces”, Joel Denis Bellevance, La Presse, March 19/03 B7
“Activists denounce modified wheat”, Winnipeg Free Press, April 2/03, B1-2
“PS needs better ‘front door’: Jim Mitchell, Paco Francoli, Hill Times, April 7/03 p. 28.
“Stung by cabinet secrecy, Mps suspend PS review”, Kathyrn May, Citizen, April 10/03 A11
“Government to let panel see cabinet papers”, Kathyrn May, Citizen, April 28/03 A4
“Radwanski allows immense privacy intrusion”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 28/03 p. 14
“Liberal pals dominate ad contracts”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, April 29/03 A5
“Unmasking our shaky health keeper image”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 5/03 p.17
“Fund’s donation to organic growers first step towards ‘growing’ a better community”, Louise Rachlis, Citizen May 7/03 G3
“Martin: Supporters have stuck by him”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 17/03 A3
“Decorating Ottawa with Accountability Labels”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 26 /03 p. 15
“Chretien involved in discussing art for Shawinigan exhibit: documents”, Paul Gessell, Citizen, May 26/03 A1-2
“Celebrate Quebec, with federal funds”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, June 3/03 A1-2; “Quebec cashes in on Celebrate Canada funds”, Jack Aubry, National Post, June 3/03 A5
“Vancouver backed by China”, James Christie, Globe and Mail, June 3/03, S1,5
“Chretein’s hometown gets second exhibit”, Paul Gessell,, National Post, June 7/03 A9
“NCC’s plan to lure Canadians to Ottawa: Patriotic undies”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, June 7/03 A1, 4
“Privacy and access should come under one roof”, Paco Francolli, Hill Times, June 9/03 p.20
“Auditor to reveal Canada Post sponsorships”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, June 9/03 A3
“Lure of tax havens proving irresistible”, Karen Howlett and Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, June 9/03 B 1, 6
“GE crop damages Canadian exports”, Helen Tunnah, The New Zealand Herald, June 10/03
“$600,000 study to examine if GM crops ruin farm soil”, Citizen, June 11/03 A4
“Perks threaten credibility of privacy commissioner, predecessor says”, Louise Elliot, Canada Press wire, June 11/03
“Privacy commissioner’s top officials to be called to testify in expense flap”, Louise Elliot, Canada Press wire, June 12/03
“Paul Gessell, “War museum forced to cut costs”, Paul Gessell, Citizen, June 13/03 A1-2
“Paul Gessell, “Move festivals to war museum site: NCC”, Paul Gessell, Citizen, June 14/03 C1, 4
“Epidemic feared if SARS spreads to native reserves”, Brian Laghi, Globe and Mail, June 16/03, A1, 7
“Analyst shoots holes in Bush’s proposal”, Globe and Mail, June 16/03, B 1, 11
“The offshore accounts where criminals play”, editorial, Globe and Mail, June 16/03 A14
“Mr. Radwanski goes up the Hill without a paddle”, Ken Rubin, June 16/03 p. 11
“Museum to return native bones”, Randy Boswell, Citizen, June 25/03 A3
“Report touts opportunities for cod farming”, Kevin Cox, Globe and Mail, June 25/03 A9
“Unlocking Ottawa’s Secrets”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, July 2/03
“Ottawa spied on opponents of new Indian Act”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, July 3/03
“Status Indian cards, passports could be enhanced with biometrics”, Bill Curry, Citizen, July 7/03 A3; and “Ottawa mulls biometrics for Indian cards”, Bill Curry, National Post, July 7/03 A3
“Celebrating the pleasures of good food, Sarah Jennings, Citizen, July 7/03 B2
“Their subs leak, but the paper shredders work well”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, July 10/03 A3
“ADMs get airport lounge perks”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, July 18/03 A4
“Hotel highlights NCC plans for islands”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, July 29/03 B1, 8
“Japan CWD ” Joe Paraskevas , Edmonton Journal, July 30/03
“Canada steps up security on food supply”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Aug 5/03 A. 1-2; and “Inspection agency raises vigilance”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Aug 5/03 A 7
“New ID cards for Indians urged to help fight fraud”“, Kim Lunman, Globe and Mail, Aug 12/03 A4
“Genetically modified food fears seen hurting Canada”, Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, Aug 28/03 B1, 21
“The $ 1B building bonanza”, Ken Gray, Citizen, Aug 31/03 A1, 4
“Police rely on gun registry”, Caroline Mallan, Toronto Star, Aug 31/03 A1, 10
“New Passport rules are no smiling matter, privacy experts warn”, Louise Elliot, Canadian Press, Sept 1/03
“PEI Commissioner Rules Against Releasing Public Officials’ Names” Paul MacNeill, Eastern Graphics, Sept 10/03
“Public service geared up for Martin’s arrival”, Paco Francoli, Hill Times, Sept 15/03 p. 27
“Our ‘painful’ vote against clean water”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Sept 21/03 A4
“Canada should stop soft-pedalling asbestos”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 22/03 p.19
“Organic activist makes a difference”, Ken Rubin, EcoFarm & Garden, Fall 2003, p. 41, 43
“PS reform like blind leading the blind: study”, Bill Curry, Citizen, Sept 29/03 A1, 8
“Coffee: The latest threat to security”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Sept 29/03 A1-2
“Disappearing Canadians and disappearing protections”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Sept 29/03 p.11
“Arrogant NCC now targets key islands”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Oct 8/03, C4
“Ottawa spends $20M for genetically modified trees”, Oct 11/03 FP1, 4
“Biotech industry says gov’t holding it back”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Oct 16/03 p. 63
“US consulted RCMP on Arar arrest”, Robert Fife, Citizen, Oct 18/02 A1-2; and “Mounties eyed Arar since start of 2002″, Robert Fife, National Post, A1, 5 (CTV Oct 23/03 documents on Arar vase)
“Daly site saga drones on and on”, Randall Denley, Citizen, Oct 25/03 A1, F1-2
“Bureaucratic fretted over ethics of flight to seal Bombardier deal”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Oct 31/03 A1, 8; and “Bureaucrats Flew on Bombardier”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Oct 31/03 A 6
“Making transparency as easy as cooking Kraft Dinner” Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 3/03 p.7
“Athletes and officials first if disaster hits 2010 Olympics”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, Nov 8/03 A1-2 (also in
“IOC officials first, women and children second”, Peter O’Neil, National Post, Nov 8/03 A1, 8; and “Olympic Family to be looked after first”, Peter O’Neil, Citizen, Nov 8/03 A 8)
“Metis should get free university, report recommends”, Bill Curry, Citizen, Nov 13/03 A11
“Food agency launches probe into power bars, sports drinks”, Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, A1,5; and interviews
CBC Newsworld, CTV Newsnet
“Manure’s polluting effect unknown: scientists”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Nov 17/03 A1, 10
“Feds spent $2 million fighting city MD”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Nov 20/03 A1, 4
“Men’s Health”, Keenan, Calgary Herald, Nov 20/03
“Grain Purity rules viewed as too restrictive”, and “Content rules provide food for thought” , Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Nov 20/03 p. 11
“Juggernaut”, Susan Delacourt, reference p. 243 re: Earnscliffe
“Native health fraud probe racks up $3.2 M tab”, Paul Samyn. Winnipeg Free Press, Dec 14/03 A1
“Donations pouring in for rights museum”, Paul Samyn. Winnipeg Free Press, Dec 18/03 A1
“Air India probe has cost more than $43 million”, Kim Bolan, Vancouver Sun, Dec 19/03 A1, 3; and “RCMP’s Air India bill is $43 M and climbing”, Kim Bolan, Citizen, Dec 19/03 A15
“RCMP sponsorship probe bill could top $2.5 M”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Dec 21/03 A1, 5
“Apology fallout feared”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Dec 22/03 1, 4
“Tab for Airbus probe at least $6.4 million, documents reveal”, Simon Tuck, Globe and Mail, Dec 26/03 A 6
“Troops went to war with faulty gas masks”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Dec 30/03 A1-2; and “Troops were issued faulty gas masks”, Mike Blanchfield, National Post, Dec 30/03 A-2
He loves to see a good (fair) fight”, Ian Jack, Jan 2/02 p. 6
“Access to Information laws: they’re there, if MD’s want to use them”, Ken Rubin, CMAJ, Jan 8/02 p. 77, 78
“16000$ pour les lecons de francais de Brian Tobin,” Joel Denis Bellavance, La Presse, Jan 9/02 A1 and CBC National Radio News, Jan 9/02
“Military ill-prepared for attack on Ottawa”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, Jan 11/02 A1-2; and “Ottawa vulnerable to terrorist attack, federal documents say”, Rick Mofina, National Post, Jan 11/02, A4.
“Federal Trial Court Bars Siemens bid”, Hill Times, Ken Rubin, Jan 14/02, p.1,3 ; and Clarification, Hill Times, Jan 24/02 p. 2
“Canada’s Secret Struggle to bring our history home”, Paul Gessell, Citizen, Jan 27/02 A1, 4
“Cabinet ministerial exempt staffers join exclusive privacy club”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times Jan 28/02 p. 13
“No benefits from federal program”, Ian Jack, Financial Post, Jan 26/02, A1, 7
“Army unfit for all but ceremony at 2010 Games”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, Feb 1/02
“Cleanup of mines sites pegged at $25 million”, James Parker, Star Phoenix, Feb 1/02 A1,7
“Natural Resources site ‘highly’ toxic”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Feb 4/02 A1-2; and “Natural Resources HQ site polluted”, Tom Spears, National Post, Feb 4/02 A2
“Diabetics demand insulin safety probe”, Andre Picard, Globe and Mail, Feb 6/02 A1,9
“Employees demand health survey”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Feb 9/02 C1-2
“We’re ‘Third in a 3-Horse Race’:Ottawa”, Alan Toulin, National Post, Feb 14/02 A1, 12
“Health Canada ‘sat on’ report”, David Rider, Citizen, March 2/02 A8
“How Ottawa censors its image”, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, March 7/02 A19
“Liberals pay $62 M to allied PR firm”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, March 12/02 A 1-2; and “Liberals break policy, award $62M in contracts to friendly firm”, Jack Aubry, National Post, March 12/02 A11
“Boudria under fire over ‘missing’ $550,000 report”, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, March 13/02, A7; and “Missing report has Boudria on the hook”, Tim Naumetz, National Post, March 13/02 A8;
and Citizen editorial, “A Quick Read”, March 13/02 A16
“Liberal donors land $150M in contracts”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, March 18/02 A1-2: and “Grit Donors Given $158M In Contracts”, Jack Aubry, National Post, March 18/02, A1, 10
“RCMP infiltrated agency that spawned future star politicians”, Michael Valpy, Globe and Mail, March 18/02 A1, 5
“RCMP spied on native activists in 1970’s”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, March 18/02 A3
“Boudria to clean up $40M scheme”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, March 19/02 A1-2
“Huge pig farms are health menace: federal report”, Tom Spears, Citizen, March 19/02 A 1, 8
“Don’t let Chretien fool you”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, March 19/02 A17
“Hog barns heat up single-issue by-election”, Krista Foss, Globe and Mail, March 20/02 A11
“Parliament must investigate”, Hill Times, March 25/02 p.4
“Open government is at crisis state and under attack, access has not gone pro-active, it’s highly defensive, says Ken Rubin”, Bill Curry, Hill Times, March 25/02 p. 12
“Liberal-connected firms made $8M in commissions”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, March 25/01 A1-2
“Why Canada is becoming a nation of pigs”, Tom Spears, Citizen, March 27/02 A1, 18; and “Pork may soon outnumber people in Canada”, Tom Spears, National Post, March 27/02, A11
“Whistle-blowers ready to tell their tales”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, March 30/02 A6
“E-commerce eluding tax net”, Heather Scoffield, Globe and Mail, April 4/02 B 1-2
“A high price for hot air”, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, April 8/02 A13
“Many firms elude clutches of taxman”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, April 8/02 A10
“Bureaucrats left Boudria in the dark”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, April 9/02 A6
“Ottawa’s support for TO-Bid revealed”, “10,000 in air fares and sundry other costs’, “Toronto councillor wants TO-Bid probe”, James Christie and Jennifer Lewington, Globe and Mail, April 13/02 A8
“Security trumps personal privacy, swift tells Providence conference, Liz Anderson, Providence Journal, April 13/02 A1, 10
“Monsanto Admits Unapproved Seed May Be In Crops”, Scott Kilman and Jill Carroll, Wall Street Journal, April 15/02 A3, 8
“Lunch with Mel Cappe”, Bill Curry, Hill Times, April 22/02 p.1, 24
“ Supreme Court To Deal With Clayton Ruby Privacy Case”, Sean Durkan, Hill Times, April 22/02 p.2
“Judges to hear Ruby’s bid for files”, Kirk Makin, Globe and Mail, April 24/02 A10
“Top court rules AECL can keep records secret”, Janice Tibbetts, National Post, April 27/02 A11
“Federal public agencies out of sight: time for Parliament to act”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 29/02 p.8
“Tougher airline checks planned”, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, April 30/02, A1, 8
“Big problems with decision to flip Ministers, staffers’ expenses into private information”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 6/02 p. 9
“Chretein rejects call for inquiry”, Elizabeth Thompson, Citizen, May 7/02 A1, 6
“RCMP Given $1.5 Million In Sponsorships”, Andrew Macintosh, National Post, May 8/02 A10
“Contrat de 150,000 accorde appel d’offres”, Joel-Denis Bellavance, La Presse, May 8/02 A1
“Government still paying too much for ad work”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 10/02 A1;“Liberals paid 80 % advances, Boudria says”; Jack Aubry and Bruce Wallace, National Post, May 10/02 A12; “Liberals end 80% up-front payments”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 11/02 A1
“Public-health system fragile, report says”, Andre Picard, Globe and Mail, May 14/02 A6
Canada’s public health system beset by problems:report”, Patrick Sullivan, Canadian Medical Association Journal, May 14/02
“Gagliano hosted auditor general in Denmark days before contract probe”, Mike Trickey and Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 18/02 A1, 16
“Boudria under fire for agency contracts”, Les Whittington, Toronto Star, May 24/02 A6
“Liberals’ anti-terrorist bill one scary piece of legislation”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 27/02 p. 1, 17
Spreading PM’s ‘joyful noise’ message costly”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 28/02 A2
“Thousand paid to publicize throne speeches”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, May 29/02 A4
“Bill C-55 Commons Debate, MP Judy Wasylycia-Leis, May 29/02 p. 11888-89
“Bill C-55 Commons Debate, MP Joe Comartin, May 30/02 p. 11960-61
CBC National TV Six O’Clock Show May 30/02; CBC National Radio Morning May 31/02 Pan-Am Games sponsorship project with Compass Communications
“44.5 M ad deal awarded in haste”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, June 6/02 A1,4; and”Groupaction Won Deal To Broker CBC Ads”, Chris Cobb, National Post, June 6/02 A4
“Liberal-linked firm dominated; Group Everest and affiliates won most of federal agency’s millions”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, June 5/02, p. 1, 5
“Sin-full behaviour”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, June 8/02 B 7
“Elite team tackles cream pie threat”, David Pugliese, Citizen, June 9/02 A1-2
“Liberals pay firm $27M in year”, Jack Aubry, June 10/02, A1,2; and “Groupaction Landed $27M in Contracts”, Jack Aubry, “Groupaction Landed $27M in Contracts”, National Post, A6
“Mad-cow threat prompted search for cattle”, Brian Laghi, Globe and mail, June 10/02 A5
“Expand public access: panel”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, June 13/02 A.1-2
“Information task force under attack”, Stephen Thorne (Canadian Press), Toronto Star, June 13/02 A8
“DND dumps Groupaction as main ad firm”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, June 14/02 A1-2
“Ad agencies have long ties to Liberals”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, June 15/02 A4
“Here’s the deal: The little Guy hates access to information”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 17/02 p.7
“Speaking of the Access Act”, Bill Curry, Hill Times, June 17/02 p.5
“Encore des contrats louches a Ottawa”, Joel-Denis Bellavance, La Presse, June 20/02 A3
“”Federal government plans to keep more public records secret, including on advertising, sponsorships”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 24/02 p. 7
CPAC TV interview on public access June 26/02 on Political Talk
CBC TV June 27/02 on the Agriculture Canada study on seed contamination
“Only Quebec heard from PM last Canada Day”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, July 1/02 A4
“Government knew Enron fallout could spread to Canada”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, July 2/02 C1-2
“Putin pushed for approval of error-prone Kamov copter”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, July 8/02 A5
“Top court raises veil on cabinet secrecy”, Janice Tibbetts, Citizen, July 12/02 A1-2
“Politicians got de luxe treatment at Olympics” James Christie, Globe and Mail, July 13/02 A1, 4
“Energy crisis plan updated after Sept. 11″, James Baxter, Citizen, July 14/02 A6
“Opposition rips ‘over-the-top’ olympic hotel bill”, Shaun McCarthy, July 15/02 A4
“Landmarks on list of toxic hot spots”, Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail, July 16/02 A8
‘Ottawa va encore choyer le Quebec avec ses millions en 2003″, Gilles Toupin, La Presse, July 19/02 A1
Super agency to promote culture”, Michael Prentice, Citizen, July 26/02, A1-2
“Ottawa mulls creating our own Smithsonian”, Michael Prentice, National Post, July 26/02, A3
“Stay out anthem debate, Copps told”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, Aug 4/02 A1, 10
“Goodale’s ‘outreach program’ gives to financially well-heeled”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Aug 5/02 p. 3
“Federal government didn’t want to be ‘tied’ to BC treaty vote”, Citizen, Aug 13/02 A4
“NCC suggests golf turf for PM’s residence”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, Aug 17/02 A1, 6
“Pollutants create a toxic mix in Arctic”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Aug 19/02 A3; and “Arctic Pollution causing Natives Serious Health Problems: Study”, Tom Spears, National Post, Aug 19/02 A13
“Canada Post ruling shows feds not serious about openness”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Aug 26/02, p.3; and “Chretein should go back to square one”, Hill Times editorial, Aug 26/02 p.4
“Quebec snags 40% of sponsor dollars”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Aug 27/02 A1, 2; and “Quebec bests all others in sponsorship program”, Jim Bronskill, National Post, Aug 27/02 A1,8
“Le lieutant-gouverneur a du rembourser 1800$”, Joel-Dennis Bellavance, La Presse, Aug 28/02 A7
“Senior civil servants use up entire budget for bonuses”, Bill Curry, National Post, Aug 29/02 A1, 9
“Researchers ‘measured attitudes’ for Martin”, Toronto Star, Sept 19/02, A7
“Our history’s $100 M home”, Randy Boswell, Citizen, Sept 23/02 A1, 2; and “Rail Station Gateway to Canadiana”, Randy Boswell, National Post, Sept 23/02 A3
“Canadian history? Expect a double dose”, Roy MacGregor, Globe and Mail, Sept 24/02 A2
“Federal flora’s upkeep costs $475,000 a year” Rick Mofina, Citizen, Sept 24/02 A1-2
“The NCC’s decade-long, $60 M property sell-off”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Sept 25/02 A1, 8,9
“Why so many critics love to hate the NCC”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Sept 27/02 F1,10,11
“Public figure, private man”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Sept 28/02 D1,4
“PM’s riding got 10 sponsorship contracts”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Sept 30/02 A5; and “Sponsorships in Shawinigan Hit $230,000″, Jack Aubry, National Post, Sept 30/02 A5
“New Jets Turn Military Green with Envy”, Richard Cleroux, XPress, Oct 3-10/02, p.4
“Bureaucrats let man’s 3 wives settle permanently in Canada”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Oct 7/02 A1, 4
“Coderre to probe decision on wives”, Campbell Clark, Globe and Mail, Oct 8/02 A
“SIN fraud probes falling off: records”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Oct 8/02 A4
“Rockcliffe Park’s $250,000 toilet; NCC spends $250,00 on spiffy Rockcliffe biffy”, Ken Gray and Lee Greenberg, Citizen, Oct 9/02 A1, B1, 6
CBC nine cross country radio interviews on the Access Act Oct 10/02
“Many Policies ‘Don’t Work’‘: Bureaucrats”, Bill Curry, National Post, Oct 10/02, A14
“Bureaucrats’ Complaints ‘A crock’”, Bill Curry, National Post, Oct 11/02
“Industry demands an end to use of inmate telemarketers”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Oct 11/02, A6
“Pre-1984 birth certificates could be invalidated”, Kim Lunman, Globe and Mail, Oct 12/02 A 4; and “Invalidate pre-1984 birth certificates: report”, Canadian Press, Citizen, Oct 13/02 A7
“Canada’s carriers faces post-9/11 shock until 2004″, Ian Jack, National Post, Oct 16/02 FP7
“EDC lends billions to two firms”, Ian Jack, National Post, Oct 18/02, A1, 20; “EDC’s pain could soon be yours”, Derek De Cloet, National Post, Oct 18/02, FP1, 3; National Post, Oct 18/02, National Post, Oct 18/02,
“EDC exposure to Nortel, Bombadier draws fire”, Ian Jack, National Post, Oct 19/02, FP1, 4; “Bombadier: favourite son or smart investment?”, Sean Silicoff, National Post, Oct 19/02, FP4
“You can thank Reid for raising profile of suppressive nature secrecy in latest report”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 21/02 p. 12
“Access law restrictions brainchild of senior PCO officials”, Paco Francoli, Hill Times, Oct 21/02 p. 31
“Ottawa must pay for mine cleanups, documents show”, Martin Middelstaedt, Globe and Mail, Oct 22/02 A8
“Native health-care scandal buried probe of Virgina Fontaine Centre shrouded in Secrecy”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Oct 22/02 A6
“Forces buying Drugs to Combat Iraqi Anthrax”, Stewart Bell, National Post, Oct 28/02 A4
“From terror to vigilance: How the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Responded to Sept 11″, and “Calming food fears”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Nov. 7/02 P. 73
***CBC TV Saskatchewan Interview on Saskatchewan FOI denial case Nov/02
“The real skinny on the government’s so-called Public Safety Act, known as Bill C-17″, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov 11/02 p. 7
“CIDA fund to launch, despite Finance censure”, Ian Jack, National Post, Nov 12/02 FP 1, 11
“Canada paid $2M more than planned for royal visit”, Randy Boswell, Citizen, Nov 16/02 A5
“Spy agency can withhold information, court rules”, Kirk Makin, Globe and Mail, Nov 22/02 A13
Radio Interview Chad Vancouver Nov 22/02 re implications of the Ruby case on investigations disclosure
“Loosey-goosey sponsorship deal with VIA cleaned up: Goodale”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Nov 25/02 A6
“How the government’s secrecy net got wider”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov 28/02 A13
“Public Works won’t release ‘secret’ audit”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Dec 3/02 A6
“Government accused of hiding secret audit”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Dec 4/02 A1-2
“1,350-car garage urged for Hill area”, Randy Boswell, Citizen, Dec 5/02 C1-2
“Councillor fears ‘mayhem’ from underground garage”, Randy Boswell, Citizen, Dec 6/02 F2
“Boongoggles?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 9/02 p. 16
“An eyesore next to Parliament Hill”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Dec 11/02 B4
“Canadian cash used to help U.S. lobby on border issues”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, Dec 21/02 A25
“Drug errors costing lives, records show” Anne McIlroy, Globe and Mail, Dec 30/02 A7
“Proof that idle hands are the devil’s workshop”, Michael Friscolanti, National Post, Dec 30/02 A1, 6
“Asbestos lobby swayed ministers to back product, documents show”, James Baxter, Citizen, Dec 31/02 A4; and “Ottawa encourages use of asbestos in federal buildings”, National Post, Dec 31/02 A1, 7
“Changes cause ‘real problems’ for Mounties”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Jan 6/00 A10; and “RCMP makeover comes with a price: report”, Jim Bronskill, National Post, Jan 6/01 A2
“Gangs unite to capitalize on human smuggling”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, Jan 8/01 A1,7
“Mounties nibble at crime proceeds”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, Jan 9/01 A5
“Military to track Gulf War veterans’ illnesses”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Jan 10/01 A1, 4
“Census-takers want access to tax records”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Jan 11/01 A3
“Statistics Canada wants access to tax records”, Jim Bronskill, National Post, Jan 11/01 A4
“Prying eyes”, National Post, Jan 13/01 A15
“Overhaul of PM’s Web site rejected”, Chris Cobb, Jan 13/01 A1,2; and “Panel turns down PM’s request for $210,000 to improve Web site”, Chris Cobb, National Post, Jan 13/01 A4
“To be called Canadian whiskey, it has to pack a real punch”, Mark MacKinnon, Globe and Mail,
Jan 15/01 A5
“Salmon farmers get hooked by profits”, Peter Gorrie, Toronto Star, Jan 20/01 K 1, 4
“Genetically modified spuds cleared”, Stuart Laidlaw, Toronto Star, Jan 23/01, F1, 15
“Doctors ordered to pay 16 million:, Rita Daly, Toronto Star, Jan 24/01 A20
“Food, drug act needs overhaul”, Mark Kennedy, Citizen, Feb 4/01 A1,4
“Taxpayers fund biotech food giant”, Peter Gorrie, Toronto Star, Feb 11/01 A1, 15
“Mounties lack native culture training: study”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, Feb 20/01 A6
“14 probes focus on Atlantic job agency”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, Feb 26/01 A1-2; and “Police probing federal loans in Atlantic Canada”, Rick Mofina, National Post, Feb 26/01 A4
“Nader tells Ottawa to press government on ‘silent violence’, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 26/01, p.15
“Chinese-gifts report blasted”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, Feb 27/01 A2
“Audit blasts clinic finances”, Peter Cheney and David Roberts, Globe and Mail, Feb 28/01 A6
“”LeBreton ‘jewel’ poised for facelift”, Michael Prentice, Citizen, March 7/01 A1-2
“Vets outraged by museum site switch”, Michael Prentice, Citizen, March 9/01 F3
“Court handcuffs police: RCMP”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, March 12/01 A1, 2; and “RCMP shuts down undercover cases following ruling”, Jim Bronskill, National Post, March 12/01 A5
“Secretive selection process of new auditor general all wrong”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 12/01 p. 18
“Illegal Hunters prowl the Arctic, military says” Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, March 16/01 A1, 7
“Military admits it can’t detect Arctic intruders” Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, March 17/01 A3
“BSE outbreak possible, report warns”, Colin Freeze, Globe and Mail, March 20/01, A10
“New documents reveal Royal Society had its right on GE foods’, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 26/01, p.14
“Bush victory worried Foreign Affairs”, Mike Trickey, Citizen, March 26/01, A1-2; and “Bush victory not favoured by Ottawa, notes reveal, National Post, March 26/01, A3
“Bank aims to cosy up to Quebec”, Alan Toulin and Joel-Denis Bellavance, Financial Post, March 27/01 C1, 8
“Candu secrecy under review”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, March 27/01 A3
“Contaminated shellfish ‘sold in B.C. stores, restaurants’, Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, March 28/01, A1 , 8
“Dollar dip ‘deviation’, says report”, Alan Toulin, Financial Post, April 4/01 C1, 6
“Federal task force on information act lags in consulting”, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, April 7/01 A8
“Bank hedging under microscope”, Karen Howlett, Globe and Mail, April 9/01 B1, 5
“Court orders release of cabinet papers, don’t hold your breath”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 9/01 P. 9
“Health Department argues over drug that can leave carcinogenic residue in pork”, Dennis Bueckert, Canadian Press, Windsor Star, April 10/01
“Scientists urge ban on swine feed additive”, Janet Hunter, Citizen, April 12/01 A6
“Food, water present mounting health risk,”, Tom Spears, Citizen, April 13/01 A1-2
“OSFI draws up bank disaster plan”, Karen Howlett, Globe and Mail, April 21/01 B4
“West pays the price with Liberals in power”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, April 28/01 A1,7
“Liberals weigh rewards of Alberta project”, Jill Mahoney, Globe and Mail, April 28/01 A7
“Information czar accused of “staining PS integrity”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, April 30/01 A1-2
“Fertilizers, manure pose mounting health threat”, Tom Spears, Citizen, May 1/01 A1-2; and
“Chemicals threaten Canadian water, air, federal scientists warn”, Tom Spears, National Post, May 1/01 A5
“Put public safety first”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, May 4/01 A15
“Forces face $300 M bill for housing”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, May 7/01 A1-2; and “Military needs to repair shabby housing”, Mike Blanchfield, National Post, May 7/01 A4
“Paperwork clogs efforts to save fish”, Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun, May 8/01 A10
“Agency offers truce to staffers”, Colin Freeze and Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, May 15/01 A4
“Allies may have used spent fuel for bombs”, Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail, May 22/01 A5
“NCC withholds details on toxic soil”, Michael Prentice, Citizen, May 23/01 C7
“Lifting lids on Ottawa’s own secrets”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, May 23/01 A6
“Mobsters won’t lose crime war, RCMP say”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, May 25/01 A1, 7
“Canadian envoys were asked to snoop on olympics”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, May 28/01, A3
“Treasury Board’s Access to Information Committee must be “cooperative”, “balanced”, and PMO to vet appointees: records”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 28/01 p. 8
“NCC rejects ‘zany’ beaver safari idea”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, June 12/01 A1-4: “Agency Talked of Selling Sleepovers at 24 Sussex”, Kelly Egan, National Post, June 12/01 A4
“Information czar’s report is timely, but his vision is hardly bold”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, June 18/01, p. 10
“US never told Canada about potato fungus outbreak” CP, Citizen, June 18/01 A3
“Scale back LeBreton Flats project: developers”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, June 21/01 B1, 7
“Canada struggles to regulate toxic trash”, Ian Jack, National Post, July 3/01, A4
“Secrets on the Hill”, Jan Cienski, National Post, July 5/01 A13
“Chilean ban to boost asbestos woes”, Bill Schiller, Toronto Star, July 8/01 A9
“PM kept eye on access bill, memos show”, Ian Jack, National Post, July 16/01 A3
“Mounties believe CSIS dulled Chinese spy threat”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, July 16/01 A1,7
“Pettigraw believed matching subsidies wrong tactic: letter”, Mark MacKinnon, Globe and Mail, July 17/01 B2
“Bureaucrats want positive spin on native gambling”, Steven Chase, Globe and Mail, July 17/01 A1, 7
“Plans to bypass chiefs could lead to defiance”, Steven Chase and Kevin Cox, Globe and Mail, July 19/01 A1, 9
“Sea King plan risky, costly”: Forces Officer”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, July 24/01 A5
“Novartis conducted wheat trials last year”, Andy Walker, Island Farmer, July 27/01 p. 1 (CBC National TV story July 28/01)
“Few Knew about Ottawa’s plan to diversify economy in West”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, July 30/01, A3
“Federal memo warns against GM wheat”, Tom Spears, Globe and Mail, Aug 1/01 A3
“This is a noxious weed”, Citizen editorial, Citizen, Aug 2/01 A14
“NCC deal with photo giant makes Canada Day a Kodak moment”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, Aug 7/01 A3; and “Ottawa deal gives Kodak publicity for fireworks”, Chris Cobb, National Post, Aug 7/01 A3
“Diesel rule may hinge on US policy shift”, Mark MacKinnon, August 9/01 A4
“Summer lotion hit with warning on federal Web site- but not on labels”, Ian Jack, National Post, Aug 13/01 A1, 8
“Wing panel ‘flew off’ jet used by PM, report says”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Aug 15/01 A6; and “Government jet that flies PM dropped part on runway”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Aug 15, A5
“Energy sector urged action on native issues”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, Aug 17/01 A5; and “Oil Industry warned Ottawa year before native blockade”, Rick Mofina, National Post, Aug 17/01 A7
“Western agency’s low profile leaves Duhamel unfazed”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Aug 20/01 A7
“$15,000 raise for NCC boss”, Ken Gray, Citizen, Aug 28/01 A1, 6
“Energy export to US raises concerns”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Sept 18/02 C3
“Could health system cope with terrorist attack here?”, Brian Laghi, Globe and Mail, Oct 1/01 A3
“Government considers demolition of former National Gallery home”, Michael Prentice, Citizen, Oct 2/01 B3
“$1.1B culture ‘campus’ proposed”, Michael Prentice, Citizen, Oct 3/01 B1-2
“Bureaucracy stalls terror-tracking system”, Jim Bronskill and Rick Mofina, Citizen, Oct 12/01 A1-2; and “tension hinders police overhaul of ‘very frail’ tracking system”, Jim Bronskill and Rick Mofina, National Post, Oct 12/01, A3
“LeBreton cleanup still in limbo”, Michael Prentice, Citizen, Oct 14/01 A9
“NCC, Chretien must slow their half-baked development plan: LeBreton Flats”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Oct 24/01 F3
“Stonewalling”, Jane Taber, National Post, Oct 27/01 A11
“Secrets are us”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Oct 30/01 A19
“NCC has consulted widely on LeBreton plans”, Marcel Beaudry; and “Wasting a glorious opportunity”, Mike Begin, Jessica Hopwood, Citizen, Nov 1/01 F5
“It’s not too late to do it right (LeBreton Flats)”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov 7/01 B5
“Liberals backed Ipperwash inquiry”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, Nov 10/01 A9
“Seven deaths linked to drug”, Miriam Shuchman, Globe and Mail, Nov 10/01 A 7
“Hospital Pharmacist warned about drug”, Miriam Shuchman, Globe and Mail, Nov 12/01 A 10
“So who’s really prescribing those drugs?”, Miriam Shuchman, Globe and Mail, Nov 15/01 R 9
“Bill C-36 Debunked”, Mark Bourrie, Ottawa X Press, Nov 15/01
“Public deserves data about LeBreton Flats”, Ann Coffey, Citizen, Nov 15/01 B5
“Gateway Corp. Sues NCC over Daly site”, Ken Gray, Citizen, Nov 26/01 C3
“Amended bill threatens public’s right to know: information watchdog”, Janice Tibetts and Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Nov 27/01 A1, 5
“Grits Snuff Debate on Terror Bill”, Robert Fife, Nov 27/01 A1, 6
“Information watchdog wants more amendments”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Nov 28/01 A3
“I have some problems with Justice Minister’s Concessions’ “, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec 2/01 p. 1, 9
“Tainted water plagues reserves; many first nations at risk in Manitoba, studies show”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Dec 11/00 A1 ; and “Manitoba reserves have unsafe water, report says”, Canadian Press, Globe and Mail Dec 10/01 A7
“Iraq mission ill-equipped, report says”, Brian Laghai, Globe and Mail, Dec 15/01 A14
“Alcock needs ‘briefing’ on Western fund”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Dec 16/01 A3
“Chefs go public against GE foods”, Eleanor Heise, Eco-Farm & Garden, Winter 2000, p. 21, 40
“Sole-source contracting under fire”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Jan 3/00 A5
“Contaminated farm seed sold in genetic mixup”, Heather Scoffield, Globe and Mail, Jan 4/00 A1, 6
“Canada monitors anti-GMO campaign”, James Baxter, Citizen, Jan 5/00 p A4
“ACOA avoids ‘transparent’ tendering process, Jacque Poitras, Telegraph Journal, Jan 8/00 p. 3
“Behind the back-door bidding at Government Services’ CAC”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 17/00 p. 7
“The battle for rights to profits from fuel cells”, James Baxter, Citizen, Jan 18/00 C3; and “Ballard, Ottawa at odds over fuel cell patents”, James Baxter, National Post, Jan 18/00 C10
“Internal audit sheds little light on $850 million CIDA offshoot”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, Jan 24/00, A5
“Million dollar monkey house”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, Jan 24/00 A1-2; and “Nothing but the best in Canada’s monkey house”, Chris Cobb, National Post, Jan 24/00, A4
“US took go-soft approach to Quebec”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Jan 24/00 A3
“Plan alters look of Hill, Tim Naumetz, Citizen, B1-2; and “Plan aims to make Parliament a place of reflection”, National Post, Jan 24/00 A7
“Allegations are unsupported, false: CAC, Christiane Quimet, CAC, Hill Times, Jan 24/00 p. 6
“Backbench MP wants to investigate Government Services’CAC”, Mike Scandiffo, Hill Times, Jan 24/00, p.9
“Managers rewarded for presiding over $1 B bungle”, Kathyrn May, Citizen, Jan 27/00 A1-2; and “Department paid out bonuses for good work”, Kathyrn May, National Post, Jan 27/00 A9
“Access Advocate Rubin Responds: CAC”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Jan 31/00 p.4
“Who is diggin’ up the dirt?”, Sarah Brown, Capital News, Carleton, Feb 4/00, 3 pages
“Theft of document puzzled CSIS for days”, Andrew Mitrovica, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Feb 5/00 A3
“Wanna know a secret? Too bad ”, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, Feb 7/00
“Question Period Minister’s Response card re Ken Rubin’s Globe and Mail article on Bill C 206, Department of Justice, Feb 7/00
“Senior bureaucrats want more perks to keep up with CEOs”, Robert Fife, National Post, Feb 14/00 A6
“Grit MP Bryden tests other Mps’ trust: committee to review issue”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb 14/00 p. 10
“Nuclear lobby loses another ministry”, Mike Trickey, Citizen, Feb 19/00 a 3; and “Ottawa quits nuclear lobby group”, Mike Trickey, National Post, Feb 19/00 A 12
“DND pushed to water down helicopter specs, MP says”, Bill Curry, Citizen, Feb 25/00 A6
“Feast for brass, famine for troops”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Feb 27/00 A1-2; and “Troops struggled to make ends meet, while brass enjoyed raises”, Mike Blanchfield, Canadian Press and Globe and Mail, Feb 28/00 A6
“Salmonella inquiry ‘excessive’ letter says”, Laura Eggerston, Toronto Star, Feb 28/00 A2
“Journalists take cozy Foreign Affairs trips”, Paul O’Neil, Eastern Graphics, Mar 1/00
“No reports: $1.1 million for fisheries’s aid projects”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, March 10/00 never run
“Mac Aulay approves pricey land purchase”, Chantale Ansems, Eastern Graphics, March 29/00
“Magazine insert leaves a bad taste”, Mark Abley, Montreal Gazette, March 28/00, A1-9; and “Agri-food pays for good publicity”, Citizen, Mar 28/00 A8
“Biotechnological food explained in magazine”, Tola Afolabi and Marcy Cabral, The Gazette, University of Western Ontario, March 29/00
“Government lost file of Candu secrets”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, March 29/00 A1-2; and “Careless security loses secret federal files, memo says”, Jim Bronskill, National Post, March 29/00 A12
“The day Mick Jagger stood up Sheila Copps”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, April 3/00 A 1-2
“Government paying to lobby itself”, James Baxter, Citizen, April 10/00 A1-2
“Ironically, John Bryden’s bill tightens up government secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Hill
Times, April 24/00 p. 9
“Minister’s riding gets $2.85 M windfall”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, April 28/00 A3
“Bennett remains an outsider”, Robert Fife, National Post, May 1/00 A3
“ Secret management retreat failed to head off HRDC crisis”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, May 1/00 A6
“Aircraft safety tests shortened”, Mark McKinnon, Globe and Mail, May 10/00 , A 1, 7
“Ottawa blasted on aircraft safety”, Mark MacKinnon, Globe and Mail, May 11/00 A1,7
“Regulators should fast-track tests: aviation authority”, Keith McArthur, Globe and Mail, May 12/00 B6
“Battle moves to food labels”, Stuart Laidlaw, Toronto Star, May 17/00 E1, 7
“GM seed approved despite misgivings” Stuart Laidlaw, Toronto Star, May 21/00 B3
“WestJet executive’s firm was grounded” , Ian Jack, National Post, May 29/00 C1,6
“Request to see files must be made again”, Andrew McIntosh, National Post, May 30/00 A6
“Top ministers push to kill access reform bill”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, June 3/00 A7
“Native claims system revamped”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, June 5/00 A3; and “Handling of native claims deemed dysfunctional”, Rick Mofina, National Post, June 5/00 A7
“Ministerial adviser wanted joint committee on biotechnology”, Hill Times, June 5/00, p. 10.
“Bill to change Access Act rattles government”, Jim Bronskill, Hill Times, June 6/00 A3
“Heard it Before? Blame ‘Speech Buddy’”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, June 18/00 A4
“NCC reform under study”, Citizen, Ken Gray, June 24/00 C1-2
“Emergency team fails Vancouver quake test”, Jane Armstrong, Globe and Mail, June 29/00 A1
“Fines a mere $57,800 for medicare breaches, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, July 17/00 A3
“I in 10 MDs over billing, papers show”, Rita Daley, Toronto Star, Aug 1/00 A1, 15
“Salmon farmers sidestep drug ban”, Tom Spears, Ottawa Citizen, Aug 3/00 A1,3
“Anti-secrecy laws scrutinized”, Tonda MacCharles, Toronto Star, Aug 22/00 A8
“What McLellan should have said”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Aug 23/00 A17
“Central Bank, Finance at odds over growth”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Aug 26/00 D1, 5; “Ottawa, central bank at odds over inflation risk”,, Eric Beauchesne, National Post, Aug 26/00 A1, 6
“ Through checks on scientists not done”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, Aug 26/00 A4
“Iran hostage secret finally out: Ottawa got paid for the luggage”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, Sept 5/00 A1, 4
“Search for Theissen’s successor reveals rift between bank, Finance”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Sept 8/00 D1
“Minister’s friend receives $1.5 million in contracts”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Sept 11/00 A1-2; “Liberal worker garners $1.5 M in contracts”, Jack Aubry, National Post, Sept 11/00 A4
“Liberal contracts ‘dishonest,’ Bloc says”, Philip Authier, Citizen, Sept 12/00, A3
“Bank shifts to US-style rate-setting system”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Sept 15/00 F1
“ To the Curb, James”, Citizen, Gargoyle, Sept 17/00 A14
“Workers hate building cabinet tried to buy”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Sept 18/00 D1-6
“Electric car not up to snuff safety-wise”, Drew Hasselback, Financial Post, Sept 23/00 D4
**“”, Citizen, Chris Cobb, Sept 26/00; and “China’s special request: Send us Celine Dion”, Chris Cobb, National Post Sept 26/00 A5
“Plutonium cleanup put at $40-million”, Mark MacKinnon, Globe and Mail, Oct 2/00 A1,4
“Taxpayers stuck with fatter bill for study of NCC”, Citizen, Randall Denley, Oct 2/0 E4
“BC fish study worthless, official says”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Oct 9/00 A7
“RCMP urges special squad on Web crime”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Oct 9/00 A3; and “New agency proposed to police cyberspace”, Jim Bronskill, National Post, Oct. 9/00 A5
“Ontario bucks federal tax pressure”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Oct 10/00 A3
CTV News Oct 16/00 re intimidation of Information Commissioner investigators
“The Arrogance of Power: Shhh! Tell me no secrets”, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, Oct 20/00 A17
“Medical pot will produce strong buzz”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, Oct 23/00 A2
“We need action on public access”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Oct 27/00 A19
“Whistleblowing comes to the Hill” , Ken Rubin, October 30/00 p. 20
“You’re your own ethics boss, Chretien told in briefing”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Nov 24/00; A1-2; and “Ethics Rest Squarely on PM’s Shoulders: Briefing Paper ”, Eric Beauchesne, National Post, Nov 24/00, A1,6
“I find myself not guilty”, Citizen editorial, Nov 25/00 A17
“NCC responds to secrecy complaints” Kelly Egan, Citizen, Dec 9/00 D1-2
“Critics pounce on NCC reforms”, A.J, Blauer, Ottawa Sun, Dec 9/00 p. 7
“NRC won’t release report” Campbell Morrison, The Daily Gleaner, Dec 12/00 A1-2
“Official’s travel plans ‘unusual’ ”, Bill Redekop, Winnipeg Free Press, Dec 16/00, A1,4
“Civil Servant well-travelled”, David Roberts, Globe and Mail, Dec 18/00 A1, 7
“RCMP reviewing Caplan’s trip”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, Dec 18/00 A10
“Officials kill 1,700 mad elk”, Alanna Mitchell, Globe and Mail, Dec 18/00 A1, 7
“Could mad-elk be in antlers?”, Alanna Mitchell, Globe and Mail, Dec 19/00 A10
“Studies reveal depth of native water crisis”, Brian Laghi, Globe and Mail, A1-7
“B.C. reserve boiling water for a month”, Caroline Alphonso, Globe and Mail, Dec 22/00 A7
“Bureaucrats braced for cuts if Alliance won, memos show”, Daniel LeBlanc, Globe and Mail, Dec 26/00 A1,4
“Spies eye Canada’s high-tech secrets”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, Dec 28/00 A1, 11
“Candu shutdowns caused ‘image problem’, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Jan 7/99, B4
“NCC to pay $1.7 M to Rebuild York Steps”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Jan 15/99 C1-2, and in National Post, Jan 15/99 A4
“US spin doctor aided Liberal campaign strategy” Jack Aubry, National Post, Jan 19/99 A7
“York Steps would be a barrier to many”, Howard V. Walker, Citizen, Jan 22/99 C5
“Unity contracts handed out without tender”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Jan 27/99 A1-2
“Unity office contract awards confirm rule-breaking, auditor says”, Citizen, Jan 29/99 A5
“Mounties fail in attempt to uncover political leaks”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Feb 8/99 A4
“Ice storm cut more than power”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Feb 12/99 A7
“Why would women want these jobs?” Randy Denley, Citizen, Feb 24/99 B4
“Hefty dinner bill is only clue U.S. advisor was in Quebec”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, March 4/99 D16
“PM Cottage” Dave Rinn CTV News item, March 4/99
“Information chief flexes his muscles”, Hugh Winsor, Globe, March 15/99 A4
“Smoke and Mirrors Spending”, Editorial, Hill Times, March 22/99 p.4; and reprinted in Citizen as “Year 2000 Bafflegab”, March 27/99 b5
“Path of Heros to cost $3 million”, Lori Kitelberg, Hill Times, March 15/99 p. 1, 8
“Beware of bureaucrats who are fond of secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, March 17/99 A19
“ NCC plans to showcase Canadians”, Bruce Ward, Citizen, March 22/99 B3
“Spurned phone company to sue feds for $100M”, Jill Vardy, National Post, March 22/99, C1, 6
“Plutonium study” CTV News, March 22/99
“Transporting plutonium by ship safer than flight, study says”, Andrew Duffy, Citizen, March 23/99 A4
“Burning plutonium would cost taxpayers $2B”, Andrew Duffy, National Post, March 23/99 A8
“Telezone sues Ottawa for $250 M”, Jill Vardy, National Post, March 24/99 C6
“Canada to test-burn plutonium”, Andrew Duffy, Citizen, March 24/99 A8 and CP story, “No Plutonium Deal, Axeworthy says”, Globe and Mail, March 24/99 A8
“Along and Winding Road”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, March 27/99 C1-2
“The Incredible problems with Ottawa’s performance reports”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, April 5/99, p.8
“Identity problem”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 6/99 A14
“Water quality raised furore”, Tom Spears, Citizen, April 11/99 A1-2
“Health staff resolve water spat”, Tom Spears, Citizen, April 12/99 A7
“It’s time to shed light on mandarin’s perks”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 13/99 A15
“Rideau Falls Pavilion Ill-conceived”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 23/99 F6
“Public Answers from public agencies”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, April 28/99 A17
“Ministries to give information sooner”, Daniel Leblanc, Globe and Mail, April 28/99 A9
“Information Commissioner’s Reports on chronic Time Delay Departments”, CBC National Radio, April 30/99 8.00 am news
“Canada’s not so friendly skies”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 3/99, A1-2
“A quarter of flight attendants victims of ‘air rage’ survey says”, Jack Aubry, National Post, May 3/99 A4
“What’s the deal with the House’s teeny-weeny recycling bins?”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 3/99, p. 10
“Ottawa to regulate bank closings”, Shawn McCarthy, May 7/99 B1,8
“Canada’s new food and safety act will be unsafe”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, A23
“Health issues hound canola”, Paul Samyn and Bill Redekop, Winnipeg Free Press, May 10/99 A1-2, and “concerns about canola studied”, Citizen, May 10/99 A6.
“PMO raised concerns about tests of hormone” Anne McIlroy, Globe and Mail, May 12/99 A1,4
“Museum, NCC clash over new attraction”, Bruce Ward, Citizen, A1-2; and ‘Civilization museum in uproar as Ottawa funds ‘competition’, Bruce Ward, National Post, May 13/99 A9
“The science of cows, the madness of politics” Globe and Mail editorial, May 15/99 D6
“Federal Task Force studying creation of national ID card”, Al Toulin, May 15/99 A1-2
“ ”Martin actions dogged by leadership questions”, and “Scrapped program proves costly”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen; and , May 17/99 A6; and “Martin team kept an eye on future leadership”,
and “Martin ignored bureaucrats’ advice on adjusting pension plans”, Eric Beauchesne, National Post, May 17/99 A7
“CBC National Radio May 18/99 Transport Records Re Fredericton Air Crash, Kelly Ryan
“Franked” Anne McIlroy, Globe and Mail, May 22/99 D 1, 3
“Level of pesticide residue up on Canadian produce” Alanna Mitchell, Globe and Mail, May 24/99 A 1, 4
“Ottawa looking for steady supply of dope”, Anne McIlroy, Globe and Mail, May 28/99 A4
“Masse expected to be blamed for information-access delays”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, June 2/99 A4
“Kiddie Banking” Globe and Mail Notebook, June 5/99 A2
“Simply Canadian: CP Hotels’ Regional Recipes”, Ron Eade, Citizen, June 9/99 D11
“Information office has lots of bosses, few workers”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, June 14/99 A5; and “Agency flush with executives”, Jack Aubry, National Post, June 14/99
“Bubbles Galore- state Assists Sex Film” CTV News, June 26/99
“Briefing notes stir medical concerns”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, June 27/99 B2
“Finance attacks highway program”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, June 28/99, A4
“Memos reveal wider consensus on ‘misleading’ highway costs”, Eric Beauchesne, National Post, June 28/99, A6
“Politicians taking over military chopper purchase”, Peter O’Neil, Citizen, June 30/99 A 1-2
“U.S. prisoners’ blood fed hep C infections: Ottawa”, Anne McIlroy, Globe and Mail, June 30/99 A1-2
“Health Canada cuts backlog”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, July 7/99 A7
“Clean fuel plan flunks test”, Andrew Duffy, Citizen, July 8/99 A5
“Military ponders cut to copter order”, Peter O’Neil, Citizen, July 15/99 A4; and “Military considering halving helicopter budget” Peter O’Neil, National Post, July 15/99 A5
“Government with gas”, editorial, Citizen, July 16/99 A15
“Getting tough on SIN fraud”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, July 20/99 A3; and the same in the National Post, July 26/99 A7 titled”More flexible penalties to battle SIN fraud”
“Government secrecy” Interview on Access, Eric Sorenson, CBC National July 21/99
“ Mountie aims to get his man, one footprint at a time”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, July 22/99 A3
“Spinning military records”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, July 27/99 A15
“Fancy a hemp burger? Be careful, report warns”, Anne McIlroy, Globe and Mail, July 27/99 A1,7
“$3 billion price tag puts kibosh on Sir John A. Day”, Bob Fife, National Post, July 27/99 A1,7
“Hemp is harmless, angry growers say”, Anne McIlroy, Globe and Mail, July 28/99 A2
‘Liberal ad firm gets public funds for its Y2K tune”, Chris Cobb, July 28/99 A4; and “Millennium song that Ottawa doesn’t want gets subsidy”, Chris Cobb, National Post, July 28/99 A 1-2
“Happy Sir John Day”, Citizen, editorial, Aug 2/99 A11
“Plutonium would be Canada’s forever”, Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail, August 2/99 A1,4
“Canada puts out welcome mat for food business investment”, “Several reasons to overlook Canada”, “Food industry heads into foreign hands”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Aug 12/99 p. 66, 67
“DND sought new planes to stop migrants”, Jane Armstrong, Globe and Mail, August 13/99 A4
“Singapore Ambassador residents costs” CTV News August 15/99
“Tours take unity message to separatist heartland”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Aug 16/99 A1-2
“Canada’s economic role, clout shrink”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Aug 19/99 F1-2
“Stamp profits raise dispute”, James Baxter, Citizen, Aug 23/99 A9; and “Federal postal minister ignored advice of deputy”, James Baxter, National Post, Aug 23/99 A9
“Spies were hard at work in Balkans War”, Andrew Mitrovica, Globe and Mail, Aug 27/99 A3
‘Use fear to move plutonium: report”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Sept 4/99 C1-2
“Small papers defend government-aided trips”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, Sept 9/99 A2
“Christian art hits people in the guts”, Bob Harvey, Citizen, Sept 15/99 A1-2; “Show examines Christ’s influence on Canada”, Bob Harvey, National Post, Sept 15/99 A8
“On killing Canadian history” Susan Riley, Citizen, Sept 20/99 B4
“War museum ‘on knife edge’”, Joanne Laucius, Citizen, Sept 30/99 E3
“Chretien active in plan to sell Candus”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Oct 5/99 A3
“NWT FOI ACT Delays: Case of Pay Equity Request”, CBC Northern Affairs, Lee Sellnick, Aboriginal People’s Network, Northbeat, Oct 5/99
“Secret files destroyed after Citizen Access query”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Oct 12/99 A7
“Firm takes ‘risk’ to get work done on bridge”, Ken Gray, Citizen, Oct 14/99 D1-2
“Low rainfall worries experts, record shows: dwindling water stocks”, Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail, Oct 15/99 A8
“Genetically altered food gets ‘free ride’, Norma Greenway, Citizen, Oct 17/99 A3
“Deputy ministers shuffle revealing”, Hugh Winsor, Globe and Mail, Oct 18/99 A 3
“You say organic, I say expensive”, Globe and Mail, Oct 18/99 D2
“Defence tracks Access requests of ‘usual suspects’, David Pugliese, Citizen, Oct 18/99 A3
“New Law threatens health, Rock told”, Laura Eggerston, Toronto Star, Oct 18/99 A3
“Food Safety at risk, health petition says”, Heather Scoffield, Globe and Mail, Oct 19/99 A2
“Bioterrorism threat real, scientists warn”, Jeff Sallot, Oct 19/99 A5
“Toxic sites litter reserves: report, Brian Laghi, Globe and Mail, Oct 20/99 A8
“Ottawa fears effects of barnyard belches”, Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail, Oct 22/99 A1-2
“Furniture Renewal Strategy at Finance”, National Notebook, Globe and Mail, Oct 30/99 A16
“Revenue Canada spends $47 M on new look”, Citizen, Kathyrn May, Nov 1/99 A5; and “Revenue Canada Transformation Could Cost $47 million”, Kathyrn May, National Post, Nov 1/99 A7
“Institutions roped in to branding themselves”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, Nov 15/99 A10; and “Get with program, Ottawa’s conformity office tells boards”, National Post, Chris Cobb, Nov 15/99 A6
“Safety should come first: Ottawa’s support for genetically engineered food is cause for concern”, Ken Rubin, Montreal Gazette, Nov 15/99 B3
“Don’t spend too much on millennium parties”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Nov 16/99 A4; and “Ottawa spending too much on millennium, poll finds”, Jack Aubry, National Post, A11
“Development agency ordered to disclose secret documents”, Richard Foot, National Post, Nov 23/99 A4
“UI reform hit women hardest, figures confirm”, Daniel Leblanc, Nov 23/99 A4
“Bureaucratic lapses and a day in court”, Hugh Winsor, Globe and Mail, Nov 28/99 A4
“Lack of records cost soldiers’ lives, DND paper claims”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Nov 28/99 A5
“NATO avoided nuclear plant”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Nov 29/99 A3
“Government fast-tracked Monsanto’s GM potatoes”, Pauline Tam, Citizen, Nov 29/99 A1-2
“Top chiefs insist on labels for genetically altered food” Tom Spears, Citizen, Dec 2/99 A4; and “Stick a Label on it, Chefs say of Food Genetically Modified” , Tom Spears, National Post, Dec 2/99 A11
“Dion visit draws yawns in separatist country”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Dec 4/99 A7
“Troops felt blue before Croatia” Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Dec 6/99 A16
“Government bows to increased pressure and approves genetically modified potatoes”,
Kathy Ehman, Eastern Graphics, Dec 8/99, p 1, 3; also “Province applies pressure for quick federal approval of Monsanto products”, Kathy Ehman, Island Farmer, Dec 13/99, p 1, 3
“Ottawans finally speak out against genetically-modified foods”, Sara McGregor, Ottawa X Press, Dec 9/99 p. 9
“Chefs blast modified foods”, Heath Jon McCoy, Citizen, Dec 14/99 A5
“Des chefs cuisiniers demandent l’etiquetage obligatoire des aliments transgeniques”, Nadine Filion, la Presse, Dec 14/99 A6
“Deux chefs reputes reclament l’etiquetage”, Judith Lachapelle, Le Devoir, Dec 14/99 A4
“Chef group opposes genetically altered food”, Stuart Laidlaw, Toronto Star, Dec 14/99 D1, 5
“Canadian chefs trash frankenfoods”, Dawn Walton, Globe and Mail, Dec 14/99 B1, 7
“Chefs join push to label genetically altered food”, Eileen Travers, Montreal Gazette, Dec 14/99 A3
also many radio and TV stories on chef day action – CBC National News etc.
“GM foods should be labelled for public benefit – Island chefs”, Nigel Armstrong, The Guardian, Dec 15/99 A4
“Ex-bureaucrat was paid $17,450 for 14 days”, Rick Mofina, Citizen, Dec 20/99 A5; and “Minister doles out ‘excessive‘ contract”, Rick Mofina, National Post, Dec 20/99 A7
“Normal procedure not followed for approval of potato varieties”, Kathy Ehman, Eastern Graphics, Dec 22/99, p. 1
“Tobacco addictive”, Charles Catton, Globe and Mail, Jan 3/98 D7
“Home, Home on the Hill”, Andrew MacIntosh, Citizen, Jan 3/98 A1-2
“Merchants welcome condos on the Hill” Tom Spears, Citizen, Jan 4/98 B1
“Champion of open government” editorial, Citizen, Jan 5/98 B5
“Link crisis plan carries big price tag” , Paul MacNeill, Eastern Graphic, Jan 7/98, A1
“Survival Plan for the Island” Paul MacNeill and Jacques Poitras, Telegraph Journal, Jan 7/98 A1-2
“A who’s who of community activism” Daniel Drolet, Citizen, Jan 10/98, E10
“ Frustrated local officials threatened to give up Games”, Kim Guttermson, Winnipeg Free Press, Jan 11/98 A6
“Federal safety report lists 30 airport ‘occurrences’ in 1997, Ken Gray, Citizen, Jan 11/98, B1,4
“”No expense spared to entertain the Queen”, Russell Wangersky, Evening Telegram, Jan 19/98
“Parliamentary Power II” editorial, Hill Times, Jan 26/98, p. 4
“Alberta MLA accounts to stay private” Brian Laghi, Globe and Mail, Jan 27/98 A 4
“40 mishaps recorded at Pearson”, Derek Ferguson, Toronto Star, Jan 27/98
“Access to information”, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, Jan 31/98 , D7
“Smoke-free nation urged” Canadian Press and Gazette, Feb 4/98 A11 (also CTV News Feb 3/98)
“Hospital landing pads unsafe” Alanna Mitchell, Globe and Mail, Feb 4/98 A4
“Major charter airline flew illegally, review says” Martin Mittstaedt, Globe and Mail Feb 6/98 A 3 (also CTV News Feb 7/98)
“ Des appareils de Nationair volaient illegalement”, Martin Pelchat, La Presse, Feb 7/98, A3
“Obadia rejette l’accablant rapport sur Nationair”, Yann Pineau, La Presse, Feb 8/98 A 7
“Top tips: Six legal experts tell all”, Doug Small, National, Canadian Bar Association, p. 17
“Firms see red over copters”, Patricia Lush, Globe and Mail, Feb 11/98 , B7
“Governor General gets $16,200 chair”, David Trifunov, Citizen, Feb 14/98 A4
“Dick Proctor MP, in House of Commons Debate on record penalties’s private bill C208, Feb 12/98, p.3834-35
“Feds paid $12 million to senior mandarins”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, March 2/98 A1-10
“NCC plans to honour men who shaped capital”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Mar 4/98 B1-2
Hill Times March 9/98 edition, cartoon re top public servants pay bonuses and Masse
“Air-India settlement criticized”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, March 11/98 A4
“Disclosure sought in Air-India pay out”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, March 12/98 A4
“Victor who?”, Globe and Mail National Notebook, March 14/98 A4
CPAC cable tv Round Table Panel on access to information, March 15/98
Hill Times March 16/98 articles on senior mandarins’ pay bonus issue and public service union ads
“Terry Fox Statute relocation”, Dave McKie, CBC Radio, March 19/98
“NCC changes policy on taping closed meetings”, Ken Gray, Citizen, March 26/98, D1-2
“For dinner tonight: Liberal Pork”, National Notebook, Globe and Mail, March 28/98 A4
“Federal government viewed as Pickering’s “slum landlord”, Jane Armstrong, Globe and Mail, April 6/98
CTV News, “Injured Soldiers feel Abandoned”, April 16/98
CTV News Inquiry,” CIDA INC.’ Funds, April 19 and 20/98
“The access to large quantities of mostly blank paper act”, Randall Denley, Citizen, April 27/98 A9
“Request for Air-India data draws blank”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, May 1/98 A5
“Access far from direct on Air-India bombing”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, May 2/98 A2
“Major shift in works at Health Canada”, Kathyrn May, Citizen, May 6/98, A4
“Ottawa out to duck health-protection role”, Ken Rubin, Montreal Gazette, May 8/98 B3
“Ottawa secrecy hits some snags”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 11/98 p. 8
“A Political persecution of the fourth estate”, Ed Greenspon, Globe and Mail, May 16/98 D1,3
“Still searching for an access commissioner”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, May 18/98 p. 12
“Media bare teeth on info commissioner candidate” Sharon Sutherland, Hill Times, June 1/98 p. 7
“Parliament Hill could be linked by tunnel network”, Kady O”Malley, Hill Times, June 1/98 p. 1, 10
CBC Newsworld interview on info commissioner June 5/98
“Vet Drug report Critical” Dave McKie, CBC National Radio June 8/98
“Chretein, cabinet helped sell reactors”, Daniel Leblanc, Citizen, June 12/98 A1-2
“Mr. Access to Information – a profile of Ken Rubin”, Penny Sanger, Glebe Report, June 12/98 p/ 18
“NCC’s vision for capital sadly myopic”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, June 15/98 C4
“China loan a gamble, Liberals warned”, Paul McKay, Citizen, June 15/98 A1, 8
“Ecological reviews apply to rabbits – but not to reactors”, Daniel LeBlanc, Citizen, June 16/98 A1-2
“Copp’s trip to Nagano funded by taxpayers”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, June 24/98 A5
“Central bank cited for dollar’s woes”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, June 25/98 B4
“Silence may be golden for Thiessen”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, July 3/98 B1,4
“We should know how much we pay top public servants”, Randell Denley, Citizen, July 6/98 A8
“Pathetic state of Canada’s Access to Information Act”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, July 6/98, p. 6
“Business foots bill for Canada House bash”, Norma Greenway, Citizen, July 11/98 A1-2
“Big Bonuses” Andrew Mitrovica, Media, summer 1998, p. 20 and Janet Vileg-Pacquette, “Lessons Learned from award-winning stories”, Media, summer 1998, p. 9
“ Audit reveals military subsidies costing millions” Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, July 25,/98 A3
“Leitrim Military Base and Drugs” CTV News Aug3/98
“DND botched drug probe at spy base, memo confirms”, Mark Kennedy, Citizen, Aug 4/98 A4
“ Military police, ombudsman get wires crossed over botched investigation” Globe and Mail, Aug 5/98 A3
“ NCC to spend $7M on millennium bash”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Aug 8/98 A1, 4
“The great millennium spree” Citizen editorial, Aug 12/98 B4
“”Behind Closed Doors”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Aug 24/98 C1, 3
“The Public Makes More Noise Than They Should”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Aug 24/98 C 3
“No Wonder NCC so secretive”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Aug 24/98 C4
“Top public servants get pay bonuses”, Pat Bell, Citizen, Aug 24/98 A3
“Cabinet appointees get bonus”, Canadian Press, Globe and Mail, Aug 24/98 A4
“Task Force Chair to pocket $500,000″, April Lindgren, Citizen, Aug 24/98 D1-2
“NCC needs lesson in democracy”, Citizen, Aug 25/98 D4
“NCC members’ excuses for secrecy are weak”, Hugh Benrvides, Citizen, Aug 28/98 B5
“Doors still closed and lights out at NCC”, Brian Whitelock, Citizen, Aug 31/98 C5
“NCC ‘spoon-fed’ public what it wants us to hear”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Sept 6/98 p. A13
“The SINs of the System”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Sept 30/98 A4
“Push Button, Go Boom”, Glen McGregor, Citizen, Oct 3/98 B2
“Trading secret fish stories at the Press Club”, Jane Taber, Citizen, Oct 3/98 B2
“Federal government tries to cover up documents in APEC”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 5/98 p.
“”Duke of Magic at Finance” Globe and Mail Notebook, Oct 10/98 A4
“DVA employee’s salaries”, Eastern Graphic, October 14, 1998 p.7-9 and “Salaries list was invasion of privacy” Steven Hindle, PIPS, Eastern Graphic, Oct. 21/98 p. 4
“Clean-air laws won’t eliminate damage by smog, acid rain”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Oct 17/98 A5
CTV News Inquiry Oct 18/98 Hydro Official’s Salary/Contract Secret
“Hydro official fears for safety if salary disclosed”, Mike Trickey, Citizen, Oct 19/98 A5
“Liberal member tackles secrecy” Hugh Winsor, Globe and Mail, Oct 21/98 A4
“Bill would punish PS record tampering”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Oct 21/98 A4
“Official records tampering bill chips away at secretive Ottawa” Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Oct 26/98 A11
“PR man had wide circle of friends”, John MacLean, Citizen, Nov 1/98 A10
“The Seven-Year Struggle to get the Nationair Post-Accident Review Report”, presentation at CAPA conference Oct 23/98 as shown on CPAC channel, Nov 1/98
“RCMP Commissioner Travels”, CTV News, Nov 2/98
“List shows pesticides used on tobacco”, Alanna Mitchell, Globe and Mail, Nov 7/98 A10
“House passes backbench MP’s no-shredding bill”, Sheldon Alberts, National Post, Nov 17/98 A7
“Telezone gets three-year busy signal from Ottawa”, Jill Vardy, Financial Post, Nov 17/98 B8
“Government ’finds’ $100,000 for Cup ads”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Nov 22/98 A4
“Federal user fees called a drag on industry”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Nov 23/98 B4
“Health Canada fears milk prices will rise if growth hormone approved”, Mark Kennedy, Citizen, Dec 7/98 A5; and “Hormone may raise milk prices”, National Post, Dec 7/99 A5
“RCMP knew of spray dangers”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Dec 10/98 A1
“Federal lawyer charges $300 G for Unity Work”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Dec 12/98 A5
“Canada’s reluctant hemp revival”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Dec 27/98 A3
“Acknowledgements” Lisa Priest 1998 Doubleday Canada Ltd. Book, “Operating in the Dark: The Accountability Crisis in Canada’s Health Care System”, p. ix.
“Information watchdog blasts handling of Collenette letter”, Jim Bronskill and Stephen Bindman, Citizen, Jan.9/97 p.A5
“New choppers spark doubts”, Barrie McKenna, Globe and Mail, Jan.14/97 p.B1-27
“Builders vie for helicopter job”, Barrie McKenna, Globe and Mail, Jan.14/97 p.B27
“Federal smart cards: privacy vs savings”, Ken Mac Queen, Citizen, Feb.1/97 p.A1-2
“Canada Moving to a National ID?”, Robert Ellis Smith, Privacy Journal, Feb 97, p.1
“Fee boost for access requests on horizon”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Feb5/97 p.A5
“Jealously guarding Ottawa’s secrets”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, Feb.11/97 p.A1-26
“Rock defends PR contract”, Globe and Mail, Feb.18/97 p.A4
“Ottawa’s bill in airbus case to exceed original estimates”, Tu Thanh Ha, Globe and Mail, Feb.28/97 p.A4
“We’re heading down road to national ID card”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, Mar.4/97 p.A25
“Federal Funds used to boost nicotine level in smokes: researcher”, Citizen, Mar.17/97 p.A3
(also CTV News Mar 16/97)
“Effort to boost nicotine in cigarettes linked to federal scientists”, Globe and Mail, Mar.17/97 p.A4
“Federal scientists help boost kick of cigarettes”, Gazette, Mar.17/97 p.A8
“Ottawa supported nicotine research on PEI test crop”, Barrie McKenna, Globe and Mail, Mar.18/97 p.A5
“Smokescreen”, Toronto Star, Mar.18/97
“Bureaucrats at odds on tobacco policy”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, Mar.20/97 p.A27
“Feds two faced”, Toronto Star, Mar.28/97 p.A16
“NCC’s chief’s persistent dilemma”, Mar.31/97 p.A4
story on CBC National by Channel Zero on surveillance, April 11/97
“Time to consider replacing the NCC”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Apr.14/97 p.D1
“Ministerial Briefing Note: NCC Comments by Ken Rubin”, Heritage Canada, April 14/97
“NCC serves national not local needs”, Marcel Beaudry, Citizen, Apr.18/97 p.B5
“Beaudry doesn’t want an open NCC”, Citizen, Apr.22/97 p.B5
“Some soldiers misbehaved in Cambodia”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Apr.25/97 p.A3
story on CTV News re US/Russia military plutonium possible use for MOX fuel in Canada May 14/97
“City has war chest to fight CN”, Carmela Fragomeni, Hamilton Spectator, May 30/97
“Ottawa provinces consider signal ID card”, Ijeoma Ross, Globe and Mail, May 26/97 p.A1-3
“Drug-approval process criticized”, Laura Eggerstson, Globe and Mail, May 28/97 p. A1 and 8
“Health officials discussed taxing legal marijuana”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, June 9/97 p.A1-2
““Security plea for subs cities allies”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, June 11/97 p.A4
“All aboard the Cabot gravy train”, Barrie McKenna and Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, June 14/97 p.D2
“The Cabot tale”, Globe and Mail, June 17/97 p.A18
“Child poverty leaves Canadians divided on blame”, Edward Greenspon, Globe and Mail, June 17/97 p.A1-6
“Ottawa sends tentacles West for farmers’ views”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, June 19/97
“Canada’s Access Act on the Ropes”, Ken Rubin, Access Reports, June 19/97 p.3-5
“Your national treasures, brought to you by…”, Tom Spears, Citizen, June 20/97 p.A1-2
“Cabot celebrations worth every penny”, Globe and Mail, June 21/97 p.D7
“Cabot’s voyage”, Globe and Mail, June 23/97 p.A18
“Cabot celebrations, Cartoon”, The Globe and Mail, June 24/97
“Cabot celebrations”, Globe and Mail, June 25/97 p.A22
“Sponsorships put national parks in peril, opponents say”, Tom Spears, Citizen, June 24/97 p.A5
“Court affirms access rights”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, June 27/97 p.A3
“Price cut recruits young smokers”, Laura Eggertson, Globe and Mail, July 10/97 p.A1-7
“Fish war: Ottawa eyes Nansone seabed”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, July 10/97, A1
“Open Sesame”, Paul Webster, This Magazine, July Aug.13/97, p. 13-15
“Scientists warn rock about cuts to food directorate”, Laura Eggertson, Globe and Mail, July 12/97 P.A4
“DND employees peeked at internet porn sites”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, July 16/97 p.B1
“If Ottawa decides to buy four subs from Britain, Burnaby’s Ballard Power stands to benefit”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, July 23/97
“Government penny wise but pound foolish economist says”, Citizen, July 27/97 p.A1
“Polluted parks get little help”, Alanna Mitchell, Globe and Mail, Aug.5/97 A1-3
“Red blows hole in DND budget”, Winnipeg Free Press, Aug.5/97, A1-2-6
“Ottawa skips reactor advice”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Aug.11/97 A1-4
(also on CTV News Aug 11/97 and Canada AM on Aug 12/97)
“Revisiting Canada’s link to apartheid”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Aug 12/97 p.A5
“National parks under growing stress”, Kevin McNamee, Globe and Mail, Aug.27/97
“Federal government aims to torpedo Clark’s plan”, Peter O’Neill, Citizen, Aug 15/97 A1-2
“Gutting of drug price safeguards could cost Canadians billions”, Brad Everson, Citizen, Aug.27/97 p.A1-2
“Manley denies changes to drug industry report”, Brad Everson, Citizen, Aug.28/97 p.A3
“NCC trips beg some questions”, Randell Denley, Citizen, Sept.3/97 p.B4
“Ottawa poised to introduce tax superagency law”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Sept.4/97 p.B1-11
“Tax superagency’s mandate to negotiate collection deals”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Sept.5/97
“Ottawa girds for pension war”, Shawn McCarthy and Edward Greenspon, Globe and Mail, Sept.8/97 p.A1-4
“NCC’s China trip succeeded in promoting region winterlude”, Patrice Morin, Citizen, Sept.10/97 p.B5
“Memo contradicts Finance Minister”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Sept.18/97 p.B4
story on CTV News on EX public employees’ bonuses Sept 22/97
“Contradictory talk on high unemployment”, Globe and Mail, Sept.23/97 p.A20
“Health branch spared cuts for now”, Anne McIlroy and, Laura Eggertson, Globe and Mail, Sept.24/97 p.A3
“Provinces continue to flout Medicare”, Mark Kennedy, Citizen, Sept.30/97 p.A6
“Customs officials urged strong response to border protests”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, Oct.2/97 p.11
“Preliminary document tipped utility to problems”, James Rusk, Globe and Mail, Oct.6/97 p.A7
(also CTV News Oct 5/97)
“Hydro withheld nuclear plant study”, Citizen, Oct.6/97 p.A6
“Signs of nuclear plant decline arose in ’ 95, hydro head says”, James Rusk, Globe and Mail, Oct.7/97 (also CTV News Oct 6/97)
“Ottawa’s help to big drug firms revealed”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, Oct.9/97 p.A2
story on information warfare on W5, CTV, Oct 9/97
“Inflation to stay low, Martin says”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Oct.14/97 p.A1-7
“Top brass called for inspector post in 95″, Allan Thompson, Toronto Star, Oct.20/97 p.A3
“Tenacious bid to bury GST polls betrays size of Martin’s ego”, Hugh Winsor, Globe and Mail, Oct.29/97 p.A4
“How Ottawa gets around access to information requests”, Ken Rubin, Globe and Mail, Nov.1/97 p.D3
“Parliament can be strong relevant only if MPs want it to”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov.3/97 p.B3
“Military police bungled drug probe at forces spy base”, Citizen, Nov.3/97 p.A5
(also CTV News Nov 2/97)
“Race for regional chair turns nasty”, Citizen, Nov.6/97 p.B2
(also CBC radio Nov 6,7/97)
“Federal prison staff poorly trained: report”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Nov.8/97 p.A6
“Note sheds light on Ottawa’s links to Indonesian military”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, Nov 4/97 p.A3
“Chretien defends AECL decisions”, Shawn McCarthy, Globe and Mail, Nov.6/97 p.A4
“Voters gamble that style equals content”, Randall Denley, Citizen, Nov.11/97 p.B6
“Public right vs. Policy fight”, Meg Murphy, Varsity, Nov 17/97 1, 9
“Toronto man sues firm over heart drug”, Laura Eggertson, Toronto Star, Nov.8/97 p.A4
“Consumers pay millions extra under drug law”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, Nov.19/97 p.A6
“Seniors call for change to drug patent rules”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, Nov.20/97 p.A14
“Student loan defaulters under fire”, Ed Greenspon, Globe and Mail, Nov.21/97 p.A1-2
“Industry department chastised”, Mike Scandiffo, Hill Times, Nov.24/97, p. 1, 16
“Air disaster report must go public court rules”, David Vienneau, Toronto Star, Nov.28/97 p.A12
“A mission to embarrass the bigwigs”, Sean Fine, Globe and Mail, Dec.3/97 p.A2
“301 inside politics”, Brad Evenson, Citizen, Dec.5/97 p.A7
“Private Bill C-208 on access law penalties”, Proceedings, Hansard, Dec 5/97, p. 2827-28
“Ken Rubin’s Mission”, Christopher McLaughlin, Globe and Mail, Dec.6/97 p.D7
“Shred the files and go to jail”, Jim Bronskill, Citizen, Dec.8/97 p.A2
“How Ottawa manipulated drug patent protection”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Dec.8/97 p.10
“Cash for life scheme hikes DM pensions”, Randell Denley, Citizen, Dec.12/97 p.B4
“Dining with deputies”, Frank, Dec 17/97, p.11
“Canadian Diplomat Knew of Bre-X Fraud: Memos”, Paul Waldie, Globe and Mail, Dec. 19/97, p.B3
“Ottawa weighs Banff land swap”, Alanna Mitchell, Globe and Mail, Dec 27/97, A1,8
“Nicotine level in crop crucial, papers show”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, Dec 30/97, A6
“Fungicide cleared without tests”, Alanna Mitchell, Globe and Mail, Dec 31/97 A1,6
“Judge’s ruling on air safety surveys jeopardizes public access to documents”, Doug Fischer, Citizen, Jan.3/96 p.A4
“Air safety surveys to stay secret”, Doug Fischer, Southam News for The Journal, Jan.3/96
“49 doctors disciplined for abuse in prescribing”, Craig Sumi, Toronto Star, Jan.15/96 p.A15
“Flaws reported in PM’s security”, Globe and Mail, Jan.24/96 p.A5
“Top court ruling seen as setback for access to information: Government wins broader powers to withhold documents”, Ian MacLeod, Citizen, Jan.25/96 p.A4
“Fees levied for information”, Globe and Mail, Feb.3/96
“Government information no longer free”, Citizen, Feb.3/96 p.A13
“Referendum reporting fails to bridge two solitudes”, Chris Cobb, Citizen, Feb.14/96 p.A11
“Costly defence system to be declared surplus”, Citizen, Feb.14/96 p.A3
“Activists fear user fees put animals at risk”, Craig Sumi, Citizen, Feb.15/96 p.A4
“Government scientists may be for hire”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Feb 19/96 p.A6
“Federal draft plan pushes privatization” Kathyrn May, Citizen, March 1/96 A5
“Rock deliberately not told about Airbus probe, papers show”, by Canadian Press, Globe and Mail, March 1/96 A7
“Smart Cards”, John Ibbitson, Observer Section, Citizen, Mar.23/96 p.B1-2
“`More $100,000 salaries revealed”, Toronto Star, Apr.2/96 p.A4
“Gustafsen Lake bill shocks B.C.”, Vancouver Sun, Apr.4/96 p.A3
“Probe finds companies asked for lethal agents”, Citizen, Apr.15/96 p.A3
(also CTV News April 14/96)
“Canadians spurn chance to make materials”, Stephen Strauss, Globe and Mail, Apr.19/96
“Greyhound not first carrier denied licence to fly”, Bertand Marotte, Citizen, Apr.16/96 p.C1
“Drug patent law costly federal study says”, Bertand Marotte, Toronto Star, Apr. 22/96 p.B6
“En Ontario et en C.-b les futurs citoyens n’ont droit a aucume mesure speciale”, Chantel Hebert, La Presse Montreal, Mai 4/96 p.A20
“Report says Collenette used public funds”, Toronto Star, May 20/96 p.A3
(also CTV News May 19/96)
“Ex Collenette campaigner paid nearly $100,000″, Citizen, May 21/96 p.A3
“Reform MP critical of Collenette aide who kept tabs on RCMP fraud case”, Citizen, July 29/96 p.A4 (this later story found here)
“Minister made a big mistake”, George Christopoullos and Claran Gailey, Ottawa Sun, May 21/96
“Collenette defends political contracts”, Paul Koring, Globe and Mail, May 25/96 p.A4
“Agency ‘wastes’ $23 million, co-chair says”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 26/96 A1-2
“Collenette accused of aiding pals”, Paul Koring, Globe and Mail, May 28/96 p.A2B
“Indian Claims Commission frustrated bu not wasting funds”, Daniel Bellegarde, Citizen, June 1/96
“Vacant: hangar and bombproof warehouse”, John Spears, Toronto Star, June 23/96 p.D1-5
story on CTV News re Canadian Dimension magazine and RCMP spying, June 23/96
“Canada’s air safety systems remain inadequate”, Ken Rubin, Montreal Gazette, July 13/96 p.B5
“Resigned to injustice”, Citizen editorial, July 16/96
“Canada world leader in aviation safety”, Ron Jackson, ADM, Aviation, Transport Canada, Gazette, July 29/96
“Federal aid for Outaouis roads leaves Ontario in the dust”, Randell Denley, Citizen, Aug.16/96 p.C1
“Derriere la campagne du drapeau, une vaste operation patriotique”, Chantel Hebert, La Presse, Sept.5/96 p.B1
“Minister unaware Ottawa funds tobacco research”, Donovan Vincent, Toronto Star, Sept.16/96 p.A3
“Ottawa gutting access to information laws”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, Sept.20/96 p.A23
“Multinational drug firms rush to meet research spending”, Art Chamberlain, Toronto Star, Sept 21/96 E1
“Ottawa warned against promoting Maple Leaf”, Hugh Winsor, Globe and Mail, Sept.25/96 p.A7
“Boyle’s basic training”, Frank, Sept 25/96 p. 12
“Ottawa can question Swiss official”, Tu Thanh Ha, Globe and Mail, Oct.9/96 p.A1,3
“Log rolling at cartoon u”, Frank, Oct.9/96
“Access act slammed by experts reporters”, Ann Sullivan, Hill Times, Oct.14/96 p.4
“Appalling waste of taxpayers money”, John Weingust, Globe and Mail, Oct.16/96 p.A21
“Collenette’s advisers did well”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Oct.25/96 A1,6
“Study has beef with meat labelling”, Norm Ovenden, Edmonton Journal, Oct 31/96 A3
“Early warning system undermines access requests: Access or Early Warning/”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Nov.4/96 p.1, 4, 5
“The Staging of Minister Collenette’s Resignation”, Scott Dunn, Southam News, Nov 4/96
“End of secrecy”, Globe and Mail, Nov.9/96 p.D8
“Military morale in crisis, classified report finds”, Citizen, Dec.23/96 p.A3 (also CTV News Dec 22/96)
“Man on board”, Shelley McQuillen, Citizen, Jan.20/95 p.A8
“Federal agency cited for high moving costs”, Barrie McKenna, Globe and Mail, Jan.25/95 p.B1-4
“Canadian military should leave pizza delivery to other high school grads”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Feb.2/95 A2
“The little StasCan study that won’t go away”, Maude Barlow, David Robinson, Globe and Mail, Feb.19/95 p.D7
“Opening up parliament Hill’s secret records to public access”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Feb.23/95 p.11
“Unlocking the secrets of parliament Hill”, Ken Rubin, Hill Times, Mar.2/95 p.10
“Report questions CSIS informants”, Mar.15/95 p.A2
“Goodale sees no problem pitching tobacco to China”, Peter O’Neil, Citizen, Apr.25/95 p.A4
“OSFI targets Hambros”, Barrie McKenna, Globe and Mail, Apr.28/95 p.B2
“A growth industry”, Randy Boswell, Citizen, Apr.29/95 B1-2
“Smoke and mirrors ant-tobacco conference reeks of waste hypocrisy”, Greg Weston, Citizen, May 3/95 p.A2
“Government may block access to Somalia files”, Mike Blanchfeild, Citizen, May 6/95 p.A12
“Reserve suffer woeful water conditions”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, May 3/95 p.A3
“Spy agency considers selling services”, Citizen, June 19/95 p.A4 (CTV News story June 18/95, and in House of Commons June 19/95)
“Lead shot takes heavy toll”, Tom Spears, Citizen, June 26/95 p.A1-2
“Copps to make fowl decision”, Globe and Mail, June 27/95 p.A4
“Ottawa warns Quebec on dollar”, Alan Freeman, Globe and Mail, July 18/95 p.A1-2
“ Quebec/Canada Dollar”, Richard Mackie, Globe and Mail, Aug.3/95 p.A8
“Indian reserves need $500m for water sewage”, Jack Aubry, Citizen, Aug.5/95 p.A3
“Ottawa to return whale to lrving”, Kevin Cox, Globe and Mail, Aug.8/95 p.A5
“World club fees cost Ottawa $271 million”, Allan Thompson, Toronto Star, Aug.28/95 p.A2
“NCC pays hefty price to make youngsters feel good about the capital”, Randall Denley, Citizen, Aug.30/95 p.B1
“Eggleton fears repeat of past buy out failures”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Aug.31/95 p.A2
“Bureaucrats win Florida trip to review software package government already owns”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Sept.5/95 p.A3
“Transport Canada fights to keep airline safety surveys secret”, Doug Fischer, Citizen, Oct.18/95 p.A8
“Taxpayers may face $3 billion bill from Alcan”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, Oct. 18/95 A1,6
“Court to hear bid reveal secret air safety surveys”, Doug Fischer, Edmonton Journal, Oct.19/95 p.A3
“Agriculture Canada disciplines mystery of California wheat fields, tobacco crops”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Oct.22/95 p.A2
“Price of testing the winds of public opinion enough to blow away”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Oct.24/95 p.A2
“Veil of secrecy lifted on Mila Mulroney’s shabby furniture offer”, Randall Denley, Citizen, Nov.8/95 p.C1
“Bernardo probe cost at least $7.8 million”, Nick Pron, Toronto Star, Nov.9/95 p.A1-36
“Ottawa shunned advice on Quebec”, Susan Delacourt and Alan Freeman, Globe and Mail, Nov.14/95 p.A1-5
“Bases suffering morale problems”, Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Nov.19/95 p.A5
“Perks dry up for wheat board’s moguls”, Bill Redekop, Winnipeg Free Press, Nov.19/95 A1-2
“Inappropriate compensation led to wheat board changes”, Globe and Mail, Nov.20/95 p.A4
“Wheat boards perks cancelled”, Free Press, Nov.20/95 p.A6
“Your life on a chip”, Barrie McKenna, Globe and Mail, Nov.23/95 p.B7
“Park plan for daly site has the smell of taxpayers greenbacks”, Dec.4/95 Citizen, p.A8
“Airbus deal made amid trade threats”, Ross Howard and Alan Freeman, Globe and Mail, Dec.9/95 p.A1-8
“Generals daughter gets leg up with hockey team”, Frank, Dec.17/95 p.15
story on CTV News re consultant Zall and DND Dec 17/95
“Air safety data can be kept secret”, Globe and Mail, Dec.23/95 p.A5
“Air line safety reports can stay confidential: enjoy your flight”, Jim Bronskill, Edmonton Journal, Dec.23/95 p.A3
see references in Stevie Cameron, On The Take, McClelland-Bantam, 1995
see key reference in Linda McQuaig, Shooting the Hippo, 1995
“Many secrets still safe under access laws”, Dan Lett and Paul Samyn, Winnipeg Free Press, Jan 3/04 A1
“Massive cleanup for parks”, Jeff Adams, Calgary Herald, Jan.16/94
“Taxpayers pay for top brass drivers”, Joe Sornberger, Citizen, Jan.19/94 p.A1
“Region asks province to limit publics access to information”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, Jan.20/94 p.B2
“Armed forces make cars drivers available for base commanders despite cash crunch”, Joe Sornberger, Citizen, Jan.22/94 p.A
“Uneasy about access”, Brad Everson, Citizen, Jan.22/94 p.B4
“Le gouvernement federal est intervenu a deux reprises pour soutenir nationair”, Gerard Berube, Le Devoir, Jan.4/94 p.B2
“Exclusive medical service still pampers Ottawa’s elite”, Ross Howard, Globe and Mail, Jan.29/94 p.A1
“Elite dispense with long waits at exclusive clinic”, Ross Howard, Globe and Mail, Jan.29/94 p.A2A
“Playing cop on the speed-prone info highway”, Alana Kainz, Citizen, Jan.31/94 p.A4
“Waste producers under pressure to reduce red ink of blue boxes”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Jan.31/94 B1-2
“Military bands march off with $32 million in public funds”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Feb.3/94 p.A1-2
“Military bands sound investment”, Globe and Mail, Feb.4/94 p A1
“Costly program fails to save many jobs”, Barrie Mckenna, Globe and Mail, Feb.2/94 p.A1-2
“Tobacco additives foul secrets”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Feb.6/94 p.A7
“UI going to families with healthy incomes”, Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, Feb.22/94 p.A1-4
“Aircrafts close call bares hazards on busy route”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, Mar.2/94 p.A4
“Tobacco firms face nicotine probe”, Citizen, Mar.2/94 p.A1
subject of NCC on CBC The House March 5/94
“Job benefits of tax break not proven”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Mar.8/94 p.A1
subject of fixed link on CBC TV PEI, March 8/94
subject of Gulf war CBC National March 9/94
“Well plugged”, Citizen, Mar.9/94 p.A10
“Cable strength tough to fight CRTC report says”, Barrie McKenna, Globe and Mail, Mar.10/94 p.B2
“Potential disaster averted in gulf war document says”, Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, Mar.10/94 p.A5
“Air inspectors fear decline of flying skills”, Mark Kennedy, Citizen, Mar.25/94 p.A3
“Salary Data counter myth of official bilingualism as pro-francophone plot”, Citizen, Mar.28/94 p.A9
“Public works still has crack at postal jobs”, Kathryn May, Citizen, Mar.31/94 p.C6
“Apres l’echec de meech Quebec a propose en vain un project constitutionnel a Ottawa”, Chantal Hebert, La Presse, Mars 28/94
“Secrecy foe sees ‘dangerous trend in N.B.’s right to information amendments called repressive and contradictory”, John Stonehouse, Evening Times Globe, April 7/94
“Liberals loosen information noose” David Stonehouse, Evening Times Globe. April 13/94
“Airlines killed stale air study urged in 90, documents show”, Bruce Campion Smith, Toronto Star, Apr.23/94 p.A3
“Where’s the beef from?”, Citizen, Apr.23/94 p.B1-2
“Defence budget going to the dogs”, Greg Weston, Citizen, May 1/94 p.A2
“Where do you think food comes from”, Denise Bevan O’Brien, Citizen, May 2/94 p.A8
“Un coup monte”, Chantel Hebert, La Presse, Mai 4/94 p.A1
“NCC holding private talks to shed green space land”, Mohammed Adam, Citizen, May 5/94 p.B2
“NCC’s urban corridors under discussion in Ottawa Carleton”, Citizen, May 5/94 p.B2
“NCC land sale threatens green space”, Randall Denley, Citizen, May 7/94 C1-2
“Liberal poll rules much like Tories”, Ross Howard, Globe and Mail, May 12/94 p.A1-6
“Defence pays big bucks for stripes”, Greg Weston, Citizen, May 15/94 p.A2
“Ottawa to begin testing new UI system”, Scott Feschuk, Globe and Mail, May 16/94 p.B3
“Minister says disclosure amendments misinterpreted”, Edmond Blanchard, Telegraph Journal, May 17/94 p.A13
“TV station buyers face big pledges study”, Barrie McKenna, Globe and Mail, May 26/94 p.B1-8
“The NCC merrily pursues its own agenda” Susan Riley, Citizen, June 1/94 B1
“Feds could save millions if some crown agents were replaced with in house counsel studies show”, Cristin Schmitz, Lawyers Weekly, June 10/94 p.2
“Embassy site to cost $4.5M”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, June 15/94 p.C1
“Study says burials of vets to cost $92 million a year”, Ron Eade, Citizen, June 23/94 p.C5
“Cellular phones ring up big bills for taxpayers”, Jane Taber, Citizen, June /94 A1-2
“Chretien chef lives in house at public expense”, Derek Ferguson, Toronto Star, June 26/94 p.A1-16
“Chretien lives rent free on Sussex”, Derek Ferguson, Citizen, June 27/94 P.A5
“PM’ s chef stirs controversy”, Globe and Mail, June 28/94 p.A4
“Cuts won’t disconnect government cell phones”, Ross Howard, Globe and Mail, June 29/94 p.A5
“ NCC reverses 1960’s decision plans to sell lowertown properties”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, July 3/94 p.A6
“Fewer doctors top $400,000 billings”, Lisa Priest, Toronto Star, Aug.4/94 p.A10
“Park town trailing ground for future guards”, James Parker, Star Phoenix, Aug.6/94
“Insurance industry never expected need to use protection plan”, Ian Austen, Citizen, Aug.16/94
“Their excellencies expensive adventures”, Frank, Aug.18/94 p.7
“Report shows Pearson can turn a decent profit”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Aug 31/94, A2
“Open NCC meetings, agency’s own poll says”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, Sept. 2/94 C1
“A layperson’s experiences with legal interventions”, Ken Rubin, Lawyers Weekly, Sept.4/94 p.5
“Top court to rule on secrecy”, David Vienneau, Toronto Star, Oct.14/94 p.A9
“No way to say goodbye”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Oct.22/94 p.A1-2
“Web of intrigue”,Jacquie Miller, Citizen, Oct.22/94 p.B1
“Free passes for the poor considered by tories”, Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun, Oct.25/94 p.A5
“Taxpayers pay exclusive club memberships for NCC boss”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Nov.5/94 p.A2
“Canadian cigarette smoke contains banned carcinogen”, Doug Fischer, Citizen, Nov.17/94 p.A4
“There’s no life like it”, Greg Watson, Citizen, Nov.19/94 p.A2
“Ottawa maintains farm import quotas”, Barrie McKenna, Globe and Mail, Nov.19/94 p.B4
“NCC spends $2m for office furniture”, Citizen, Nov.26/94 (also Nov 25/96 CJOH TV News)
“Liberals restrict access to poll results”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, Dec.5/94 p.A17
“How much is the NCC paying to lease its new space? We may never know”, Ron Eade, Citizen, Dec.8/94 p.F1
“Tax dollars fund moves to posh digs”, Susan Riley, Citizen, Dec.10/94 p.C1
“Ottawa conducted 10 secret surveys of airline safety”, Ian Austen, Gazette, Dec.14/94
“Documents reveal secret air survey”, Citizen, Dec.14/94 p.A4
“Transport Canada holds secret air safety survey documents reveal”, Ian Austen, Evening Times Globe, Dec.14/94 p.A5
“Feds give millions to link bidders” Paul MacNeill, Eastern Graphics, Dec 14/94, p 1
“Ottawa paid PEI bridge bidders $3 million”, Globe and Mail, Dec.15/94 p.A7B
“Losing bridge bidders get $3m federal aid”, Citizen, Dec.15/94 p.A3
“Transport Canada keeps safety surveys secret”, Ian Austen, Telegraph Journal, Dec.14/94 p.A15
“Lawyer, critic spar over lease deal”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, Dec.20/94 p.B2
“Chambers facts sealed until ‘ 95″, Mindelle Jacobs, Ottawa Sun, Dec.22/94 p.24
“Chambers deal remains partially under wraps”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, Dec.22/94 p.C3
“GRIP funds wasted” John Douglas, Winnipeg Free Press, Jan 2/93 A1,13
“Farm-Aid deal Wasted millions, says audit”, Citizen, Jan 3/93 A5
“Where’s the beef? Food Guide changed after industry outcry”, Brad Evenson, Citizen, Jan 15/93 A1
“Food Guide changed after complaints, papers show”, Southam and Toronto Star, Jan 15/93
“What’s good for you” , Toronto Star, Jan 16/93
“Nutritional niceties spiked with vinegar”, Citizen, Jan 16/93 A6
“New guide offers food for thought”, Katherine Maas, Citizen, Jan 21/93
“Nutritionists defend food guide amid controversy over changes” , Nicolaas van Rijn, Toronto Star, Jan 16/93
“Beefing up food guide” , Benoit Bouchard, Citizen, Feb 4/93
“ Is Canada’s Food Guide Biased?”, Marilee Hornung, Foam Lake Review, Saskatchewan, Feb/93
“What the government knows about you” , Chris Varcoe, Leader-Post, Feb 6/93, D2
“A Man of Connections”, John Hay, Citizen, Feb 13/93 B3
“Officials’ ‘secrets’ sought, Frank Howard, Citizen, Feb 19/93 A4
“Food Guide Booster”, Colette Tracy, Citizen, Feb 22/93 A8
“ Quebec gets lion’s share of transfer money”, Eric Beauchesne, Gazette, Feb 24/93, B1
“Class split revealed by proposed UI changes”, Graham Fraser, Globe and Mail, March 2/93 A5
“Sex harassment called rampart on military bases” , Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, March 11/93 A4
“Nationair safety review can stay secret: commissioner”, Andrew Macintosh, Gazette, March 18/93 A4
“Food Guide questions on CBC Marketplace, March 16/93
“Harassment complaints on the rise”, Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, March 19/93 A5
“Beaten to a Pulp: Forest industry feels environmental chop”, Ken MacQueen, Citizen, March 23/93 A10
“Judge rules government can keep exact pay secret”, Stephen Bindman, London Free Press, Mar 27/93 A10
“Internal audit ordered: Health and Welfare staff might have broken the law”, David Pugliese, Gazette, Mar 27/93 A11
“Government breaks contract rules”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Mar 27/93 A3
“Judge says pay can be secret”, Globe and Mail, March 27/93 A9
“Canadian farmers’ pipe dream?”, Andre Picard, Globe and Mail, April 11/93 A7
“Hiding truth abuses the law”, Citizen, April 12/93
“Ontarians shunning refillable pop bottles”, Tom Spears, Citizen, April 16/93 C1
“Public servants owe $9M in defaulted student loans”, David Pugliese, Citizen, May 1/93 A4
“A new way of doing business at the NCC”, Pat Dare, Citizen, May 31/93 B3
“Americans put Canada’s access to information law to shame”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, June 7/93 A11
“Redefining poverty useless, memo says”, Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, June 10/93 A5
“Assets of Crime create massive police headaches”, Timothy Appelby, Globe and Mail, June 12/93 A6
“Mexico can make our cigarettes for less: tobacco lobbyist”, Ian Austen, Gazette, June 18/93 D3
“Quebec farmers could suffer if province separates”, Barry Wilson, Western Producer, June 24/93 p. 15
“No use defining poverty”, Chris Axeworthy, Globe and Mail, June 24/93 A16
‘Troops cautioned, CBC says”, Globe and Mail, June 23/93
“Access to information blocked by government”, Anthony Johnson, Whig Standard, June 26/93 p. 34
Other views” Annual Report of the Information Commissioner of Canada, June 1993, p.80-81
“After 10 years, the public’s right to know is still in peril”, Anthony Johnson, Gazette, June 26/93 B1-2
“Angry citizens fight city hall for compensation” Ron Eade, Citizen, June 28/93 B1
“FOI fee labelled ‘outrageous’ “, Kevin O’Connor, Leader-Post, June 30/93
“Persistence will pay in fight with bureaucracy”, Ken Rubin, Sault Star, July 2/93
(also Vancouver Province, Medicine Hat News, Prince George etc)
“Access to Information Marks first decade”, Kirk Lapointe, Canadian Press, Chronicle Herald-Mail, July 1/93
“Hearings promised on access to information”, Joan Crockatt, Edmonton Journal, July 16/93 A8
“ The Chambers Secret”, Kathryn May, Citizen, July 0/93 B7
“PM chops seven helicopters”, Jeff Sallot and Ross Howard, Sept 3/93 A1
“Official Secrets Act hinders flow of right information”, Indian Express, Sept/93
“Bete noire of the powers that be” Sunests Kaul, Economic Times, Sept 21/93 p. 16
“Right to information; mass movement need of the hour”, Manas Dasgupta, The Times of India, Sept 21/93
“Ottawa hired ex-Minister as $3,000 a week consultant”, Alan Freeman, Globe and Mail, Oct 14/93 A1
“Costly advise on cutting costs”, Toronto Star, Oct 15/93
“Millions of pension dollars sent to people who have died”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Oct 18/93 A2
“Government confirms Palladium grant”, Kathryn May, Citizen, Oct 21/93 A1
“More openness should be priority of new government”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Oct 29/93 A11
“NCC plans more openness as it becomes a more businesslike organization”, John Hoyles, Citizen, Nov 2/93 A10
reply to NCC’s John Hoyles’ letter, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov 6/93
“Tree train gathers steam in Ottawa”., Tom Spears, Citizen, Nov 3/93 B2
“The secrecy habit”, Bernard Filpow, Citizen, Nov 5/93 A11
“End to NCC secrecy called for”, Sonia Desmarais, Citizen, Nov 7/93 A10
“Many secrets still safe under access laws”, Dan Lett, Winnipeg Free Press, Jan.3/94 p.A10
“NCC party line” Ann Coffey, Citizen, Nov 11/93, and “New lease for building”, John Hoyles, Citizen, Nov 11/93
“Toxic waste stains national parks”, Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, Nov 12/93 A1-2
“Parks Canada messed up”, Edmonton Journal, Nov 16/93 A12
“Forest industry lumbers towards crisis as Europeans threaten boycott”, Ken MacQueen, Citizen, Nov 17/93 A10
“Ex-Tory aides jumped job queue, show says”, Globe and Mail, Dec 14/93 A5 (CBC Fifth Estate Dec/93 program)
“Deputy minister spent lavishly on office digs”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Dec 15/93 A1
“Official Circles releases its files on deputy minister’s extravagances”, Greg Weston, Citizen, Dec 17/93 A2
“Federal agencies pumped $6 million into Yes campaign , CBC says” Citizen, Dec 26/93 A7 (Dec 25/93 CBC National News)
“Private firm to manage student loans program”, Citizen, Jan.7/92 p.A3
“Consultant says private firm to handle student loan program”, Roger Bird, Sault Star, Jan.7/92 p.A3
“Private hands to run student loan program”, Roger Bird, London Free Press, Jan.7/92 p.B5
“Island couple battles province over babies Medicare coverage”, Helen Bronswell, Charlottetown Guardian, Jan.13/92 p.1
“PEI couple to go to court over babies SIN”, Kevin Cox, Globe and Mail, Jan.15/92 p.A7
“What a nuisance”, Ian MacLead, Citizen, Jan.28/92 p.A2
“Skydome court decision” Canadian Press Jan 27/92
“Ontario has missed a change to open up”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Feb.3/92 p.A11
“Disabled too poor to claim tax credit documents reveal”, Eric Beauchesne, Toronto Star, Feb.5/92 A1-13
“Disabled poor helped little by tax credits”, Eric Beauchesne, Calgary Herald, Feb.5/92 p.A3
“Too poor: Lowest income disabled miss tax break”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Feb.5/92 p.A1
“The poverty trap”, Micheal Shenker, Citizen, Feb.5/92 p.A2
“When the disabled are poor”, Edmonton Journal, Feb.8/92 p.A10
“Freedom of information law coming”, Kevin O’Connor, Leader-Post, Feb.11/92
“GST cheats: Investigators hurting tax evaders”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Feb.18/92 B1
“Revenuers fail to nail GST cheats: No charges in 13 months”, Eric Beauchesne, Edmonton Journal, Feb.15/92
“Crisis occurs when PMO gets worried”, Don McGillivray, Citizen, Feb.20/92
“Crisis management a theme in Ottawa”, Don McGillivray, Star-Phoenix, Feb.20/92 p.A4
“Surprise some Canadians evading GST”, Chatam Daily News, 2/19/92 P.5
“Poverty still worst disability”, Eric Beauchesne, Star Phoenix, Feb.22/92
“Ensuring everyone pays GST”, Edmonton Journal, Feb.25/92 p.A8
“Bruce Phillips bumped from job in reorganization”, Canadian Press and Citizen, Feb.27/92 p.B5
“Ottawa is not talking about promis affair”, Eric Reguly, Financial Post, Feb.28/92 p.11
“Privacy dominates merger”, Frank Howard, Citizen, Mar.2/92 p.A4
“Ottawa withholds file on stolen software”, Lawrence Surtees and Allen Robinson, Globe and Mail, Mar.3/92 p.A4
“Down the drain”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Mar.12/92 p.A4
“Diplomatic Finds”, Tim Harper, Toronto Star, Mar 13/92, A2
“Tories sing a different song of secrecy after a spell in power”, Eric Beauchesne, Montreal Gazette, Mar.13/92 p.B 3
“News junkie pm and staff cost $840,000″, Toronto Star, Mar.16/92 p.A10
“Keeping Mulroney informed of news costs $840,000 annually”, Ian Austen, Citizen, Mar.16/92 p.A3
“Public last to know if war breaks out”, Kirk Lapointe, Citizen, Mar.92
“Public last to know if war imminent documents show”, Kirk Lapointe, Globe and Mail, Mar.16/92 p.A1
“Your Tax $$$ In Action” John Flanders, Hamilton Spectator, March 28/92
“Behind the big screen”, Steve Godfrey, Globe and Mail, Mar.28/92 p.A1-6
“Bullet binge blows $200m hole in taxpayers pocket”, John Flanders, Hamilton Spectator, 04/08/92
“A guide to foi”, Kevin O’Connor, Leader Post, Mar.30/92
“Freedom of information becomes law Sask. today”, Dave Trayer, Star Phoenix, Apr.1/92
“Ontario fails to enforce throw away bottle policy”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Apr.11/92
“Freedom of information act now law”, Mark Waytt, Leader Post, Apr.2/92 p.A4
“Expert slams merger of access privacy offices”, Lawyers Weekly, 03 Apr.92
“Getty planning secrecy act?”, Jim Cunningham, Calgary Sun, Apr.5/92 p.A5
“Lost report raps tax program for disabled”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, Apr.06/92 A3
“Contraband: Border posts flooded with booze smokes”, John Flanders, The Burlington Spectator, Apr.7/92 p.D1
“No auctions for seized alcohol cigarettes”, Norman De Bono, Spectator, Apr.8/92 p.C4
“Booze cigarette smugglers very busy”, Canadian Press and Citizen, Apr.9/92 p.A3
“Offices planned for daly site”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, Apr.10/92
“Big big spenders”, Calgary Herald, Apr.12/92 p.B10
“New agency for program opposed: student loans”, Citizen, Apr.21/92
“Let there be light downtown”, Citizen, Apr.18/92 p.B6
“Two servants star in $48,000 tv show”, Ian Austen, Citizen, Apr.20/92 p.A4
“Fighting fat: Forces declare war on flab”, David Pugiliese, Citizen, Apr.20/92 .A1
“Ottawa backed off on tobacco charges”, Calgary Herald, Apr.22/92 B5
“Flying high on travel despite teleconferencing”, Frank Howard, Citizen, Apr.22/92 p.A5
“Virginia what’s Christmas”, Pat Dare, Citizen, Apr.26/92 p.A4
“$10 million white elephant”, Andrew Duffy, Citizen, May 14/92 p.A1
“Military’s conversion to propane fuels losses in millions”, Andrew Duffy, Toronto Star, May /92 P.A1-9
Glitches fixed propane industry says”, Andrew Duffy, Toronto Star, May 4/92 p.A9
“Daly park excites residents”, Robert Sibley, Citizen, May 9/92
“Ottawa’s heritage on hold”, Kathryn May, Citizen, May 12/92
“FOI laws paving way for public activism”, Murray Mandryk, Leader Post Regina, May 12/92
“Chambers”, Kathryn May, Citizen, May 12/92 B1-2
“Income tax: Mazankowski tried to stifle poll on provincial levy”, Citizen, May 20/92 p.A4
“Jeanne d’Arc tenders”, Citizen, May 24/92 D4
“All clear now”, Citizen, May 27/92 p.A12
“Military quizzed on sexuality”, Stephen Bindman, Edmonton Journal, June 1/92
“Age, rank and sexual preference”, Stephen Bindman, Citizen, June 01/92 p.A1
“ ”Constitutional polls secrecy”, Helen Branswell, Canadian Press, June 10/92
“340,000 business fail to file GST returns”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, June 10/92 B2
“Opinion documents kept illegally official”, Halifax Chronicle/ Herald Mail Star, June 11/92 D7 p.O7
“Coup forced diplomats to scramble”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, June 2/92 p.A5
“Bill 50 Better than ain’t best”, Ken Rubin, Times Colonist, 3/92 P.A5
“Adviser defends B.C. access bill”, Murray Rankin, Victoria Times Colonist, June 6/92 p.A5
“NCC’s path should lead to parkland”, Citizen, June 20/92 p.A12
“Canadian officials questioned over alleged software theft”, Lawrence Surtees and Allan Robinson, July 18/92 p.A7
“Plush Digs: High commissioner’s London residence gets $250,000 refit”, Citizen, July 24/92 p.A4
“Information free in word only”, Randy Barton, Star Phoenix, July 30/92 p.A1
“Ottawa frightened of media court told”, Globe and Mail, Aug.12/92 p.A5
“Mulroney’s office knows best on releasing polls lawyer says”, Canadian Press and Globe and Mail, Aug.13/92 p.A3
“Seven years too long a term for NCC chairman”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Aug.21/92 p.A9
“Building bridges in the capital region”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Aug.5/92 A1-2
“Pop Bottles: Watchdog wins round in numbers fight”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Sept.11/92 p.A4
“Canadians blame free trade GST for recession federal poll shows”, Eric Beauchesne, Gazette Sept.6/92 p.A14
“Fixed Link Proposals Secrecy” CBC TV Sept 14/92
“Bottles Uncork appeal against disclosure”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Oct 3/92 C4
“Critics say access rules put some data at risk”, Citizen, Oct.7/92 p.A5
“Loss of important documents feared under new guidelines”, Vancouver Sun, Oct.7/92 p.B14
“Journalist charges plenty to criticize bilingualism”, Frank Howard, Citizen, Oct.14/92 p.A4
“Commission orders hydro Quebec to reveal salaries perks”, Andrew Macintosh, Gazette, Oct.14/92 p.A5
“Commission orders Hydro Quebec to reveal salaries perks”, Andrew Macintosh, Gazette, Oct.14/92 p.A5
“Door opened after polls released”, Graham Fraser, Globe and Mail, Nov.20/92 p.A5
“The commish”, Jennifer Curtis, Ottawa Magazine, ”, Nov./92 p. 35-36, 41
“RCMP probe rule breaking in federal computer project”, Ross Howard, Globe and Mail, Nov.27/92 p.A4
“The private war of John Grace”, Citizen, Dec.5/92 p.B1
“Bridge reconstruction complicates bate Island’s Island future”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Dec.6/92 p.A9
“Undoing the Greenbelt: Kirby report signals sell off of land councillors warn”, Patrick Dare, Citizen, Dec.8/92 p.D2
“Grace sees no need to name private citizens with diplomatic passports”, Frank Howard, Citizen, Dec.17/92 p.A4
“Food guide missed chance to go green”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, Dec.18/92 p.A27
Excerpt from Lawrence Surtess’s book, “Pa Bell”, Random House, 1992, p. 306
“Public foresaw recession survey shows”, Eric Beaucheane, Toronto Star, Jan.2/91
“The tragic truth about medical devices”, Brad Evenson, Citizen, Jan.5/91 p.A1
“Medical Devices”, Brad Evenson, Ottawa Citizen, Jan.5/91 B4-5
“What’s tested before sale and what’s not”, Citizen, Jan.5/91 p.B4
“Pinpointing problems”, Citizen, Jan.5/91 p.B4
“Suspicious claims: Government does little to stop sale of bogus products”, Citizen, Jan.5/91 p.B4
“Furriers fight animal rights groups”, Ian Austen, Sun Times, Jan.6/91 p.18
“Travel agencies jockeying for government contracts”, Ian Austen, Sun Times, Jan.6/91 p.23
“April poll showed downturn evident”, Sun Times, Jan.6/91
“Business program for immigrants fails as crash cow”, Ben Tiereny, Sun Times, Jan.6/91 p.6
“What an amazingly pathetic way to make a living” Frank, Jan 10/91 p. 6
“Yuck”, David Pugliese, Citizen, Jan.18/91 p.D14-15
What’s been found in our food”, Citizen, Jan.18/91
“From the disturbing to the dangerous”, Citizen, Jan.18/91
“Environmentalists say time right to press for green space”, Lynn Saxberg, Citizen, Feb.3/91 p.A8
“Safeguard privacy Ontario urged”, Gene Allen, Globe and Mail, Feb.5/91 p.A5
“NDP assailed for allowing privacy law to go ahead”, Matt Maychak, Toronto Star, Feb.6/91
“Ontario information laws bolster secrecy official”, Laura Eggertson, The Standard, Feb.6/91
“Sale of aids killing spermicide delayed by dispute papers show”, Brad Evenson, Citizen, Feb.11/91
“Why the cars”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Feb.13/91 p.A12
“Support for senate hinged on GST vote”, Eric Beauchesne, Calgary Herald, Feb.19/91 p.A9
“News from Canada”, Access Reports, Feb.20/91 P.8-9
“Spectre behind the recession more inflation’, Jeff Rose, Globe and Mail, Feb.25/91
“Access Reports’, Mar.6/91 p.9
“Critics rap use of environmental tax for purposes other than recycling”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Mar.21/91 p.A4
“Report says air cabin crews lack safety skills”, Jacquie Miller, Citizen, Mar.21/91 p.A1
“It’s curtains for ball fans”, Frank Magazine, Mar.21/91 p.12
“Memo pans B.C. plan for vote on land claims”, Ken MacQueen, Citizen, Mar.27/91
“Document warns against B.C. vote on land claims”, Ken MacQueen, Vancouver Sun, Mar.27/91 B6
“Dream of jet may come crashing down”, Ian Austen, Citizen, Apr.1/91 p.C3
“Safe-sex capital: NCC buys condom machines”, Anne Tolson, Citizen, Apr.3/91 p.A1
“Those NCC condoms”, Ethel Milchak, Citizen, April /91
“Condom machines will keep the carrying on carrying on”, Charles Gordon, Citizen, Apr/91
“Abit slow wot”, Ken Rubin, Frank, Apr.13/91
“NCC to spend $3.8 million on 125th anniversary events”, Anne Tolson, Citizen, Apr.18/91 p.A5
“Canadians doubted war rationale poll says”, Ian Austen, Citizen, Apr.18/91 p.A5
“Documents list virus attacks on federal files”, David Pugiliese, Citizen, Apr.18/91 A1-2
“Hackers infecting federal computers with viruses”, Times Colonist Apr.19/91 p.A1
“Public Opinion Polls Release” Canadian Press, April 4/91
“Proposed info laws called flawed”, Regina Leader Post, Apr.20/91 p.A4
“Federal green plan may duplicate provincial initiatives”, Daily News, 04/21/91 P.5
“NCC fears backlash after embassy sites unveiled”, Anne Tolson, Citizen, Apr.21/91 p.B4
“Toxic waste cleanup at Ottawa airport could take eight years cost $12 million”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Apr.27/91
“Ontario report slams federal green plan”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Apr.27/91
“Diplomats aboard can’t afford our wine”, David Pugliese, Citizen, May.8/91
“Court orders NCC to reveal names of tenants rents”, Louisa Taylor, Citizen, May 8/91 P.1
“Generic herbicide likely dead”, Vern Greenshield, Star Phoenix 1991
“Feds assert right to be securities policeman”, Alan Toulin, Financial Post, May 18-21/91 p.1
“Canadian forces unable to cope with civil crises documents reveal”, Ross Howard, Globe and Mail, May 24/91 A1-5
“Wilsons departure may help free up finance information”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen, May 23/91 p.A1
“Citizen reporter wins award”, Citizen, May 27/91 p.A2
“Government polls leave public in dark”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, June 5/91 p.A23
“Secret d’etat: les factures de Brian et Mila”, Stevie Cameron, L’acualite, Juin /91
“Birth control sponge may often fail studies show”, Kelly Toughhill, Toronto Star, June 16/91
“Critics blast Ottawa over contraceptive”, Kelly Toughill, Toronto Star, June 18/91
“New spermicides untested before going to consumer”, Kelly Toughill, Toronto Star, June 18/91
“Spilt decision”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, June 20/91 p.A14
“Tougher rules for spermicides”, The Toronto Star, June 24/91 p.A18
“Fighting over user fees”, Daphne Bramhan, Citizen, June 25/91 p.A3
“Canada oks pesticides despite proof of faked tests”, Tom Spears, Citizen, June 28/91 A14
“Airport Problems: Reports help spot safety problems”, Citizen, July 3/91 p.A3
“The public needs more of a say in NCC decisions”, Citizen, July 7/91 B6
“Law won’t worry keepers of secrecy”, Ken Rubin, Vancouver Sun, July 16/91 p.A15
“No more secrets please”, Frank Howard, Citizen, July 30/91 p.A4
“Access bill is all talk”, Vancouver Sun, July 31/91 p.A10
“Meech lake the sequel”, Citizen, July 31/91 p.A10
“Report suggests Canadians could be brainwashed to support government”, Don McGillivray, Citizen, Aug.6/91 p.B3
“TV budget forum may be in cards”, Don McGillivray, Calgary Herald Aug.7/91 p.A4
“Constitutional process worth a giggle”, Stewart Mac Leod, The Observer, Aug.8/91
“Ways to say no”, Randy Ray, London Free Press, 08/19/91
“Safety restraint can be deadly menace”, Kelly Toughill, Toronto Star, Aug. 25/91 p.A14
“When restraints kill”, Toronto Star, Aug.31/91
“Act still leaves questions unanswered”, Yukon News Reporter, Aug.31/91
“Bad vibes about magnetic devices”, Kelly Toughill, Toronto Star, Sept.2/91
“Rifle range contaminated by lead bullets”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Sept.1/91 p.A8
“Forces rifle ranges loaded with lead”, Globe and Mail and Canadian Press, Sept.2/91 p.A3
“Trees disrupt bureaucratic slumber”, John Ibbitson, Citizen, Sept. 4/91
“Firing ranges eyed for lead”, Olivia Scott, The Province, Sept.6/91 p.18
“Canadian military under the gun over pollution”, Citizen, Tom Spears, Sept.15/91 A1
“Financial troubles force pollution probe cuts”, Tom Spears, Citizen, 1991
“Regional candidates jump on environment bandwagon”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Oct.23/91 p.B3
“U.S. sub passage preceded approval”, Globe and Mail, Nov.5/91
“Keeping secrets: Watchdog blasts tories for hiding meech poll”, Brian Laghi, Citizen, Nov.22/91 p.A3
“Nobody is above the law”, Citizen, Nov.22/91 p.A10
“PMO learns access law applies to it”, Chris Young, Citizen, Nov. 22/91 p.A11
“$1M to clean camp fortune report says”, Dominique Lacassse, Citizen, Nov.23/91 p.E6
“Speaker calls for increased access to information”, Shaun Waters, Telegraph Journal, Nov.26/91 p.3
“Stop the stonewalling on skydome”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov.26/91
“Time is right to review access to information act”, Michael Staples, Gleaner, Nov.26/91
“Boats that may not float”, John DeMont, MacLeans, Nov.25/91 p. 18-19
“Forum to discuss right to know”, Journal Pioneer, Nov.26/91 p.2
“Snowmaker extraordinaire”, Dominique Lacasse, Citizen, Nov.28/91 p.C1
“Access information needed speaker tells city meeting”, Evening Patriot, Dec.4/91 p.2
“It’s time to take a hard look at access to information act”, Paul Bagnell, Evening Telegram, Jan.3/90
“Federal government hasn’t embraced its own Access to information act”, Paul Bagnell, Halton Hills Herald , Jan. 3/90
“Critics unhappy with Federal government’s information act”, Paul Bagnell, The Enterprise-Bulletin, Jan.3/90
“Canadians slow to fund NCC plan to beauty capital”, Citizen, Jan.9/90 p.B1
“Groups consider joining to fight for environment”, Citizen, Jan.22/90
“Forces write off $5.87m in stolen or lost property”, Julian Beltrame, Edmonton Journal, Feb.6/90 p.A1
“Defence property looses soaring”, Evening Times Globe, Feb.6/90 A5
“Thefts losses from DND cost taxpayers $5.87 million documents show”, Julian Beltrame Citizen, Feb.6/90 p.3 ;“Correction”, Citizen, Feb.10/90
“Taxpayers bill for DND losses four times higher documents show”,Julian Beltrame, Citizen, Feb.6/90 p.A3
“Expand Mount Hope wherever it is”, John Flanders, Hamilton Spectator Feb.7/90 p.A1,4
“Privacy Commissioner appointment” Access Reports, March 7, 1990, p. 8
“Finance documents show Wilson anxious about public opinion on federal tax”, Don McGillivray, Citizen, Mar.10/90
“Environment too important for politicians-Canadians”, Satya Das, Edmonton Journal, Mar.11/90 p.A1
“Canadians cynical of Ottawa’s environmental agenda”, Evening Times Globe, Mar.12/90 p.A1
“Tory clean up moves doubted in study”, Vancouver Sun, Mar.12/90 A8
“Free Lance Snoop: Ken Rubin shine a light into governments dark corners”, Charles Rusnell, Citizen, Mar.11/90 A1-2
“Spies in sky over East Coast? Government proposes satellites to monitor overfishing”, Julian Beltrame, Citizen, Mar.14/90 p.A4
“Access to information act aids civil rights fighter”, The Spectator, Mar.15/90 p.E7
“Baring Canada’s secrets”, Edmonton Sun, Mar.13/90
“Ottawa considering closer surveillance of fishermen”, Julian Beltrame, The Evening Times, Mar.16/90 p.A7
“Skylink airline complaints” Southam, March 16/90
“Lab fire followed safety upgrade”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Mar.17/90 p.A21
“Les bateaux de peche surveilles grace a un satellite”, L’Acadie Nouvelle, Mars 19/90
“Private watchdog fights for public”, The Province Mar.19/90
“Critics rap use of environment tax for purposes other than recycling”, Tom Spears, Citizen, March 21/90 A4
“Earthquake aid nearly ready”, William Boei, Vancouver Sun Mar.21/90 p.1, 15
“NCC mum on cost of European excursion”, Frank Howard, Citizen Mar.29.90 p.A4
“La loi l’acces a l’information perment de faire la lumiere sur les activites de Revenu Canada”, Gilles des Roberts, Les Affaires Mars 31/90 p.32
“Aviation security to be probed: Closed meeting of experts in Ottawa to review latest trends”, Mark Kennedy, Citizen, Apr.2/90 p.A5
“Breast implant cleared for use despite fears”, Sharon Kirkey, Citizen, Apr.3/90 p.1-2
“Women wants Meme breast implants banned”, Sharon Kirkey, Citizen, Apr.4/90 p.A15
“C F 18 fears: NDP MP calls for public inquiry after 10th hornet crashes”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, Apr.5/90 p.A3
“DND in newspaper business” David Todd, Southam News, April 10/90
“Ecovision: New organization brings array of groups together”, Tom Spears, Citizen, Apr.15/90
“Some free freedom of information laws as too lax”, Oakville Beaver, Apr.18/90 p.14
“Act changes police procedure”, Oakville Beaver, Apr.18/90 p.14
“New laws will help keep some records private others public”, Oakville Beaver, Apr.18/90
“Critics take fizz cut of soft-drink plan”, Nicole Baer, Citizen Apr.19/90 p.B11
“Commissioner sees progress in access law”, Citizen, Apr.24/90 p.A4
“Watchdog says her time is up after criticizing PM’s secret”, David Vienneau, Toronto Star, Apr.25/90 p.A10
“Information official chosen chief judge of Ontario courts”, Sean Upton, Citizen, Apr.26/90 p.A5
“Information access requests to be costly”, Frank Howard, Citizen, Apr.26/90 p.A4
“Computers should make information access easier”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Apr.25/90 p.A13
“Apple spray banned”, Tom Spears, Citizen Apr.27/90 p.A11
“Apple spray withdrawn from market in Canada”, Canadian Press And Globe and Mail, Apr.28/90
“Too tired to fly safely”, Charles Rusnell and Carrie Maloney, Citizen, Apr.28/90 p.B1
“Bradleys pro environmental clout on the wane in cabinet sources say”, David Israelson, Toronto Star, May 6/90 p.A16
“Green glitz cost up to $627,000: Ottawas money better spent on catalytic converters critics say”, Anne McIlroy, Citizen May 12/90 p.A1
“Changes to information access law may involve much higher user fees”, David Vienneau, Toronto Star, May 12/90 p. B6
“Promoting green plan cost $670,000″, Anne Mcllroy, Citizen May 12/90 p.A1
“BC views on native land claims” Southam News, May 19/90
“Union alleges doctor demoted for tv incident”, Anne Marie Waters, Citizen, May 23/90
“Hearing for official resumes in fall”, Citizen /90
“TV report led to demotion board hears”, Citizen Staff,
“Cleanair ad tab hit $670,000″, Calgary Herald, May 13/90 B4
“Cottages threatened by NCC plans”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, May 22/90 p. B6
“Recycling: Ontario’s program creating more waste”, Bill Armstrong, Citizen May 24/90
“Recalling the horror of Tiananmen square”, Christopher Young, Citizen, June 2/90, A1-2
“Damage by military planes cost $145,00 last year”, Janis Hass, Citizen, June 9/90 p.A6
“Not everyone happy with information act”, Carrie Maloney, Citizen June 20/90 D2
“Ottawa gave millions to Magna companies”, Ian Austen, The Sault Star, June 21/90 A6
“Magna auto part firms received $104 million in federal assistance”, Ian Austen, Citizen June 21/90
“Magna operations received $104 million from Ottawa”, Ian Austen, Gazette June 21/90
“Magnas federal aid $104 million files show”, Ian Austen, Toronto Star, June 22/90 p.F3
“Magna operations received $104 million from Ottawa”, Ian Austen, Herald, June 22/90
“Auto parts maker Magna got $104m from fed programs”, Ian Austen, The Sunday Daily News, June 24/90
“GST reaction negative government files show”, Toronto Star, June 29/90 D6
“GST sales pitch wins few converts”, Citizen, June 29/90
“GST deadline might also elude Mulroney”, Don McGillivray, Citizen, June 30/90
“Smell of crash no longer in the air in Ottawa”, Toronto Star, July 5/90 A11
“Up in the smoke: Mishap prompts Bank of Canada to stop incinerating old money”, Ian Austen, Citizen, July 5/90 A4
“Bikinis fine but Santa forbidden in beer ads”, Bill Taylor, Toronto Star, July 6/90 A2
“Aids claims political victims within the federal bureaucracy”, Frank Howard, Citizen, July /90
“Mulroneys next tough battlefield the GST deadline”, Don McGillivray, Telegraph Journal, July 7/90 A10
“ Psychiatric frequent Access Filer”, Betty Powell, Canadian Press, July 19/90
“Cost of developing strategy approaching $7-million”, Globe and Mail, Aug.8/90
“Book Review: K. Rubin’s Using Canadian FOI” Ontario Information Commissioner Newsletter, fall, 1990
“Environment doesn’t sell”, Edmonton Journal, Sept.12/90 p.A15
“The right to know”, Kay Fulton, MacLeans, Sept.17/90 p.74-75
“Koan factory” Ken Mac Queen, Vancouver Sun, 1990
“Doctors try to spare children pain of diphtheria injections”, Jim Poling, Citizen, Oct.2/90 A12
“Wilson chastised for concealing survey result”, Eric Beauchesne, Windsor Star, Oct.4/90
“Wilson rebuked over secrecy”, Eric Beauchesne, Citizen , Oct.4/90 A6
“Finance minister criticized for hiding poll results”, Eric Beauchesne, Whig Standard, Oct.4/90 A4
“Wilson knuckles wrapped for hiding opinion poll results”, Eric Beauchesne, Edmonton Journal, Oct.4/90 p.A11
“Wilson criticized second time or keeping public in dark”, Eric Beauchesne, The Sault Star, Oct.4/90 A12
“Wilson chastised over poll secrets”, Eric Beauchesne, Calgary Herald, Oct.4/90 A12
“Wilson again rapped for hiding information”, Evening Times Globe, Oct.4/90 p.A5
“Wilsons hands slapped or hiding information”, Eric Beauchesne, The North Bay Nugget, Oct.5/90 p.7
“Toxic herbicide traced to 11 B.C New Brunswick wells”, Ken MacQueen, Citizen, Oct.5/90 p.A5
“Ottawa to pay $1 million to promote green plan”, Ross Howard, Globe and Mail, Oct.12/90
“Information request fees increased”, Citizen, Oct.17/90
“A prescription for honest open government”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Oct.17/90 p.A13
“Environmentalists”, Anne McIlroy, Citizen, Oct.18/90 p.A10
“NCC staff may collect ski fees”, Citizen, Oct.25/90
“Pigott willing to keep job”, Anne Tolson, Citizen, Oct.30/90
“Test of nerve gas antidote to go on”, Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, Nov.7/90
“Ministers refuse to cancel test”, Peter Stockland, Ottawa Sun, Nov.7/90 p.4
“Nerve gas tests called unethical”, Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, Nov.8/90
“Testing drug on human”, Sean Durkan, Calgary Sun, Nov.9/90
“Gas additive may be health hazard”, Citizen, Nov./90
“28,451 hot drinks couldn’t save meech accord”, Citizen, Nov.26/90 p.A3
“Pricey gamble:Marathon Meech conference cost $1m”, Stephen Bindman , Citizen, Nov.26/90 p.A3
“First ministers marathon meech meeting cost $1million”, Stephen Bindman, Gazette, Nov.26/90 p.A6
“Unsafe Toy: Let’s get the message out in Canada”, Keri Sweetman, Citizen, Dec.1/90
“Ottawa Confidential” , Charlotte Gray, Saturday Night, Dec 1990, p 11-14
“What’s cooking: Restaurants open kitchen doors”, Ron Eade, Citizen, Dec.8/90 p.B5
“Privacy and the right to know, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Dec.8/90 p.A1
“Public will still have to Fight city hall for more information”, Ron Eade, Citizen, Dec.8/90 B 4,5
“Privacy Legislation”, Citizen, Dec.8/90 p.A1-2
“School test cram for tough tests in January”, Pat Bell, Citizen, Dec.8/90
“OBE concerned about releasing data”, Citizen, Dec.8/90
“Is legislation first step towards a police state”, Mike Blanchfield, Citizen, Dec 8/90
“Wilson keeps scoreboard on GST mood”, Eric Beaucheane, Citizen, Dec.10/90
“Ottawa finally has a few GST clues”, Citizen, Dec 90
“More than just a hole in the ground”, Anne Tolson, Citizen, Dec.11/90 p.C1, 3
“Protecting the Motherlode:Polls” The Lobby Digest, Dec 90
“External takes up furriers cause”, Ian Austen, Citizen, Dec.28/90 F2
“Fur industry pursues a clean green image”, Bertrand Mariotte, Citizen, Dec.28/90 p.F2
“Fur flies over federal plan to help pelt exports”, Ian Austen, Vancouver Sun, Dec.28/90 p.A1-2
“Tax for green area acceptable: NCC poll”, Anne Tolson, Citizen, Dec.28/90
“Ottawa’s account up for bid”, Ian Austen, Calgary Herald, Dec.29/90 p.A3
“Government to look for new travel agent”, Ian Austen, Citizen, Dec.29/90 p.3
“Ontario debt board criticized in audit”, Bernadette Cox, Ontario Farmer, Jan 4/89
Ken Rubin “Freedom of Information law fails 1st year test”, Toronto Star, Feb 14/89
Sidney Linden, Information Commissioner, “Information act will never please all”, Toronto Star, Feb 16/89
Lewis Pyke, “Information law toothless legislation”, Toronto Star, Feb 24/89
Ken Rubin, “Balancing right to know with privacy”, Toronto Star, Feb 24/89
“Overnight stays in emergency on rise in Toronto data shows” Andre Picard, Globe and Mail, Feb 25/89
“Ontario queries drug firm deal” Linda McQuag, Globe and Mail, Mar 2/89
Patricia Spindel. “Information act is really a barrier”, Toronto Star, Mar 6/89
“Govt. Hides part-time appointees’ rates”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, Mar 14/89, A4
“It’s History: Ontario DDT to be Destroyed” Charles Lewis, Citizen, March 26/89
“Minutes reveal double-dealing over NFL seats at Skydome”, Bob Brehl, Toronto Star,
Mar 28/89, A6
“Govt. altered records on possible hazards of implant, paper says”, Nick Regush, Citizen, Mar 29/89
“Food poisoning costs country $1.3 billion a year, study reveals”, Joan Breckenridge, Globe and Mail, Mar 30/89, A3
“Food poisoning affects 2M Canadians each year, government study reports”, Citizen, Mar.31/89
“Information law a success office report”, Andrew MacIntosh, Globe and Mail, Apr.12/89
“You are what you eat”, Joan Breckenridge, Globe and Mail, May 13/89 P.D1
“CFL asked $40 million federal aid brief shows”, Paul Hunter, Toronto Star, May 21/89, G1-6
“Ottawa investigates the possible attack of killer tomatoes”, Tony Hodgkinson, Gazette, May 21/89 A8
“Report questions $1-billion grain subsidy”, Geoffrey York, Globe and Mail, May 22/89 A1
“What’s a billion?”, Globe and Mail, May 23/89
“Farm group scoffs at analyst’s report on $1 billion subsidy”, Graham Fraser, Globe and Mail, May 23/89 A1-2
“Billion wasted on farm grants?”, Citizen, May 25/89
“Report casts doubt on need for $1B subsidy to farmers”, Citizen May 23/89 p.A4
“Why all the secrecy surroundings Skydome?”, Ken Rubin, Toronto Star, May 30/89
“Ottawa puts weight behind Third World asbestos sales”, David Hatter, Financial Post June 5/89 p.3
“MDS repay inflated bills”, Aldo Santin, Winnipeg Free Press, June 18/89 A1,4
“Ottawa used front to research new tax”, Eric Beauchesne, Gazette June 20/89
“Big brother may not see as much sin in future”, Rob McKenzie, London Free Press, June 24/89
“Perrin Beatty nie les allegations”, Le Quotidien, Juin 27/89
“How the government blocks public’ s right to information”, Ken Rubin, Hamilton Spectator, June 30/89 A7
“Govt. Restricting access to information”, Ken Rubin, Citizen June 30/89 P.B7
“Pre-crash audit lists litany of problems”, Ruth Teichrob Winnipeg Free Press, July 8/89 A1,4
“Air Ontario got warnings before fatal Dryden crash”, Citizen July 4/89
“Food inspections worry Canadians poll indicates”, Robin Ludlow, Ottawa Citizen, July 20/89
“Poll offers subsidy”, Regina Leader Post, July 19/89
“Lawyer asks for Dryden probe to dig deeper: Doubts cast on role of Transport Canada”,
Citizen, July 10/89 A4
“Inquiry practise upsets expert”, Barbara Robson, Winnipeg Free Press, July 11/89 P.3
“Proposed gold mine and Winnipeg’s water supply”, Winnipeg Free Press, July 17/89
“Canadians worried about food inspection standards poll says”, The Whig Standard July 20/89 p.16
“Food inspection worry Canadians poll indicates”, Robin Ludlow, Citizen July 20/89 p.3
“Canadians doubt food safety laws”, Windsor Star, July 20/89 p.D8
“Food safety: poll “ Canadian Press, July 20/89
“Food safety doubted, poll says”, Robin Ludlow, Vancouver Province, 7/20/89 P.A11
“Federal inspection standards doubted by many Canadians”, Robin Ludlow, Edmonton Journal, July 20/89 p.A8
“28% Doubt tests poll finds”, Toronto Star, July 20/89
“Canadians don’t trust federal food inspectors”, The Record, July 21/89 p.7
“Food standard worry Canadians”, The Standard, July 21/89 p.18
“La majorite des Canadiens se mefient du systeme d’inspection des aliments”, Le Devoir, 21 Juillet /89 p. 5
“Les aliments inspectes sont sans danger? Pas sur croient les Canadiens”, La Presse 21/Juillet/89
p. 2
“Many doubt food safety”, Toronto Sun, July 21/89
“Canadians leery about food standards”, The Times Transcript, July 22/89
“Worrisome marketing of drugs”, Brent Jang, Southam News, Aug 2/89
“Government to speed AIDS-drug testing: Action crucial to fight disease federal health watchdog says”, Brent Jang, Citizen, Aug. 4/89 A4
“Ontario approves hydro acid rain reduction plan”, Aug. 4/89
“Prominent men join abortion struggle”, Brent Jang, Citizen, Aug. 4/89
“Aids drugs are getting fast-track review”, Evening Times Globe, Aug.4/89 p.B7
“Ottawa moves to vet pleas for information”, David Vienneau Toronto Star, Aug. 21/89
“Opposition MPs criticize plan to charge information system”, Toronto Star, Aug. 22/89 p.A8
“Tobacco firms slip by govt. advertising rules”, Iain Hunter, Citizen Sept.2/89 p.3
“Plan for building code change would boost new housing cost”, Alanna Mitchell, Financial Post, Sept. 5/89 p.3
“Govt. Ignored own advise on base: Defence Department recommended economic strategy for CFB portage”, Citizen, Sept. 6/89
“CAIRE System”, Access Reports, Sept.20/89, p.5-7
“MPP Sterling fears new law could open to abuses”, Kanata Kourier Oct.17/89
“NCC lease cost BNR $9.5m”, Doug Yonson, Citizen Nov.3/89 D1
“NCC slaps user fees on park use: User groups raise questions on lack of public consultation”, Charles Rusnell, Citizen Nov.26/89 p.D3
“Bill may promote secrecy: Concerns raised about local councils”, Chris Hall, Citizen Nov.27/89 p.A5
“Unsafe Toys: Government keeps a lid on consumer complaints”, Malcolm Curtis, Citizen Dec.2/89 A1-2
“Canadian toy testing Council doesn’t test for safety”, Citizen, Dec.2/89 A17
“Starr charity failed to report tax rebate CMHC memo says”, Linda McQuaig, Globe and Mail, Dec.21/89 p.A8
“Rentalshops face crackdown”, Jamie Portman, Calgary Herald, Dec.8/89 D2
“NCC blocks project in park area”, Jim Robb, Citizen, Dec./89 A20
“Corporate tax deferrals $30 billion vanishing act”, Ellen Roseman, Globe and Mail, Jan.6/88
“Search of files fails to turn up books sought in Gravel case”, Richard Cleroux, Globe and Mail
7/1/88 p.A14
“Growth threatens to swamp wetlands”, Citizen Jan.11/88 p.C3
“23 meat plants put on ‘critical list” , Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Jan.27/88
“DDT still in use despite 19 year ban”, Christie McLaren, Globe and Mail Feb.2/88
“DDT still used in Ontario despite 1969 federal ban”, Citizen, Feb.2/88
“Firms inflating govt. Tenders accountants study reveals”, Iain Hunter, Citizen Feb.17/88 A1-2
“Politics heighten Bell CRTC tiff”, David Hatter, Financial Post, Feb.20/88 P.A1-2
“Half of MDS who extra bill are from metro”, Matt Maychuk, Toronto Star Feb.20/88 p.A3
Annemarie Roth letter to the editor, Globe and Mail, “No way to combat problem”, Feb.26/88
“DDT”, Canadian Press, Feb.3/88
“Elaborate dreams of the capital dance in Canadian heads”, Doug Yonson, Citizen staff Mar.2/88 p.C1
“Half govt. contracts untendered” Iain Hunter, Citizen, Mar.4/88, A4
“Hill’s asphalt jungle could go underground”, Doug Yonson, Citizen Mar.4/88 P.B1
“NCC unveils new design for Hill area”, Doug Yonson, Citizen, Mar.4/88
“NCC plans capital changes for Hill”, Doug Yonson, Citizen, Mar.4/88
“No empty for women in RCMP report says”, Stephen Bindman, Citizen Mar.6/88 p.A1-2
“Food irradiation committee wasn’t impartial documents say”, Robin Ludlow, Kitchener Waterloo Record, 26/3/88
“Ontario demands $9, 165 fee for information”, Bert Hill, Citizen Mar.31/88
“Ontario demands cash for information”, Bert Hill, Citizen Mar.3/88 p.A12
“Mounties fight plan to hire females”, Stephen Bindman, Citizen April 7/88., A1-2
“Meat inspection reports withheld by food ministry”, David Guy, Citizen, April 12/88 p.A5
“OHIP reimburses 600 patients for illegal extra-billing by MDS”, Christie Mclaren, Globe and Mail April 12/88
“128 doctors still charge extra fees”, Canadian Press and Kitchener Waterloo Record, April 12/88
“Access to info a joke”, Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun, Apr. 13/88
“Group seeks support for $5m-$7m Chinese garden”, Doug Yonson, Citizen Apr. 15/88 p.C1
“NCC route scheme balloons into $27m wish list”, Doug Yonson, Citizen Apr. 15/88 p.A1-2
“Cabinet overturns CRTC’s bell ruling”, David Hatter, Financial Post Apr. 25/88
“Blitz would sell Canadian image in U.S.”, Peter Calamai, Southam and the Citizen, Apr.27/88 p.A5
“At Revenue confidentiality is very selective”, Arthur Drache, Financial Post, May 3/88
“Top appeal court to decide on access to information case”, Nicole Bear, Citizen May 12/88 p.A5
“Audit says money wasted on 1986 Winterlude due to poor management”, Doug Yonson, Citizen
May 16/88 p.A19
“Decision is reserved in meat report case”, Eugene McCarthy, Kitchener Waterloo Record, May 20/88
“Hospitals reusing disposable medical devices”, Citizen, May 20/88 p.A1
“20 died from reuse of medical items”, Citizen May 20/88
“Practise raises questions of legality ethics”, Robin Ludlow, Southam News and the Citizen, May 20/88 p.A15
“Policy varies at hospitals in this area”, Elizabeth Payne, Citizen Staff May 20/88 P.A5
“Fees seen as limiting access to information”, Christie McLaren, Globe and Mail May 25/88
“Groundswell”, Marion Strebig, Federation of Ontario Naturalists, winter 1988, p 46-47
“Pension Plunder”, CUPE The Facts, May-June, 1987, p 21-23
“DND flight simulator” Iain Hunter, Citizen, June 1/88
“18.6m flight simulator flops as money-saver”, Iain Hunter, Citizen June 1/88 p.A4
“Hydro needn’t release minutes free of charge”, Bert Hill, Citizen June 11/88 p.A17
“Orange juice grades target cheap imports Ottawa memo hints”, Paul Bilodeau, Sunday Star, June 12/88
“Hardship posts: External provides recreational support to help Canadian diplomats cope overseas”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, June 15/88 p.A9
“Government secrecy veil is still spread too far”, Kitchener Waterloo Record”, Jane Wilson, Southam, June 18/88
“Provinces kill study of court system”, Stephen Bindman, Citizen June 29/88. A1-2
“Court orders CMHC to review papers deemed off limits”, Abby Deveney, Citizen July 7/88 p.A5
“Hansen pleased the court ruling”, Canadian Press, July 8/88
“Meatpackers must release reports Federal court rules”, Iain Hunter, Citizen July 9/88
“Information commissioner laud court ruling”, Abby Deveney, Citizen July 8/88
“Decision on access laws limits Ottawa’s power”, Susan Delacourt, Globe and Mail July 8/88
“An open book”, Toronto Sun, July 9/88
“Court ruling facilitates data access”, Winnipeg Free Press, July 8/88
“Meat packers must open files to public”, Times-Herald, July 9/88
Ken Rubin letter to the editor, “Restrictive bill”, July 27/88
“Food aid tax breaks” Southam News, Jeff Adams, “Aug. 5/88
“Govt. Would save on phone cost if workers used special lines”, Jim Robb, Citizen Aug 6/88 p.A4
“Ontario told it needn’t name doctors who break billing law”, Andre Picard, Globe and Mail
Aug. 17/88
“Freedom to hide”, Citizen editorial, Aug.19/88
“Extra billing continues, OHIP files show”, Andre Picard, Globe and Mail, Aug. 25/88
“Extra billing by doctors brings warning from Caplan”, Duncan McMonagle, Globe and Mail
Aug. 25/88
“Planning crackdown on MD extra-billing health Minister says”, Duncan McMonagle, Globe and Mail Aug 31/88
“Gov’t bows to doctors on records”, Michael Bennett, Toronto Sun, Sep. 1/88
“Woods water and wildlife”, North Shore Sentinel, Sep. 6/88
“Govt. ordered to release meat inspection reports”, Melanie Dickstein, Citizen 13/9/88/ p.A5
“Sparse research conducted on Sunday workers”, Mary Gooderham, Globe and Mail, Globe and Mail, Oct 5/88
“Ontario has done little research on Sunday workers papers show”, Mary Gooderham, Globe and Mail Oct 5/88 p.A12
“Charges levied for data”, Catherine Mitchell, Winnipeg Free Press, Oct 11/88 A1,4
“Charges clarified”,Bonnie Mitchelson, Minister of Culture Heritage and Recreation , Winnipeg Free Press, Oct. 21/88
“Ban on use of 2,4-d could cost millions”, Christine McLaren, Globe and Mail, Nov. 3/88
“$67M for residences in NCC 10 year plan”, Doug Yonson, Citizen Nov. 10/88 p.A1-2
“ Danger is growing in overcrowded skies”, Bert Hill, Citizen, Dec. 10/88 A1, B5
“Pilot asleep at controls one of many small-plane horror stories”, Bert Hill, Citizen, Dec.10/88 p.B5
“Near collision latest in growing airport mishaps”, Michael Tenzen, Toronto Star, Dec. 23/88
“Search of files fails to turn up books sought in Gravel case”, Richard Cleroux, Globe and Mail, Jan.7/87 p.A14
“Health officials reluctant to act on radon that’s killing Canadians”, Margaret Munro, Citizen, Jan.7/87 p.1 and 2
“Radioactive gas kills hundreds a year”, Margaret Munro, Vancouver Sun, Jan.9/87
“TD bank took $71M from pension fund”, Bert Hill, Citizen, Jan.10/87 p.A5
“ Native Health Program Costs Millions” , Jonathan Manthorpe, Southam News, Jan 13/87
“No current request to test advanced cruise missile: Beatty”, Bob Bragg, Southam News and the Citizen, 03/02/87 p.A4
“Time to rethink weapons testing”, Toronto Star, Feb.12/87
“Museums may get admission charges”, Jamie Portman, Citizen, 16/02/87/ P.A4
“UFFI may not harm health but mould might: study”, Ken MacQueen, Gazette, Feb 23/87 A1
“Study shows household mould can be health hazard”, Ken MacQueen, Citizen, Feb.23/87, A 1-2
“Test over Arctic won’t use latest cruise”, Andrew MacIntosh and Matthew Fisher, Globe and Mail, Feb.23/87
“Ottawa man files first appeal of Federal Court ruling denying”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, 4/3/87 p.12 13
“Man appeals judgement that allows government to keep records secret”, Iain Hunter, Citizen Mar.1/87
“News from Canada”, Tom Riley, Access Reports, Mar.25/87 p.7
“$15M lost on lease opposition”, Tim Naumetz, Canadian Press, Citizen, April 3/87
“Cost of new lease put at $30 million”, Richard Cleroux, Globe and Mail, April 3/87 A1
“Commons erupts over lease dispute”, Gazette, April 4/87 PA.9
“Govt. Negotiator denies lease on Hull building a boondoggle”, Jane Taber, Citizen, April 4/87
“Canada’s selective judgement on what’s an environmental matter”, Rob Ludlow, Southam News and the Citizen, April 4/87, B 1-2
“Tories considered privatizing Petrocan in 1979’”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, April 8/87/09
“But Ottawa might revive scheme to serve sentences at home”, Ken MacQueen, Southam News and the Gazette, April 27/87
“Ethical debate scuttles use of electronic leashes”, Ken MacQueen, Southam News and the Citizen, April 27/87 p.3
“Ottawa studied under-skin device for some parolees”, Ken MacQueen, Toronto Star, April 27/87
“Banks exempt from reporting cash laundering”, Andrew MacIntosh, Globe and Mail, May 28/87 p.B1-2
“Ottawa under stiff attack for loophole in money-laundering legislation plans”, Andrew MacIntosh, Globe and Mail, May 29/87
“New drug-profit law to exclude reporting by banks”, Canadian Press and the Citizen, May 29/87 p.A4
“Officials back move to ease curbs on arms sales”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, June 23/87 p.A3
“Ottawa must keep arms export curbs defence critics say”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, June 24/87 p.A5
“Researcher criticizes Ontario, Manitoba Bills”, Lawyers Weekly, Jul.24/87
“Label it”, The Recorder and Times, Jul.27/87
“Public Works prefers new building for Hill”, Doug Yonson, Ottawa Citizen July 30/87
“In October issue of Saturday Night”, article on Canada’s Access Act, Summer /87
“Canada traded grain air tickets for West German tanks”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, Sept. 4/87
“Meat packers trying to block release of inspection reports”, Rick Haliechuk, Toronto Star, Sep.4/87
“Meat packers fear loss of business if inspection reports made public”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, 7/87/31
“Meat-Packers”, Canadian Press, Sep.9/87
“Meat packers fear loss of business if inspection reports made public”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail, 9/9/87 p.A1-2
“Packers fight release of inspectors reports”, Citizen 9/9/87 p.A1
“Meat-Packers”, Canadian Press, Sept.10/87
“Ottawa counters warning by meat-packing companies”, Heather Mallick, Globe and Mail 10/9/87 p.A2
“Let the people know”, Gazette, 10/9/87 P.B2
“Meat companies threaten safety by withholding reports, court told”, Heather Mallick, Globe and Mail 11/9/87 p.A9
“Canola for Leopards”, The Whig Standard, Sep.18/87
“Ottawa set to alter emergencies bill defence minister says” David Vienneau, Toronto Star, Oct. 9/87
“NCC won’t release Pigott’s dreams notebook”, Christopher Neal, Citizen Oct.19/87
“Spy agency’s press reps told to divert media questions”, Frank Howard, Citizen 1987
“Leaked report holds little hope for open government, expert says”, Canadian Press and the Citizen, 10/10/87 p.A12
“Access to secret gov’t files won’t improve says lobbyist”, Globe and Mail, Oct./87
“Buy a brick, buy a brick Pigott putting ceremonial route up for sale”, Jim Robb, Canadian Oct.29/87
“King of the hill”, Michael Bociurkiw, Globe and Mail Nov.14/87
“ Why people aren’t using the access to information act”“, CBC THE HOUSE, Nov.14/87
“Penchant for secrecy is gutting Access law”, by Ken Rubin, Ottawa Citizen, Nov.18/87 p.A9
“Official confirms secrecy clauses written into new federal bills”, Citizen staff, 19/11/87 p.A14
“Access legislation”, Canadian Press, 19-11-87
“Cracking down on access”, Glenn Wheeler, Now Magazine, Nov.19/87
“Access to provincial facts not free”, Citizen, 2/12/87 P.A5
“Citizen headed to court to get withheld NCC board minutes”, Citizen staff, 9/12/87 p.A5
“Meat firms lose bid to suppress reports”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, Dec.12/87 A5
“Meat reports are public court rules”, Robert Matas, Globe and Mail 12/12/87 p.A11
“Meat reports”, Canadian Press, Dec.11/87
“Healthy curiosity”, Globe and Mail, Dec.14/87
“Meat -packer case”, Canadian Press, 16-12-87
“Ombudsman joins fight to see meat-packing reports”, Peter Calamai, Gazette, Jan. 6/86 p.A7
“Govt., meat packers keep critical reports secret”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, Jan 6/86 p.1
“What is CDIC trying to hide with deletions?”, Calgary Herald, Jan 17/86
“Govt. Considered $200-M bailout for financial institution: documents”, Les Whittington, Citizen, Jan.16/86 p.A4
“Bank insurer unable to halt financial crisis”, Calgary Herald, Jan.17/86 p.A5
“CDIC set to put $200 million into in 82, records show”, Les Whittington, Gazette, Jan.17/86 p.D1
“Ontario’s open government bill facing first test”, Dense Harrington, Toronto Star, Jan.21/86 p H1
“Keeper of secrets swaps jobs”, Michael Harris, Globe and Mail, 4/3/86 P.A4
“On guard for us”, Globe and Mail, 6/3/86 P.A6
‘Prying information” Canadian Press, June 3/86
“Historic buildings eyed for NCC”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Mar.5/86
“Ruling a blow to information access”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, Mar.5/86
“NCC plan upsets building tenants”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Mar.6/86
“NCC introduces daily user fees in Gatineau”, Kathryn May, Citizen, Mar.7/86 p.B1
“Introduces daily user fees in Gatineau Park”, Citizen, Mar.7/86 A1 and 10
“Critics find flaws in Ontario information bill”, Mark Kennedy, Citizen, Mar.8/86 B4
“Access-to-information law proves tough act to follow”, Globe and Mail, Mar.9/86
“NCC wants Rockcliffe air base for park, roadway”, Kathryn May, Citizen, Mar.10/86 A1 and 12
“Use air base for embassy, NCC urged”, Kathlynn May, Citizen, Mar.11/86 p.C3
“Report wants NCC roles”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Mar.12/86 A 1 and 20
“Haydon lauds Nielsen plan for NCC”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Mar.13/86 p.B3
“Hydro project compensation labelled unfair”, Brain Cole, Winnipeg Free Press, 1/8/31 A1 and 4
“NCC’s vision test”, Citizen, Mar.14/86
“NCC’s Pigott proposes winter park fees, private sponsorship of flower beds, trees”, Robert Sibley, Citizen, March/86
“AECB public hearings should continue, Nielson report says”, The Standard, Mar.19/86 p.17
“Bureaucrats”, Frank Howard, Citizen, Mar.20/86
“Govt. Remains reluctant to release information”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, 22/3/86, p B5
“Information act searchers find frustration the norm”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, Mar.24/86 p.A12
“Information legislation a farce”, Jim McKenzie, Star Phoenix, March 26/86
“Museum beats incinerator, say LeBreton neighbours”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, Mar.29/86
“Public servants and politics: court to decide if they mix”, Bert Hill, Citizen, April 7/86
“Medical privacy”, Citizen, April 5/86 p.B2
“Laws don’t stop prying by computer, says expert”, Citizen, April 8/86 p.A10
“Court decision helps NCC limit access to its information”, Kelly Egan, Citizen, 12/5/86 p.A5
“Computer-linking ability so advanced privacy watchdogs unsure of extent”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, May 12/86
“Rubin Files Lawsuit To Require Canadian Version of Vaughn Index”, Privacy Times, May 15, 1986
“Spirit crushed”, Canadian Press, May 16/86
“Recent rulings clarity information act”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, 20/5/86 p.A11
“Access bill advice secret”, Catherine Mitchell, Winnipeg Free Press, June 1/86 A 1 and 4
“Telecommunications Powers”, Canadian Press, 1986
“Bureaucrats”, Frank Howard, Citizen, 17/6/86 p.A4
“South Africa Sanctions”, Jonathan Manthorpe”, Southam News, July 9,86
“Prisoners hope tests will lead to release”, Patricia Poirer, Globe and Mail, 21/8/86 P.A8
“Study cities drug cases in forces operations”, Patricia Poirier, Globe and Mail, 16/8/86 p.A1-2
“Forces moving cautiously on compulsory urine test for drugs”, Patricia Poirier, Globe and Mail, August 18/86 p.A3
“Bureaucrats”, Frank Howard, Citizen, Oct 6/86
“Red Deer MP denies improper conduct in strike”, Edmonton Journal, Oct.8/86 B6
“Gainers threat to sue gov’t not a factor-inspection head”, Marilyn Moysa, Edmonton Journal, Oct.9/86
“Concealed RCMP documents, govt. admits it broke law”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, Oct.4/86 p.3
“Disputed tactics in the war on drugs”, Malcolm Gray with Ken Rubin, MacLeans, Oct.13/86 p.55
“Open government plays closed game”, Vicki Barnet, Calgary Herald, Oct 19/86
“Budget threatens safety of public works staff: report”, Portia Priegert, Citizen, Nov.27/86 p.A11
“SIN use” Nov/86
“RCMP secret file system in jeopardy, says Chumir”, Joan Bryden, Calgary Herald, Dec.1/86 B2
“Requests for information about PM must be cleared, departments told”, Patricia Poirer, Globe and Mail, Dec.3/86 p.1
“Mulroney’s cake”, Edmonton Journal, Dec.4/86
“Information and the PMO”, Evening Telegram, Dec 4/86
“Taxpayers pick up tab for cabinet’s office shuffle”, Iain Hunter, Citizen, Dec.4/86 p.1
“Damage Control”, Mail Star, Dec 5/86
“Close call for open gov’t”, Claire Hoy, Toronto Sun, Dec 6/86
FOI Cartoon, Vancouver Sun, Dec.5/86
“Act says nothing about filtering dirt”, Times Colonist, Dec.7/86
“Mulroney welcomes flexing of muscles by Troy nobodies”, Globe and Mail, Dec.8/86
“No interference”, Star Phoenix, Dec.9/86
“Not a role for the PM”, Evening Telegram, Dec.9/86
“Mulroney clouds our sunshine law”, Toronto Star, Dec.15/86
“Tory embarrassments”, Evening Telegram, Dec.17/86
“Privacy” entry, Ken Rubin, in the Canadian Encyclopaedia, p. 1487-88, 1985 1st edition; p.1761(1988 2nd edition)
“Archives denies report”, Barbara Yaffe, Globe and Mail, 3/1/85, p.8
“Government’s files difficult to open”, Barbara Yaffe, Globe and Mail, 4/1/85, p.5
“Holding out on Public Archives”, Citizen, 4/1/85, p.A8
“Cabinet document in 1978 accurately predicated uproar over de-indexing pensions”, Bert Hill, Citizen, Jan.25/85
“Federal agencies dragging heels over access law”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, Jan.28/85, p.A3
“Information commissioner takes agencies to court”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, Feb.18/85, p.A4
“Honeymoon is over on secret documents”, Peter Calamai, Gazette, Feb.18/85
“Nuclear watchdog sets precedent by exposing secrets”, Margaret Munro, Citizen, Feb.22/85, p.A3
“Clark’s office too secret report says”, Toronto Star, Feb.27/85, p.A3
“Federal agencies hiding information: report”, Canadian Press and the Citizen, Feb.27/85, p.B3
“Ottawa hiding information: report”, Janet Steffenhagen, Medicine Hat News, Feb.28/85
“An obsession with secrecy”, Yukon News, Feb.27/85
“Still some closed doors”, Sault Daily News, Mar.1/85
“Danger insulation to stay in federal homes”, Rosie DiManno, Toronto Star, Mar.4/85, A1 and 4
“Researcher takes Ottawa to court over information”, Globe and Mail, Mar.12/85, p.2
“Hiding information”, Telegraph Journal, Mar.13/85
“The Right to Know”, Media Magazine, Mar.85, p.11
“Board ignores nuclear reactor safety advice”, Margaret Munro, Citizen, Mar.2/85 A1 and 10
“From crisis to crisis: the secrets of Canada’s nuclear regulators”, Peter Calamai and Margaret
Munro, Citizen, 2/3/85, p.B1+B8
“Watchdogs let nuclear plants run unsafely”, Margaret Munro, Gazette, Mar.2/85, p.1-2
“Members of the nuclear regulatory board”, Citizen, 2/3/85, p.B1+B8
“How Eldorado steamrollered nuclear-control panel”, Margaret Munro, Gazette, Mar.2/85, A2
“Eldorado steamrolled uranium refinery plans over control board’s fears”, Margaret Munro, Citizen, Mar.4/85, A 1 and 10
“Small firms escape eye of atomic watchdog”, Margaret Munro, Gazette, Mar.5/85 p.B1
“Atomic watchdog failed to monitor small-time operator records show”, Margaret Munro,
Citizen, Mar.5/85, p.A4
“ Atomic board minutes to say less in future”, Canadian Press and the Citizen, Mar 5/85
“Atomic board hid safety concerns: records”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, Mar.6/85, A 3
“AECB concerned NRC budget cuts threaten safety”, Thomas Claridge, Globe and Mail, Mar.8/85, p.10
“Nuclear series”, Ronald Dakers, Eldorado Resources Ltd., Letter to the editor, Citizen, Mar.11/85
“New UFFI concerns revealed”, April Lindgren”, Citizen, April 26/85, A1 and 12
“Customs admits mistake in supplying confidential information to newspaper”, Citizen, May 6/85, p.2
“Manitoba declines to reveal advice received on FOI Act”, Canadian Press, June 6/85
“Transfer of CRTC powers assailed”, Canadian Press and the Citizen, June 4/85
“Public servants and policy rules of the game conflict”, Bert Hill, Citizen, June 8/85, B 4
“ Those who run for office must take leave of absence, dismissal only penalty for breaking rules”, Citizen, June 8/85
“Regulatory body shielded nuclear industry, papers show”, Margaret Munro, Gazette, July 6/85
B 1
“Computer Security : hackers pose a real threat to government data banks”, The Weekend Observer, Dan Turner, Citizen, Sat, July 13/85, p.B1-B12
“DND computer security gets top marks” Dan Turner, Citizen, July 15/85
“The Ottawa scene”, Globe and Mail, 31/8/85 p.4
“Concealed RCMP documents, govt. Admits it broke law”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, 4/10/85 P.3
“Cracking the police computer, Federal Tories will allow individuals a judicial peek”,
Alberta Report, 1985
“5$ fee upheld, Canadian Press, Oct.8/85
“$5 pour avoir un document: c’est legal!”, La Presse, 8/10/85
“Government offices can charge $5 fee for data, court rules”, Citizen and Canadian Press, 8/10/85, p 2
“External’s handling of access law under review”, Canadian Press and the Citizen Oct 17/85 p.A14
“Acces ‘a l’information: revision de la loi”, Rolande Gaudet, Nov 11/85
“Meat packers’ legal battle for confidential inspection reports begins in closed courtroom”, Citizen, Dec.16/85 p.A5
“For your information, Judge to rule on bid by meat packers to keep data from record”, Kitchener Waterloo Record, Dec.17/85
“Computers the new dilemma”, and “Everybody’s life leaves trail of paper”, Andy Blicq, Winnipeg Free Press, Jan. 25/84, p. 25
“Access to information drying up”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, Feb 20/84, p.1
“Federal Chest of secrets remains securely locked”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, Feb.20/84, p.1 and 10
“Ottawa to let agents bypass Privacy Act”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Feb.25/84, p A1,2
“Change to Privacy Act ‘dangerous’, MP warns”, Kathleen Keena, Toronto Star, Feb.26/84, p.A10
“Tories used access law to fight Grits”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, Feb 26/84
“Federal agencies hiding information report”, Citizen, Feb 27/84
“Arbitrary censorship undermines access to information”, Citizen, Margaret Munro and Peter Calamai, Feb.28/84 Ottawa , p A 1 and 11
“Access law violated news group charges”, Globe and Mail, Feb.29/84 p.20
“Clause would prevent investigating agencies queries being revealed”, Jim Brown, Citizen, Feb 29/84 p.3
“Information Commissioner takes blame for delays”, Abby Deveney, Citizen, Feb.29/84 p.5
“Security bill will help federal probers: Expert”, Montreal Gazette Feb.29/84 p.A7
“End unfair censorship”, Sunday Herald, March 4/84
“Bureaucrats”, Frank Howard, Citizen Mar.6/84 p.4
“Bussieres cuts Tories off from taxation information”, Iain Hunter, Citizen Mar.14/84
“Nuclear weapons aren’t ‘awesome’ say defence papers”, Gazette, Mar.14/84 p.B 4
“Forces count on reliability tests for nuclear safety”, Peter Calamai, Gazette, Mar.14/84
“Nuclear weapons safety program skirts code”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, Mar.17/84 p.21
“Secrecy push: Six Ontario ministers lobby Ottawa for information gag”, Jim Romahn, Kitchener Waterloo Record, April 19/84
“Privacy legislation’s a balancing act”, Greg Parent, Toronto Sun, May 24/84
“Personal data use should be limited, privacy chief says”, Duncan McMonagle, Globe and Mail May 24/84 p. 15
“Provinces, firms fight access law”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, 6/6/84, p.1
“A code of secrecy”, Citizen, 17/6/84, p.8
“Provinces attacking access”, Peter Calamai, CAJ News, The Eye Opener, 1984, p.33
“Freedom law gagged”, Calgary Herald, Jun. 9/84
“Keeping secrets”, Medicine Hat News, June 12/84
“Gag loopholes limit the effectiveness of federal access to information law”, Kingston Whig Standard, June 19/84
“Reports on handing secrecy actually contain a few gaps”, Peter Calamai, Citizen, July 11/84, p.9
“Bureaucrats”, Frank Howard, Citizen, Oct.1/84
“Move quickly on secrecy, Ottawa advised”, Jeff Sallot, 1984
“Computer sleuthing leads Ottawa to millions in jobless overpayments”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Oct.3/84, p.1 and 4
“Unemployment insurance cheated of $86 million”, April Lindgren, Citizen, Oct.4/84
“Have computers robbed us of our privacy?”, Olivia Ward, Toronto Star, Oct. 21/84, p 1 and 12
“Federal agencies lobby for limits on privacy rights”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Nov.8/84, p.1 and 4
“Review of personal files permitted”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Nov.17/84, p.5
“Secret agency keeps data on individual ‘security risks”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, 21/11/84
“Top-secret agency keep data on security risks”, Citizen, Nov.21/84
“The struggle to lift the veil of secrecy worn by cabinet”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, 13/12/84 p.7
“Judge’s actions today may open secret files on 1.5 million Canadians”, Peter Calamai,
Citizen, Dec 20/84
“Information is Pricey”, Ken Rubin, (for Southam News), Calgary Herald, April 12/83
“Rules will hinder open access to federal records”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, June 22/83, p.9
“Not free for the asking”, Mary Janigan, MacLeans’s Magazine, Sept.26/83, p.14
“Ottawa keeping 272 million files, researcher says”, Vancouver Sun, Dec/1/83, p.A13
“Ottawa has 272 million files on Canadian’s, researcher says”, Toronto Star, Dec.1/83, p.A8
“Personal data in federal files irks researcher”, Winnipeg Free Press, Dec.1/83, p.56
“6 and 5 was designed to please business”, Toronto Star, Dec.6/83, p.A12
“Ottawa’s Got us on file by the Millions”, Evening Times Globe, Dec.14/83, p.25
“Is Ottawa pulling the blinds on what Canadians should see?”, Jeff Sallot, Globe and Mail, Dec.5/83, p.7
MP Svend Robinson speech excerpt in the House of Commons (Access to Information and Privacy Acts passage), Hansard, June 28/82, p.18858
“The big lie about privacy ”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Sept.1/81
“Consumer advocate ken rubin” Citizen, Feb 8/79
“Files who cares”, Canadian Press and Citizen, 79-02-16
“Man wins Bell suit, Didn’t want phone cable”, Citizen, Aug 9/79, p.2
“A view from Mt. Burnett”, The Low Down to Hull and Back News, Aug. 23/79, p.4
“Bell Canada the rating game”, Ken Rockburn, The Sunday Post, Dec.2/79
“Open files can be closed to Canadians”, Canadian Press, Sept.27/78, p.27
“Privacy law test exposes errors in personal files”, Ken Rubin, Montreal Gazette,
“His Government file a mess, man says”, Globe and Mail, Dec.5,1978, p.10
“Gov’t. records on citizens inaccurate”, Canadian Press and Citizen staff, Dec.5.1978, p.3
“Private Files inquiry sought”, Hamilton Spectator, Dec.5/78
“Researcher Finds his own files wrong”, Toronto Star, Dec.5/78, p.A6
“Gov’t records on citizens inaccurate”, Citizen, Dec.5/78, p.3
“Demande d’enquete sur l’acces aux dossiers personnels”, Le Devoir, Dec.5/78, p.2
“Probe into gov’t use of citizens’ files urged”, Jim Robb, Dec. 5/78, p.4
“Researcher’s problem with files prompts call for public inquiry”, Calgary Herald, Dec.5/78, P.A18
“Gov’t records ‘inaccurate,’ rights group calls for inquiry”, Edmonton Journal, Dec.5/78, p. A9.
“Public pays for phones for cabinet ministers”, Jim Robb, Ottawa Journal Dec.2/78, p3
“Privacy is the basic right of all individuals”, Dennis Conley, Citizen, Dec.14/78, p.7
“National heartburn grows over lack of food policy”, Jim Robb, Ottawa Journal, Jan. 5/77
“The Bureaucrats”, Frank Howard and Kitty Mckinsey, Ottawa Citizen, Jan. 8/77, p.2 and Jan. 11/77 p. 2
“Cabinet flunks access test”, Jim Robb, Ottawa Journal, Jan. 8/77, p.5
“Huge volumes of information concealed”, W.A.Wilson, Ministers can rarely explain why, Ottawa Journal, Jan. 14/77
“Prime minister premier minister Trudeau letter to ACCESS, care of President, Mr.Terrence P. Mc Laughlin, Ottawa, Jan. 24/77
“Finding Those Who Know”, Manuel Gordon’s book, Researching Canadian Corporations, Toronto, New Hogtown Press, 1977 p. 65
“Half products tested fail”, Jim Robb, Ottawa Journal, Feb. 12/77
“Why 21,000 free telephones?”, Geoffrey Stevens, Globe and Mail, Mar.18/77
“Researching Canadian Corporations”, Manuel Gordon, New Hogtown Press, listing, p. 25.
“Canada’s Exclusive Information Cartel”, Ken Rubin, Perception Nov/Dec/77 p. 73-74
“Landsdowne faces frustrations”, Ken Rubin, Glebe Report, March 7, 1976
“Guaranteed annual income”, Ken Rubin, NAPO-INFO, June 1975
“Restrain-Bell Plea to Ottawa”, Ottawa Journal, July 9/75
“Bell service cuts close to blackmail”, Chris Cobb, Ottawa Journal, Aug. 22/75, p.1
“Canada needs food policy”, Ken Rubin, Ottawa Journal, Sept 15/75 p. 6
“Plumptre errs”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Sept 16/75
“Eyeglass trade too restricted gov’t charges”, Paula McLaughlin, Ottawa Journal, Nov.1/75
“Gov’t secrets: Plea for review board”, Jim Robb, Ottawa Journal, Tuesday Nov.18/75
“Recreation ‘task force’ sought here”, John Ferguson, Ottawa Journal, March 18/74
“Recreation officials meet with citizens”, Chris Grosskurth, Centretown News, April 7, 1974, p.6
“Bell rapped as law to itself”, Bob Avery, Ottawa Journal, May 28/74
“Downplays traffic”, Ken Rubin, Glebe Report, July 6/74, p.5
“Replaced by concrete in the name of progress”, Ken Rubin, Centre Town News, Sept 24/74 p. 3
“Showdown must come on Lansdowne Park”, Ken Rubin, Glebe Report, Sept.29/74
“Benoit key witness in Lansdowne Park hearing”, Brian Chadderton, Ottawa Journal, Oct.23/74
“First down on Lansdowne”, Sandy Hillmer, Glebe Report, Oct. 27/74 p. 1-3
“City recreation talks planned”, Citizen, 1974
“What Will Bank Street Be Wearing This Year?”, Ken Rubin, Center Town News, 1974
“Bank Street Plan: a mecca for merchants”, Ken Rubin, Center Town News, 1974
“Action group plans to fight Bell rate raise”, Terrence Belford, Globe and Mail, 1974
“Ottawa city planning lacks direction and imagination” Ken Rubin, Centre Town News March 4/73 p. 8
“Public left out”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, July 1973
“La fusion des municipalities exige la participation”, Ken Rubin, Le Droit, August 3/1973, p. 6
“Plans for increased parking raise serious questions”, Ken Rubin, Centre Town News, August
19/73, p. 1 and 6
“Four growth centres more urban sprawl”, Citizen, Sept.6/73, p.14
“Cogent questions on railway relocation”, Ken Rubin , letter to editor, Globe and Mail, Oct 17/73
“Rough time to move apartment owner admits”, Elwin Moore, Citizen, 1972
“Downtown high rise boom ahead”, Elwin Moore, Citizen, 1972
“Ill, poor woman faces eviction”, Paul Workman, Citizen, 1972
“Eviction Grinch lurking darkly on Slater Street”, John Ferguson, Ottawa Journal, 1972.
“Turning point”, Ken Rubin, Ottawa Citizen, 1972
“Rubin blasts mall, OMB”, Steve Forster, Centre Town News, Oct. 22/72, p.2
“Liberal NCC”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov. 1972
“NCC True Colours”, Ken Rubin, Ottawa Journal, Nov.1972
“Food Aid” , Ken Rubin, Citizen, Nov 9. 1972
“Food Aid”, Ken Rubin, Citizen, 1971, p.2
“Canadian Welfare Said Inadequate”, Ottawa Journal, Jan, 1970
“Transient Youth – Which Direction?”, Ken Rubin, Octopus, March 19, 1970 p. 1